WTF white people

WTF white people

thats hot

Why do white people age like milk?




Usually this shit pisses me off but you're right, that dude looks fucking 60.

Hope he gets the chair. There's criminals of every race, but niggers and spics are criminals at much higher rates than whites are

Big if true

Weak men create bad times.

Hell I'm 35 and get carded anywhere the people don't know me. Potatoniggers aren't white..

Yankee pedos...

At least the southern dude didn't kill the donkey... and for all we know, it was the donkeys weed.

>they're only white until we say they aren't

Fucking liberals are all same

Plus we don't know how the donkey felt, maybe the donkey loved his owner and they are still fucking and smoking pot to this very day.

First his wife, now his daughter.

When will Patton Oswalt be stopped?

Black people do it too.

Irish were never white

Actually, potatoniggers have always been considered non whites and trash. The Anglos in early America really did make an effort to protect this nation from them and the Italians.

Plus they brought degenerate Catholicism here and are responsible for the rape of a lot of children. Fuck the potatoniggers, blacks can have them...they have the same I.Q range.

The only acceptable white is American immigrant from Britain or Germany from 1700-1870

Irish apes are responsible for America becoming blacked, JFK the first coloured president started the immigration reform that brought millions of his degenerate Catholic pedophile friends across the border