White Genocide

What´s the most compelling evidence for the "white genocide" conspiracy theory?
Everyone references the Kalergi Plan, but it´s really not enough. The guy says that Europe will turn into a negroid/mixed race AS A RESULT of the creation of the pan-european society. He cites it as a by-product of his goals, not as his intent.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evicende. It´s much more sensible to explain the reduction in white birthrates as a change in demographics.
So please dump your most compelling evidence below.

Other urls found in this thread:

politicallyincorrectbase.com/results.php?tag_name=jewish role in multiculturalism

jews pushing immigration and diversity
from there jews push racemixing
racemixing kills the whites
Look up all the people promoting race mxiing, immigration and diversity, for they are Jews.

Look up the huge role Jewish and Israeli NGOs are funneling people thru yet staunchly refusing to take in any themselves. Then just look at your average msm (((jewish ran))) narrative and see their open disdain for white people.

The eternal hapa strikes again

>the most compelling evidence for the "white genocide" conspiracy theory?
Jews are still on the planet

>government pushes gays, trans, nu-male, feminist stuff that is obviously destructive to society and its ability to sustain and reproduce itself
>at the same tame invites 3rd world immigrants by millions
>at the same time redistributes wealth of natives to immigrants trough taxation and affirmative action-esque shit
>at the same time tries to hide everything related collapse of social order due to this policy
>at the same time pushes tolerance and race-mixing propaganda

You dont need to know anything about sneaky jew conspiracies, whether they genuine or not, this can not be called anything other than genocide

>government pushes gays, trans, nu-male, feminist stuff that is obviously destructive to society and its ability to sustain and reproduce itself.
Couldn´t these things be rather explained by society simply growing more tolerant and less prejudiced on itself? And in any case government taking advantage of that by paying lip service?
>at the same tame invites 3rd world immigrants by millions
>at the same time redistributes wealth of natives to immigrants trough taxation and affirmative action-esque shit
Couldn´t these be explained by economic interest of both government and lobbying corporations, rather than an intricate agenda for race mixing?
>at the same time tries to hide everything related collapse of social order due to this policy
Well of course, what do you expect government to do?
>at the same time pushes tolerance and race-mixing propaganda
The tolerance and race mixing propaganda is being pushed by the media and its only in response to a demand of minority groups that feel (regardless of them being or not) underrepresented.

Speculate on as many motives as you want but the end result is still genocide.

Yes the end result is white population declining. But there is a HUGE difference between a natural change in demographics and a huge international conspiracy.

>Couldn´t these be explained by economic interest of both government and lobbying corporations
No, the western world runs on (for the most part) skilled workers, or are we to believe all the somalians are engineers and doctors. We already have enough people to pick grapes and fill pot-holes

Whether it's sneaky Jews or not, it's still genocide and a problem that needs to be addressed.

For starters its illegal / career suicide to speak out agianst it.

>He cites it as a by-product of his goals, not as his intent.
Under international law, genocide requires intent and some kind of force. So you're probably correct, there is no large, well-organized conspiracy to genocide the white race. There are probably large, well-organized conspiracies that know they are diminishing and ultimately destroying the white race, but that doesn't rise to the standard of intent.

So genocide is out, we should use a different word to describe what we see happening around us. "Change in demographics" is insufficient. It's too broad, it's like saying stabbing someone is a change in epidermis. Maybe ethnic replacement, or economic replacement.

No, we have to use genocide. It's a term that sticks. Didn't the left teach you labels are liquid?

Hurr durr it's systematic but it's not deliberate, goyim.

What part of this change is natural and not completely forced?

There's some good info here:

politicallyincorrectbase.com/results.php?tag_name=jewish role in multiculturalism

politicallyincorrectbase.com/results.php?tag_name=jewish role in multiculturalism


>requires intent and some kind of force
How is government policy not 'force'?

1. Mandatory immigration imposed on white nations to accept non whites
2. Mandatory integration of these peoples into the white community/indigenous countries
3. Governments like Germany that will arrest you on the spot if you voice any dissenting opinion about it whatsoever
4. Constant lambasting of "race mixing is good" on all forms of entertainment media.
5. The fact they're trying to punish Poland, the whitest country in the world right now funny enough, for not absorbing a million middle eastern "immigrants"

Just to name a few examples.

Well it depends on how you define "natural".
I would define as natural as "what would happen if there were no jewish conspiracy".
The wars in the middle east have caused the refugee crisis. But their motivations were more likely not part of a jewish conspiracy rather than a mixture of economic and political interests (Wich include Israel´s). Wich in the end are what have always created every war.
The tolerance and race mixing propaganda in the media is probably a response to market demand of minority groups that feel (regardless of them being or not) underrepresented. And not part of a global jewish conspiracy.
The state funded push for multicutiralism is more likely a (failed) attempt from the governments of appeasing the foreseen cultural clashes that will occur in response to a more globalized world. And not an international jewish conspiracy.
So even if all these things have an end result of declining white birth rates they are a result of a combination of multiple factors rather than one huge conspiracy.

Degeneracy of language is still degeneracy, even if it produces labels that stick.

It's not degeneracy. It's a tactic that's been used since the dawn of language. If only the right would realize this and escape their own Jew brainwashing (((every word has only one definition))) which is absolutely absurd because math and programming simply isn't possible without dynamic labels. If the fundamentals of logic dictate that's how things work then doing anything else but using labels like liquid is degeneracy.

Looks like genocide, smells like genocide, tastes like genocide. Wow! I can't believe it's not genocide!

Sure it's systematic but it's not intentional :^)

How about saying we need to lower birth rates for global warming, and in the same breath saying we need to import 3rd world refugees because our birth rates are declining? Birth rates they encouraged to decline through propaganda?

You're willfully ignorant of what's going on. If intent is all that matters then it won't matter when we strike back it's only in our best interest not because its in your worst interest. I'll merely claim we're removing jews and minorities because it suits our economic and political interests and actually has nothing to do with direct genocide or hatred.

You're basically shifting it from a jewish conspiracy to a capitalist one. In the natural world I and many others would not want mass immigration, just like every other civilization on the planet.

Specifically, one or more of the following:

>Killing members of the group
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

You have to prove both parts. Intent to destroy a group, and one of the acts above. The Green Card lottery, chain immigration, mass refugees and economic migrants, H-1Bs, lax immigration enforcement, TV commercials showing interracial couples ... none of this is genocide.

Your example from the CBC harms otherwise qualified white applicants, but it doesn't appear to have been done with the intent of destroying the white race, nor does it physically affect the white race's ability to survive and reproduce in any significant way.

>>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

>Your example from the CBC harms otherwise qualified white applicants
Which denies them an income to support their family, I'd call that 'intent to destroy'. Also liberals and the SJW lot seem to have a fairly loose definition of any english word these days

Read Culture of Critique chapter 7


>What´s the most compelling evidence for the "white genocide" conspiracy theory?
Are you dumb?

We have below replacement levels of children.

Masses of immigrants keep pouring in from countries that isn't even especially unsafe to live in.

There is an organized network bringing them to Europe, even if purely for money, somebody is allowing the traffickers to continue.

Surely, steadily, we will be replaced in our homelands. Everybody that know that 2+2 = 4 knows that. Including the politicians/elites that rule us. They let it happen. They have the power to stop it, but they don't.

Instead "they" suppress opposition to our genocide. They promote more immigration. Some even SHAME Europeans for having children in this "over populated world".

What more do you need? If things carry on, we are going to be replaced. We know it, they know it. They let it happen, they want it.


Even in the mainstream narrative of the holocaust there is debate over wether the holocaust was intentional or functional (meaning it just sort of happened without anyone ordering it)

The functionalists argue that the extreme anti-semitism the nazis used in their propaganda led to the conditions by which the people decided to start killing them without having the intention of killing jews from the start.

In the functionalist view of the holocaust things only started with trying to get jews to move away and by taking their things and giving it to germans etc but the anti-jew rehetoric forced many to seek even more extreme measures.

The functionalist view of the holocaust essentially shifts the direct blame from the nazi leaders to the concentration camp officers, but the nazi leaders are still blamed for creating the conditions which facilitated it.
You can draw parralels the anti-white attitude that is pushed by certain groups is creating the conditions which makes people want hurt white people and pass laws like affirmative action against them.

>You colonized us and stole our minerals so we must come to your countries en mass, and if you stop us its because you are racist

>There are too many white men in positions of power, give us jobs because your ancestors enslaved our ancestors

With the functionalist view of the holocaust we are in the initial stages where no organized killings were taking place, but if the anti-white attitudes continue then organized genocide might become a reality.

I will remind you again that among the mainstream researchers of the holocaust they still can't decide if the holocaust was intentional or functional.

"The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group" - Wiki

It's intentional. If your child is dying and you don't take it to the hospital, where it would be saved (and you know that), you intentionally let the child die.


"We need help these millions of refugees from this war torn, Russian occupied country. "

"Yes, Ukraine is in an unfortunate situation, they have a rich culture and a strong white people, we should help them."

"Oh no I meant the religious extremists who want to legalize human rights violations and live off welfare."

>global jewish conspiracy

Its not like all jews know what is going on, but rather there are some very rich jews who use the poor jews to do their bidding by making them afraid of stuff and screaming anti-semitism and appealing to the holocaust like "because holocaust jews need to be welcoming of refugees so david sheckleberg make sure you hold up that refugees welcome sign!"

>"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

In much the same way they use other causes to advance the jewish interest such as with the anti-defamation league which supports blacks but also jews. They enlist the help of others through these methods.

The problem you have is you seem to think this stuff needs to be coordinated, but it doesn't, you just need to have a bunch of jews all over the place who are primarily loyal to other jews and then gently nudging things in your direction is easy

>Just like in Judo they teach you use the enemies power against them, you simply need to guide the enemies own philosophies in your direction. The idea of equality in america can be used to guide it to communism since communism is about absolute equality


the relevant part that is quoted is at 11:43