Would you race-mix? Why or why not


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No, but I fully intend my wife to.

this. real men understand that breeding your wife out to black men is part of the natural order



Culture is oppressive and marginalizing. You need to conform to your culture to be a part of it. Imagine having two fucking cultures to balance. You're never x enough for y and you're never y enough for x. You don't belong anywhere and in the end you lose connection with both.

Fuck that.

I'm half Assyrian and the other half of me is Irish, Welsh, Scottish, German and Native American.

Listen white people. You need to find your people - NOT JUST OTHER WHITE PEOPLE, marry into your own culture and cherish that shit. My white family has absolutely zero customs or traditions that aren't being erroded by leftist bullshit. I joined the military in large part to feel more connected to my white family, as we have a long history of military service in my family - I'm grateful for that, but there's nothing else really. There's nothing else that I can connect to my ancestors with other than military service. That's a fucking shame. Shame on my family for not preserving anything, not even an Irish jig.

My Assyrian family on the other hand - we don't even have our country any more, but our customs, traditions, food and language have all been preserved. Men are men, and women are women. Everyone knows their fucking place. Oh, and we aren't suckers for leftist horseshit because we've seen what mudslimes are capable of.

So I'll be marrying an Assyrian girl and having Assyrian kids so they dont grow up to be conflicted about who the fuck they are, they'll have customs and traditions to feel connected to their ancestral history, and they'll have a strong familial sense of duty.

Yes but as long as I didn't have to raise or pay for the little half nig.

Trichomoniasis (or “trich”) is a very common STD. It is caused by infection with a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.
In the United States, an estimated 3.7 million people have the infection.
Infection is more common in women than in men. Older women are more likely than younger women to have been infected with trichomoniasis.

The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in the United States is estimated to be 2.3 million (3.1%) among women ages 14-49, based on a nationally representative sample of women who participated in NHANES 2001–2004. The following are other findings from this study:
African American women had a prevalence of 13.3%, Mexican American prevalence of 1.8%, and white women prevalence of 1.3%.
Prevalence of trichomoniasis increases with age and lifetime number of sexual partners among African American women.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a condition that happens when there is too much of certain bacteria in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women ages 15-44.
Researchers do not know the cause of BV or how some women get it. We do know that the infection typically occurs in sexually active women.
Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners, as well as douching, can upset the balance of bacteria in the vagina. This places a woman at increased risk for getting BV.
BV rarely affects women who have never had sex.
Having BV can increase your chances of getting other STDs.

The prevalence in the United States is estimated to be 21.2 million (29.2%) among women ages 14–49, based on a nationally representative sample of women who participated in NHANES 2001–2004. The following are other findings from this study:
Prevalence of BV increases based on lifetime number of sexual partners.
Non white women have higher rates (African-American 51%, Mexican Americans 32%) than white women (23%).

While a woman’s socioeconomic and educational status characteristics and sexual and reproductive health behaviors are important contributors to risk of BV, the risk factor with the greatest magnitude of association with BV is black race.

The tendency of sexual promiscuity has been common in Africa for thousands of years while monogamy was religiously practiced in Europe. The hormone-driven feeling of falling in love is an adaptive trait that induces pair bonding and reduces the attractiveness of others.

Only with a white lass.



I'll knock up some nigs Jefferson style in hopes that one of the kids gets my intellect. Wouldn't stay with them though, black women go full retard after a few weeks



If I have a black kid I'm gonna introduce him to naziism and the Hitler salute. We can share a hatred of Jews and pure niggers

Im doing it currently with a qt3.14 mexicana, prolly marrying soon

I think niggers are retarded, but if my half breed had a decent IQ I'd get him as far away from his nigger mother as possible. It would be bad for him and society, since his intellect would go to waste and he'd be tormented by a potentially psychotic bigger bitch.

No but i wouldn't forbid anyone to do so. Do as you will i don't give a fuck

Are asians lower than whites? Jews lower? I smell an IQ correlation.


Your stars make Mexicans seem not that bad. 5 point IQ difference from nigs and yet much lower STD rate. We need to pool together all stats, get a real anti black data analysis going.


Nice 23.

No one wants to mix with me anyway. It's not like a choice.

Are Middle Easterners considered racemixing? I guess it depends, some of them look more European than others


Because I don't want anymore degenerate non whites in this world.


I don't see any reason to

no, not because i am a white nationalist, but because i am an antinatalist

i would fuck a non-white

I've only seen one mixed girl with that weird ass skin thing. No surprise, she was with a new nigger every fucking week.

Avoid mixing with anyone outside of your own culture.
I am 1/4 french Canadian and 3/4 British Canadian and even this despite being white as snow, has given me some frustration with my identity. I can never live in quebec and my last name reveals to everyone that I am of french descent so I hear all sorts of banter for this.

I tried once, and failed. God's will is for my family to remain ethnically homogeneous I guess.