What the fuck is wrong with white people?

What the fuck is wrong with white people?

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the dudes ex-army, y is this surprising


What is right with white people?

Hydrate or die.


>not drinking from the jug with crazy straw glasses

Why is drinking water a problem? How fucking retarded are you Abdul.

>fucking whites staying hydrated

warm/flat water eww
why no camelbak if he's ex-army?

The current state of North Mexico

>never shut up about how much you hate white people

Okay we get it, you hate yourself. And?

What's so bad about......drinking water, anyhow? Just so bizarre desu.

the jug of water is a weird thing to get triggered by

I think that it probably had more to do with his jacket and backpack than the jug of water.

op is retarded like me

I see athletes do this sometimes.

niggers triggers by a substance that rains from the sky and covers 3/4 the entire planet.

Gotta stay hydrated


This is all Grumpfhf's fault


You know, refillable water bottles exist.

I know people that do this. Many of them play sports and use the jug to keep tabs on how much water they're drinking. They're supposed to get through it all in the day. It's not a big deal.


Water is Racist

So do refillable 4 litre jugs. Saves travel time to have a larger amount of water on you.


Related screencap.

Banned due to looking like a concealed weapon.
Also, because it would have an American flag on it, and we couldn't fucking have that, could we.

How can he drink water? How is this allowed? HOW CAN HE DRINK WATER?

Yeah, fuck water... That's why I drink delicious Bang's root beer

They're doing sports and they only drink one jug of water a day? I mean it's not like a crazy amount but i usually drink more than that

That's murica, their tap water is toxic.

Fuck off, shill. Why has Bang's and A@W been shilling this hard lately?

Know what I hate? millennials over using the word literally like fucking douchebags

>flat water
what the fuck is your problem?

Fucking THIS. When did the word "literally" become a phrase for emphasis?

What if it was good old white lightning, that old alcohol that burns lefties from the inside out.

>What the fuck is wrong with white people?
Upset that it isn't "grape drank"?


If I was a stripper I would want my stripper name to be white lightning.

There's tons of autists who guy to military surplus stores and LARP as soldiers.

Why won't he notice me?
Yup the squeal of the frustrated latina whale are haunting.


Unsure if dumb or meme

Well, she is not wrong. He did literally bring a jug of water.

>he said as he guzzled pure estrogen and niggercum

whenever i hear a millenial on their cell phone in public "literally" and "like" is all i fucking here

"like literally he said literally she like was literally like she like literally like" ....i want to fucking strangle them to death

I literally hate people who bitch about millennials.
They totally piss me off.
They're legit pieces of shit.

Ikr? I always throw out mine after I finish it. I mean I can always buy another

Water is racist


>What the fuck is wrong with white people?
Give the guy a break. He's dehydrated from pumping all that cum into your mom, your sisters, and your girl friend last night.


>not using an inulated hydration pack

Literally 4 years ago.

Is that a screencap for ants?

She looks so happy and fullfilled. Oh, wait, she got triggered and rushed to her circlejerk for feedback.

Depression incoming.

I only drink distilled water

>Tasting rubber
Never again. 2 deployments is enough.

I want to have sex with her.
Who is she?


sounds like something a fuckin millenial would say
go dab somewhere else with your fidget spinner



Kek. This timeline.

You have a better workout after school or work if you stay hydrated throughout the day. If your piss is yellow, you're wrong.

Nice post Stingray, but I don't think she was really happy or fulfilled

Sarah Palin

fuck that guy for stealing fishes' homes

Ants suck dick. Fuck ants.

Bargs sucks

Great. Now everyone knows you're retarded.

Drink more water and read a book nigger.

Also brush your fucking teeth and shower dammit

Nobodies falling for your shit you 8 legged freak

Only privates and people with shitty leadership are forced to wear these fucking things.

Fucking dumb cunt. When I played football I did this. 2017 people just getting worse.

You're so ashy because you don't hydrate, niqqa.

Fuck water jugs and fuck white people.

Wtf I hate water now

nothing is wrong with "white people"

humans ...of any race(Caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid..there are ONLY 3 races) are generally pathetic in the intentions they have(deceit,lies,pathetic shit)

did your mommy and your teachers teach you otherwise?

why do those desks have wheels?


why would you enroll in undergraduate at this point in time? its been proven to be a waste of time by the last 10-12 preceding years of students matriculating through? each year they just keep raising tuition, its not even fucking worth it anymore.

hello i am american girl and i talk like this in one big sentence for comedic effect like oh my god literally k thx bye

Hydration is an important aspect of study that is often overlooked. Studying while dehydrated can lead to headaches and loss of focus.


Fucking white males, their extremely well rounded traits make me SO ANGRY FUCK

dead water you get nothing, sir or madam.

Well, how do you figuratively bring a jug of water?

I guess that's why schools in America ban drinks and food from classrooms and you can get suspended for having a bottle of water.

I drink more too but it's an easy way to make sure they get at least that amount in a day without having to keep tabs on how many times you filled up a water bottle.

shiet, I do this. Why are people so mean?

Repost and fake pasta

i'ts basically a form of self preservation at this stage. the left and particularly the young have a tendency to eviscerate any white who isn't self flagellating, so as a pre-emptive defence many young whites whill act as though they hate their own race in order to prevent a public backlash

Nah nevermind. Im okay with this meme

I used to do this to save money because I was homeless. A gallon jug of water is $1 or less.

The only other people I've seen do this are hispanics at a community college.

I wonder who could be this cosmopolitan, disconnected and judgmental

Looks like he's in ROTC.

That was your cue /fit/

Spoiled gringo.

op is faget

I bet you mopped floors.

>bringing your camelback to class outside the army

i do that.

I can spend 89 cents on a gallong of water or $1.50 for half a liter of water

this shit is fucking old..