Is it possible to reverse the effects of estrogen and others chemicals in the food/water we consume?

Is it possible to reverse the effects of estrogen and others chemicals in the food/water we consume?

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Who is this fine gentleman

Depends on the chemical and the intake.


I thot Reviewbro is pretty based actually


I wouldn't know, but would like to know


>British """"""""men"""""""""

>Blaming your effeminate behavior on water

God this board is pathetic. Everyone who is masculine works at it to an extent. Your body adapts to whatever situation you put it in and if you sit on the computer for 12 hours a day and don't even lift anything then you are going to be a disgusting fat blob or twink.

Despite my diet, I think it all dwells down to simulating your brain. Doing something productive or reaching goals makes the brain produce testosterone and dopamine which should curb the chemical intake. If not, try to grow some food yourself or buy it locally, and stay away from soy, or anything that has high amounts of it.



The first step is to wear a suit every day like a real man.

This is a very important post, you fags should be lifting every day

It is possible with drugs like Anastrozol.
But estrogen keeps your vessels safe, after long estrogen-blocking therapy you will die from trombus if not using anticoagulants.

They should filter all the excess estrogen out at water plants.

Actually if you can make an effective, affordable water filter that filters the estrogen out while keeping the water quality intact. You could make a fortune guaranteed.

Friendly reminder, Lewis Voted to Leave the EU

he transitioned for our sins

Be more active maintain lower body fat. Being sedentary literally makes you into a woman.

Oh you just have to buy the InfoWars water degayificator for only $699.99!

avery never relaxes anyway

> (((globalists)))

Get yourself a great water filter and grow/hunt your own food.

Yes and it's fucking easy.
>buy an esteogen blocker, they are allowed pretty much everywhere
>buy vitamin d
>buy organic and avoid anything that stays in plastic for more than a week
>avoid anything with soy
>exercise, cardio and weights
>get more Sun

There. If this doesn't solve anything just go to the nearest gym and ask for test cyp and Cruise for your entire life.

Can someone give me a quick rundown?