Over the past few decades we have seen an enormous rise in autism, mostly among boys...

Over the past few decades we have seen an enormous rise in autism, mostly among boys. Aside from the major implications for society in general, this should be a topic of personal importance to members of this community.

Various theories for this alarming trend have been proposed such as vaccine poisoning and women having children at an older age. Meanwhile, our entire society has changed dramatically during the period of autism’s rise due to women’s liberation.

People with autism and Aspergers believe statements literally and ignore emotional subtext. This is the exact opposite of the way women communicate and interact. The female modus operandi relies entirely on dishonest stated preferences and deception. “I want a sensitive, intelligent, caring man.” (actually sleeps with low IQ criminal brutes) “Just be yourself.” (actually wants strength and dominance) “Buy me ____ and I’ll love you forever.” (actually incapable of loving) Emotionally healthy men see through these lies while aspies comply repeatedly to their own peril.

The alpha fucks/beta bucks paradigm relies on autistic or at least socially unaware men since no emotionally healthy man would ever agree to be beta bucks. The female imperative relies on continual production of men with poor social skills. Meanwhile, men have increasingly few opportunities to socialize with their sons or with each other. All historically male places have been integrated or are presently under attack. Even in the case of two-parent families the man is continually threatened with divorce rape meaning that he can never properly respond to a shit test in front of his son, thereby depriving the boy of his earliest opportunities to learn nuanced social skills.

liberal acceptance
hormones in food

Having kids older is my best guess. We had out oldest when we were 34 and the doctor said there was a bunch more shit that could go wrong now that we were older.

Also increased diagnosis. What used to be called "the weird kid" is now diagnosed as autistic.

Most likely reason is having kids at older ages simply because this isn't really seen much outside of the west. The other one is children simply being babied for so long that they essentially never grow up. What is Chris-Chan if not a toddler in the body of an adult?

autism doesnt exist

Nary such a case
Few such cases
There are some cases

If I had been born now or in recent years I most certainly would have been diagnosed with autism.
In reality I was just a fucking sperg and I grew out of it by the time I was 17 and stopped being a little faggot. My dad probably should have actually been around to teach me how to behave but he was too busy working a double shift so he could cheat on my mom and start his own business which failed spectacularly driving him into debt causing him to start beating her until she finally divorced him so he remarried and started beating his new wife until she divorced him hey I'm gonna go get another drink.

It's caused by lawnmowering-off baby penis while engaging in sexual assault. Restore

Autism is just an effect of a childs or persons environment. Back in the day, we used to just call these people "weird". However, what do you expect when you have a society where people are becoming more and more socially isolated and stuck to a screen for 14 hours a day. I can go through my entire life and not utter a single word to anyone if I really so wanted to in this society that we're in. The thing that makes it worse however is that today we're no longer allowed, or it to be acceptable, to tell these people that they're being fucking weird and teach them how to socialize. Instead we just accept it as some sort of syndrome and preach love and acceptance to these people when what really needs to happen is bullying needs to make a comeback in these schools kids are going to. No one is being told that their behavior is not normal and that it should be changed, we're all precious little beautiful flowers with our own imperfections and flaws and oh so beautiful and should be accepted!

Autism can certainly be caused by vaccines. My first had the first of three doses of Rotavirus vaccine and wasn't the same after. However he had some issues already.

We stopped all further vaccination at that point, and never vaccinated our second who is geeky but normal. Religious exemption still exists. God does not want us to damage our children.

Our first is not "weird" but is clearly clearly on the spectrum, with associated issues like low muscle tone. He's in college now with very good grades, but he has obvious symptoms. It's just that underneath the disability, he has the intelligence that runs in our family.

I was fortunate in the rebellious wife department. My wife started treating me like crap when the youngest kid was about three years old, as is typical. Over time I red-pilled myself by reading on the internet and thinking, then called her out more and more assertively. It actually helped and her respect increased. Kids saw this happen in front of them, and I also mentioned my thoughts about it to them, and so they've learned what I can teach them about this, far more than I understood until I was much older, about women.

If I had to give one piece of advice to a beleaguered man, it would be not to agree to anything you don't personally want. If she wants a divorce, let her file. Don't get out ahead of it, don't help, don't agree on what you'll do with the kids etc. after separation. It's got to be all her own initiative without your help. If she does (mine never did), of course lawyer up and rip her eyes out legally.

A lot of the uptick is due in part to the fact that doctors are better at detecting autism than they were in the 70s. There could be other factors at play though, who knows.

well that was an emotional rollercoaster of a post.

Most likely caused by vitamin D deficiency

It's a huge epidemic, very interesting links, living and working inside makes everyone deficient


I've seen all sorts of non-disabled kids getting disability services at school. It entitles you to time and a half on tests, which can be mighty useful. And the people in charge of disabled students put up with it because these kids add to their caseload (job justification) and are easy to handle, since they aren't really disabled, maybe just slow.

But one of my kids is Aspergers, quite severe. There's no way it's just social awkwardness. He has physical symptoms.

I have no idea how the first part of your post is relevant to mine at all.

However, I'm sure he has physical symptoms, he's probably weird and doesn't play any sports or do any sort of manual labor. Of course he's going to be lacking muscle tone and have awkward movements. I bet your kid is a loser, physically soft, typical beta bitch. It's all your fault too for being a beta provider and not putting him in sports or outdoor social activities growing up, and not setting a real fatherly role for your kids (letting your wife push you around, your posts wreak of depressive undertones as well).

Giving these kids extra time on tests, no matter how useful it is, isn't fair to the other kids. Your kid should be held to the same standard, or should be booted and made to do something else.

No it's not that. Physical symptoms that are not a result of being a couch potato.

And my kid is a winner despite it. They've never seen someone with his symptoms get A's in technical courses before.

As for the personal stuff you wrote so cluelessly, it reflects on you.

a lot of the problems mullenials and gen z face today are caused by unnecessary ceserean sections. it fucks up our microbiome and gut flora responsible for basically all our bodily functions. unnatural births are a lot more responsible than vaccines and in combination with old fuckimg women above 25 having birth, its pointless to find a cause to this madness. i choose to opt out completetly from modern medicine, diet, and media

Autism is an evolved survival mechanism that keeps people from being (((((((emotionally manipulated))))))))).

I think autism rise is more due to parents not parenting their children and a society that promotes equality between all. I think a lot of people who could be considered autistic would have been major players in the past. Think about it like this, a major symptom of "the spectrum" is a lack of emotional intelligence. That would indicate poor socializing by the neglectful parents and a tendency of the child to defer to logic or systems of logic rather than what someone "feels."

Before you attribute to nigger autists, well, they're niggers and are probably fucking retarded or suffering from birth defects due to alcohol, tobacco or drug use.

autism is congenital. it can be mitigated but autists will never be normal. trust me i've been trying for my whole life, I socialized a lot as a kid, doesn't turn you into a normie.all socializing did was make me feel depressed because I couldn't connect with anyone.
i function socially well enough due to the effort, but there's no cure.
i'm hoping somethin comes out of transcranial magnetic stimulation so I can become a normie some day.

We were talking about the rise of autistic kids though. Do we know for sure it is cogenital? It seems we don't know shit about it which would indicate that it isn't.

Like homosexuality, it was recently shown that they were not born that way but are products of environmental factors. Rise in trans and fags voila.

i showed signs of autism when I was less than 3 years old.
i wasn't vaccinated either.
> we don't know shit about it
it's not a complete mystery, the science is out there you just have to read up on it. and not from Sup Forums.

1/4 homos were molested but there's still the 3/4 that were likely born with the gene.
my mom was 40 when i was born, my dad is also autistic so it was basically guaranteed I was going to be an autist.
it persists as a gene because it's useful. my purpose in life is to be an engineer with my superb analytical thinking, then be a beta bux for my wife.

John Hopkins study released showed there was they no evidence supporting born gay.

>tfw two kids born via c-section and they're the most social, brightest, and least spergy of all their peers at school.

C-sections aren't ideal but they aren't a big deal either if the mother takes proper care of herself during the pregnancies and takes proper care of the baby as soon as it's out. You can colonize the baby's flora with literally a swab from the mom's vagina and the colostrum/breastmilk colonizes the gut too. Autism probably has to do with a huge cascade of interrelated factors -- diet, environmental toxins, maternal health and age, mother's "body burden" of toxins during pregnancy, air quality, screen time, sperm quality, possibly vaccines or other medications, endocrine disruptors, etc. I think we're seeing a perfect storm of multiple factors.

>tfw want one more kid but won the healthy kid lottery twice and nervous the third would be a sperg because we're in our mid-late 30's now.

I've noticed this too, it's getting easier by the day to pull high value women due to a lack of competition.

Fellow autist here. I'd rather be a fat virgin than end up being a beta cuck for my wife while she's fucking Tyrone.

considering how many men i've met in sexless marriages or with a fat wife i feel the same.

might as well be single and sexless thhan in a rellationship and sexless