Why are there never any columbine conspiracy theories?

>gun control
>music industry trying to bury manson

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There is grist for some good theories. Big thing I want to know is what was on the Basement Tapes that the Sheriff destroyed so they'd never see the light of day?
Must have been pretty amazing.

Now that I think of it, the gun debate didn't become an actual mainstream debate until people started doing mass shootings.....and Columbine was Americas first real mainstream mass shooting. If the Jews wanted to create an anti-gun ripple effect then it would have been to push mass shootings and Columbine pretty much started it off.

I think you're on to something OP.

There are tonnes of conspiracy theories out there on this subject. I was reading some the other day.
You got to remember this happened I 1999 , no one cares anymore

There is one about witnesses seeing more than two shooters

or what about that gook that shot up MIT or something


>columbine was the first mass shooting
Not even fucking close. Jesus Christ.
Are you like 5 years old? Fucking kids
Fucking go back to plebbit.
Fucking summerfags.

That's the one I came across the most, a lot of the other trench coat guys were seen. Also apparently Harris father was some sort of agent and called 911 minutes after the first kid did, but he was at home.

>Columbine was Americas first real mainstream mass shooting

Also not even remotely true.

maybe there was agents with them on the tapes is why they got destroyed

It showes the incompetence of the police force. Them buying everything, how they lied to get it and playes the town. The cops would have looked like SHIT when they came out because it was obvious they were gonna do something amf they never picked up.

>/pol is a board about posting conspiracy theories

ITT Fucking edgy teenagers who think they invented school shootings and the gun control debate.

Columbine was simply the first time that there was a mass shooting and the initial media reaction was to try to find sympathy for the killers.
To this day, people still think it was about bullying, despite overwhelming evidence that neither Klebold or Harris were bullied. It's never been true but it's still affected public policy with all the "anti-bullying" legislation.

Kek would not approve of your online bullying

There. That's a little more accurate. The media attempted to commiserate with them, even though they were little hellspawns with a lengthy police records who were seeing counselors for behavioral issues.

Listen to these if you want Columbine conspiracy

>nobully plz
Tumblr is that way.

i have a question do some of you have a weird feeling in your stomach when you think about columbine.

Crazy thing is that the tapes were sealed by court order for like 20 years. The Sheriff had zero legal authority to destroy them.
SOMETHING devastating was on them.

why would i

I just feel like I need to remind everybody that this board is 18+.

No bully trend started with Columbine. Even though they had tons of friends, the narrative was pushed.

No, I'm a man. Maybe it's your first period?

The real story is very interesting. Listen to the series on The Last Podcast on the Left. I learned that almost everything I knew about that story was bs and rumor/legend. Eric Harris was a total alpha cool kid and he was just a psychopath. The other one was more of a trench coat outcast type.

They were talking about their experiences with child molestation and dropped names. Big movers and shakers in the community.

The narrative was gay. They wore dusters because they needed the extra pocket for all their ammo and pipe bombs. But in the 90s goth kids liked to wear black trench coats/dusters. So everyone thought they were goth kids because they had started wearing the dusters to school leading up to the schooling so that people wouldn't think anything was amiss when they walked up to the school dressed that way. They weren't actually emo goth kids though.

its just some symbiotic understanding.

Truthfully, I think they probably bitched a lot about Jews and blacks. Had they just turned from their ways, they could have lived long enough to know and enjoy Sup Forums.


This. There were tons of Columbine conspiracies. Most of them involved a third (or more) shooters. Youngfags weren't old enough though

Im telling you man. Look up Columbine video archive on youtube, he does really good research. That's the conclusion ive come to at least.

I do, but not a good weird feeling. I get a Dread like feeling that it could've been avoided and so many lives could've been still...like...alive, yknow?

There are Columbine theories, it's just that anything before 9/11 is forgot about.

But read the sheriff's report from Columbine and then look at what the FBI released (((officially))). These were completely different substantially.

I think the first mass school type shooting that really oozed into and altered the zeitgeist was probably Charles Whitman.

I believe the fbi has copies. You dont just toss evidence from such a high profile case

NATO bombed a hospital & elementary school in Serbia the same day. But the west didn't care about hundreds of Serbs dying, they cared about 13 Americans


Admittedly I was in grade school when Columbine happened, but I definitely remember my parents talking about Whitman.

Wasn't there reports of sniper rounds found on the roof or something?

this video helps me understand more.


Yeah, Like I'm only 34, but Whitman was still influencing tv and stuff well into my childhood. Like there was a simpson's episode where Flanders has a nightmare of pulling a Charles Whitman because he goes crazy and sees everybody as Homer.

>sniper rounds
Jesus Christ. Don't make me call in /k/ so they can have at your /noguns/ ass.
Why can't we have a nice columbine thread without teenage edgelords raiding it?

>"I am not aware of any copies that are out there in anyone's hands"

I'm going to bet the jewluminati ordered the basement tapes destroyed because reportedly Eric and Dylan had a thing for Timothy McVeigh. So they probably secretly uncovered the truth about McVeigh being set up as a patsy.

There's plenty. You're just too young to know them

It's the only shooting that actually had footage. I feel it's one of the only non false flag shootings to ever happen.

I remember watching them pull that one kid out threw the window.. cringe

So? Fuck the Serbs.

youre being an edgelord

I really wish columbine never happened. People who had dreams, hopes, parents, just....gone. like that.

It fucks me up man

>pointing out somebodies retarded and technically inaccurate statement that is so retarded they obviously instantly made it up on the spot in order to interject themselves into a thread is being edgy
Sup Forums is dead folks

*tips bullet-riddled fedora*

youre actually the edgiest person in this thread

it was jags guy
Eric and Dylan did nothing wrong

And how am I being edgy? By calling out under-age posters who strayed in here off of tumblr to post their feefees?

but that is apart of nature one animal will eat another animal.


F*ck off. I bet I've been on this board longer than you.

I bet you don't even praise kek.

Columbine Threads are the fucking best!

We should have them more often.


> m.youtube.com/watch?v=TyH65hS71uM

There were tons of conspiracies ranging from tie-ins to the federal government and it's role in the massacre (Waco was still fresh in everyone's mind at the time) to globalists using it as a false-flag to distract away from the anarchists gaining steam in Seattle at the time (1999 anti-globalization riots). The columbine story flooded every major outlet and pushed the protests to the background like a slide thread on TV.

Fuck you . I know more based black guys than you do. I bet you don't even watch Sargon.

oops forgot to quote

spoiler alert: people of all ages die all the time. It's a fallacy to ascribe one death as somehow "more tragic" than another.

If only I could post the edgehog meme more than once.

what so edgy about the basic facts of life?

Thats the spirit, me likey

I'm normally game for conspiracy theories, particularly involving Sandy Hook/Pulse/Oregon, I don't think Columbine was faked. My older cousin was there when it happened (survived), and I doubt he'd have any reason to lie/be a crisis actor. In fact, he's the one who got me to start seeing hoaxes like sandy hook, talking about how when columbine happened the police did extremely extensive searching/investigating in the aftermath, whereas they never seemed to at sandy hook.

>y-you're a shill

Unfortunately I have no way to prove otherwise, but my cousin and I are no Shabbos goyim, unlike 90% of our family.

Circumstances of death matter. Some 90 year old having a heart attack isn't as tragic as a 17 year old being shot in the face by some teenage edgelord.

that's just societal programming. In Charles Dicken's time, children died as chimney sweepers on a regular basis and it was not considered a tragedy. Were they all edgelords in the Victorian Age?

That's why Charles Dickens wrote about it you dumb shit. He was the first author (reading being the primary form of entertainment at the time) to try and capture the plight of the poor in novel form so that people would be aware of the tragedy that was the life of the poor. His writings were a major catalyst for social change.

Because it was the first of its kind and before Jews realised situations like this could be used for their own political machinations.

There's a pretty long time between his books and child labor laws. correlation is not causation.
Dickens pushed sentimentality, ie the death of little nell. the meme took off because nothing is "more tragic" than the death of a little girl.

check out a doc called the "columbine cause". pretty interesting. def some shady shit going on.

There's plenty of footage of Whitman. A lot was broadcast live on local channels.

Why are there never any Elliot Rodger conspiracy theories?

The labour movement as a whole in the UK started around the time of Dicken's death. The movement just sped up notably after World War 1 because anybody and his dog could go get a surplus rifle from the local store for a handful of loose change. The roots of the movement go back to the 19th century. The 20th century just provided a unique opportunity... it became affordable for any man to arm himself.

>want to look up videos on yotuube but worried that google botnet will mark me as dangerous cis white male and post a van outside my house

I have a van for 16 years now hope those guyz get paid well cause the robots will soon replace them on their marital bed rising their future Twinks... I give my life any time to save a child from abuse

There was a third (who was always holding the camera?), But his dad was a big shot with boeing on a government contract so it all went away


cannot be sure columbine was fake.

Sandy Hoax, Pulse nightclub, Batmanclan concert. London bridge, etc etc all proven fake 100%

Because he did nothing significant except give the beta males a hero to look up too. He barely scratches the surface of the high score board.

Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=9qKCDJAFkWo

They were gay and fucked before they killed. Ever seen Elephant?

The real question is why were there no school shootings before columbine 99'

Why was there no terrorism 2001

And why have things changed so radically?

Are you shitting us? How old are you?

First of MANY HOAXES. youtube.com/watch?v=pOvgE8mnF78

9/11 was a hoax. boston was a hoax. sandy hoax. They are all manufactured crap to control your mind.

Not a lot to this one.

Eric was an extremely fucked up edgelord.

Dylan was extremely depressed and fed into Eric. Eric possibly manipulated him, but he still cared about him.

Sound like a myth to me faggot

people like you are why our movement is failing and why america is getting cucked gun laws

They were G A Y for each other. Dylan was a qt bottom tho.

Because all of the info is out there and it turns out they were just two weirdos with girl problems.


Wtf are you talking about?

Yeah but that's because I always think of Columbine after I eat 3 bean burritos with hot sauce.

After a good shit I feel better. That's my advice.

I remember hearing an interesting theory about how the cops might have accidentally actually shot some of the students hiding in the library.

Dylan was a jew and Eric was an actual retard, quote from Eric:
>"I fucking hate niggers and spics!"
>"However racists should marry someone outside their race and be forced to raise the child"