Jews seem alright to me?

I must be blue-pilled as fuck when it comes to the Jewish shit. I get that it's a pretty tight knit community, there's a lot of focused wealth and cooperation to push their agenda... But your hatred for them still feels forced and irrational to me.

Maybe I need more red pills on this? Why should I dislike jews? They seem pretty alright.

SJWisms would exist without jewish fuckery.

Other urls found in this thread:



thats a big cabbage. also, the dnc killed seth rich



Annihilation of Arabs sounds pretty good


Theres a good chance op is just some kike larping... remember this is how far their trickery and deception really goes.







there are different kinds of jews, i hope this helps.





individual Jews can be okay.
The problem decent people have with jews is their pernicious effect upon culture at large.
We used to live in a Christian culture. People had normal lives.
We now live in a jewish culture and it's pretty clear people are falling apart.

now you know


>nuh-uh we're not evil, it's actually all your fault we lie and deceive as often as we breathe

Just accept it, you are inherently bad people and you take after your great-great-great-ect.grand daddy, the old testament god.... also known as satan.

If you know jews IRL you quickly figure out that they're just people. They have high standard of education which puts them at greater likelihood to be in a position of power, and power corrupts, so they're much more likely to use power abusively but it's less about being evil than it is about being much more likely to be in a position of power.
ffs don't ask Sup Forums for a viewpoint, considering it's one person there's an awful lot of stupid at once

You are just retarded.

>still feels forced
That doesn't make a lick of sense. Forced by who? Us? Why? Why would we force ourselves to hate a group of people unless there were legitimate reasons?
Not to mention the ostracization involved with holding an opinion like that.
This isn't fun, this isn't helping us cope with anything. We have a respect for truth and maybe even justice.
The whole thing is we're not allowed to criticize them without potentially facing legal charges or financial ruin. That's interesting to a lot of people.

No, it's not forced. I didn't force myself to dislike pedophiles. I didn't force myself to dislike frauds and thieves. I didn't force myself to dislike predators that prey on the weak. That all comes naturally.

Explain Hollywood. Please. I like the way you seem to think they are somehow more qualified to hold higher positions of power than anyone else simply because they have a high "Standard for education".
You do realize they make up about 5% of the population? Even if every single one of them were a 145 IQ verified genius and had eight arms it wouldn't make sense for them to be so over-represented in those positions of power, wealth, and influence.



That's kind of what I'm thinking. It's a self-sustaining community that has figured out a way to propel its members into positions of power and is able to hold onto positions of power.

They control everything because capitalism enables the fittest and most capable systems to dominate.

Jews might be evil, but surely, given their dominance of western civilization, they're the most capable. The capable should rule.



i pretty much like everyone until politics happens.

That's rational.

Dropping my /subversion/ folder from a great thread a few days ago

Jews greatest ability is being able to blend as 'white people'

Sage all spam.

It's definitely a pattern of behavior
Notice how all of them start with
>fellow white people


>The most capable should rule
Then why are you kikes trying to put niggers in charge of white folks?

Another example of jewish subversion


I would expect that would be to maintain control of something. Things don't happen at the top without a reason.



>don't understand why WE whites are afraid to become minority
>am actually jewish

godfuckingdamnit I may become a rabbid anti-semite

>guys as a white guy race doesn't matter
>but as a jew I'm very proud of my heritage

Who are you and how come you share many of the beliefs I have?

They use the symbol of Satan, the Star of Remphan or Moloch.

They practice ritual blood-sacrifice.

They know no morality...The Talmud Jew anyway?


I grew up in a very Jewish area and noticed a familiar pattern. They usually liked to party and were promiscuous and rejected zionism to some degree, or at least didn't care much about it. But they inevitably married fellow Jews in their late-20s. Around 30 they start to become conservative and zionists, and being Jewish is more about identity and preserving their line/history than a religion.

My buddy slammed lots of girls in high school and college, goy and Jew alike, but he always maintained he would only marry a Jew. It was just a core belief, similar to people wanting to marry within their race.

Interestingly, most of them I know are in their early 30s and do not have children yet, or at most have one. It's easy to say white people aren't having kids because of Jewish conspiracies etc., but the fact is non-Orthodox western Jews are falling into the similar demography we are: marrying late, having fewer kids, living more for leisure and materialism, etc.

But never underestimate that they've been raised to put themselves first. Even if they aren't religious and don't think much about zionism, they are still Jewish first. Too bad white people didn't have this subconscious drive, instead we just complain about what they are doing right.

I'm pretty sure it's only half the jews doing all the evil jewish shit, I know quite a few jewish people and the only ones I think would be capable of wanting to take over the world/ end the white race would be the really fucking rich ones, and the devoted religious ones. So will you may find 12/16 jews may not be aware of their NWO, 4/16 may be participating in World Domination, beware of the orthodox jew, and the ultra-kikes.


I suspect a few guys from university browse Sup Forums


>But never underestimate that they've been raised to put themselves first. Even if they aren't religious and don't think much about zionism, they are still Jewish first.

what group DOESNT do that?
Here's the whole album
With more gems such as Jews admitting that they in fact are not white and use this shapeshifting ability

Problem is jews shapeshift into white people to talk trash about white people
>Fellow white people
>As a white man
just check pic related

ADL, SPLC, CNN. all the actors that ar epushing the far left, globalist, SJW, open borders, anti-white men agenda are jews and jew organizations. jew organizations are the ones that will bring down this site eventually, and the ones that are censoring conservative videos on youtube and shutting down free speech everywhere and promoting the Great Replacement of white populations everywhere in the world.

Many. Blacks shoot themselves, Natives bring each other down and harm one another, white people do not band together, Asian people step over one another for money/prestige, etc.

It's not a complex conspiracy when it comes to Jewish people, it's more of an unspoken favoritism. They hire one another and help each other out because they were raised with a persecution complex and strong sense of group identity. It's actually a very positive thing in many ways, at least from their perspective.

They do it in a more subtle, sober way. When white people try to promote white cooperation they inevitably do it in the loudest, most ignorant, and offensive way as possible. And it's usually the dregs of the race that do this, not the intelligent elites.

If you want to help the white race, simply improve your own life and help fellow white people. Don't make a big stink about it and rant online about it, just work yourself up to a position of influence and help others. It can be as simple as being a manager or owner of a small business or whatever.

Instead, Sup Forums thinks being childless manchildren who obsess and rant about conspiracies and the world being against them is being "red-pilled". It's just being a kid and you aren't progressing the white race let alone yourself.

If their is an anti-white (((conspiracy))), convincing young white men to become prematurely bitter, reject women, eschew socialization, lack ambition, and ultimately pursue a childless hollow life while convincing themselves they are "red-pilled" and superior to "normies" must be the ultimate way to limit the white race.

The fact that so many people marginalize normal people ("normies") here is very telling. You guys aren't a symptom of our failing decadent society, you are a main cause. You are simply millennials in denial.

The zionist are the problem, and they call themselves jews.

They rule the world since ancient times.

Nothing wrong with the little everyday jew.

the only reason people hate jews is because of jealousy.

jews don't want to exterminate whites, they want to exterminate arabs, who threaten the existence of Israel

>Nothing wrong with the little everyday jew.

The Other Side of Deception strongly disagrees with you. Having lived around them my entire life I strongly disagree with you. Anyone with any knowledge of history from, I don't know, the last 2000 years should disagree with you. Basically you're wrong.

It doesn't matter how much times the kike has been proven wrong. They come back spouting the same lie as if nothing happened.

Why do you post if you don´t know shit?

Also, Hollywood is full Trannys

The Jews are actually the good guys now.
Think about it, the UN, SJWS, the migrants...they all hate jews.
Donald Trump...super jewish.
You do the math.

Maybe. I don´t like their creepy baby dick blood sucking rituals.
But it is so OP understands, the reason why we are against the jews is NWO and Sodoma y Gomorra 2.0

nobody would give a shit about their success if they didn't push their left wing, commie, open borders, tranny bullshit 24/7. the jews are the ultimate killjoys

need source on that image, reading that made my blood boil


That's the thing though, they aren't capable, which is why western civilization is on the decline. They love central banks and fiat currency which ruin innovation and progress.

The red pill is that blaming the Jews for everything is just conformity in the alt-right/Nazi communities but isn't based on truth. Whites don't realize they themselves are responsible for shit like multiculturalism with their cancerous altruism.

I know it's not a popular opinions, Jerries, but if you ask me Jews are just as shitty as everyone else.

Jews as a whole are fine.

It is the Jewish global elite that are the problem.

They are using their own people just like they use everyone else. Many Jews, like many Christians and athiests, have fallen for their con game.

Even in Israel the elite are using poorer Jeas as cannon fodder and martyrs to take more and more Palestinean land.

yeah. African Jews are treated almost as bad as Palestineans in Israel.

that folded star of david into a cube into a cross is pretty fucking neat.

if I ever teach church school again, I would use it.

>it's only one shower, you coward

>Even in Israel the elite are using poorer Jeas as cannon fodder and martyrs to take more and more Palestinean land.
Maybe the Sephardi Jews, but the Ashkenazim don't see them as equals anyways. And Ashkenazi Mossad agents regardless of elite status are more than willing to go to extremes to compromise the United States secrets. Lets not forget that Trotsky before leading the Bolshevik Revolution was just a tailor in Poland, these people are destructive, powerful, and skilled at what they do, elite or not. A lower class jew might not show up on our radar, but that's often because he doesn't have the means to be a threat. Jews as a whole are in fact, NOT FINE.

enough said