Why are there so many Indians?

I work at a regular corporate office, and it's bizarre how there are so many Indians. I'd say the employee base is at LEAST 55% Indian, probably more like 65% or even higher. There are Indians absolutely everywhere. And from a lot of other people who work for other companies, I hear the same thing: Indians, everywhere.

Why? It's fucking weird. I mean most of them are decent people, but it seems like tons of them go home (?) to India for a few weeks at a time. There's also weird incidents: we had one situation where Indian employees were "bathing" themselves in the fucking sinks, like washing their feet in the sinks. what the fuck? It's just bizarre

I don't understand why Indians have to be so prevalent in every corporate office in America

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They breed like rabbits and they check a box that isn't "african-american"

bump, want to see other peopels experience with this

They are the borg

I've noticed a similar thing at my office too, user. Indians absolutely everywhere. They don't cause any trouble or bother me or anything, but it's enough to say "hmmm..."

I work with them, around more than 70% of the people I work with are Indian.

I don't mind them except that their sheer numbers drive down the salaries of american jobs, that is expected with the current globalism movement, instead of getting butt hurt about it i just changed my career and now I stay at home gardening and shitposting on pol

Look at your paycheck.

Divide that by three.

Now you know why your position will be replaced by three Indians.

Diversity is a $trength user.

Because Indians are race realists and only hire other fucking Indians.

extremely unlikely. they are in fact now being laid off in droves, because the three of them don't produce what the one white guy did. they don't even produce half of that, and what they do produce is riddled with flaws.

>earlier today
>go to Indian restaurant today to get some curry for lunch
>make job about how I'm surprised they actually have toilets here
>friends ask what I mean
>tell them about how Indians shit in the street
>call them poo in the loos
>friends amused, start referring to Indians as poo in the loos as well

I'm Indian. For a while most Indians here (at least the ones I knew) were predominantly involved in STEM fields, like medicine or IT. I expected most of my friends to follow that path but interestingly a lot of them have ended up in business/finance too, usually with the end goal of being investment bankers. I don't fully understand it, but most Indians are very career-oriented (and money oriented) and business/finance is becoming a more popular/trendy major (as opposed to law or engineering) nowadays so it doesn't surprise me very much. It could also have to do with them not wanting to follow the doctor stereotype, I felt that way too growing up. At least you're not working with niggers OP.

I'm so glad I have yet to experience this

they lie on their resumes

Do you know how to use a toilet?

Whoever is in control of your hiring process is probably Indian. Whites are pretty much the only people that don't do nepotism.

They come over on a visa, overstay, and never leave. That's why there are many more of them in the workforce than are reported in the government numbers. It's a huge scam. The (((left))) is building a revolutionary proletariat that they plan to overthrow the U.S. government with in a few years, which has been their standard operating procedure over the past couple thousand years.

Your society obsessed with business process optimization at all levels. Both jews and wasps have a narrow view of society, i.e. youtube.com/watch?v=5tAjwMPUZ6c. So the country is flooded with third-world english speaking workers, who put downward pressure on the labor market. These H1B visa holders don't bring much value outside cost. These pajeets game the system to bring more of their brethren through this system.

t. Indian-American

>At least you're not working with niggers OP

I worked with blacks, one Caribbean guy and one African guy, both knock any Indian I ever knew out of the park.

Kek, I was born and raised in rural Georgia so yes.

What normally happens in one starts working somewhere then they help get their friends and family jobs in the same office so their numbers grow out of proportion

Why the hell do Indians rinse their mouths out and spit phlegm in public restrooms?

And why can't they rinse that shit the fuck out when they do it?

Does y'alls has a southerrn drawl?

28 year old indian here (US Citizen, been here since i was 7), VP at a top financial company making 140k/year. the reason there are so many of us is because we are extremely hard working and have no problem working overtime, we value education and are all generally highly educated (MBA myself). we are also very good at our job.

I'd say he probably does

>VP at a top financial company making $140k/year

I am a burger and i work in government and tech. indians, and pakis, and sri lankans are the best workers ever. you have to appreciate that academics are a bloodsport where they come from. If someone makes it to where you are, from where they were, they have legit skills.

we talk all the time about gibsmedat, and building a meritocracy. i assert that you cannot be for a meritocracy and not want south asians to work with you. south asians are not just superior to east asians and most other groups, they are often superior to the best STEM folks we can recruit from the US. most of my programmers/architechs/designers work for me for a few years and then leave to go work for google. it's a knife fight to hold onto good talent, and it's more than worth the price to put up with any baggage that comes with it. If they want to go back to gujarat or colombo or bombay to visit family, no worries. europeans do the same and take off most of august. i'm not actually sure what OP is upset about....

i know, unfortunately, i was just promoted. should get a bump next year.

You didnt get to witness their anger problems. Even the "based intelligent black guy" will fly off the handle when called a nigger, or someone insults his wife or mom.

If you're going to larp as a big earner, shoot for $400k or something believable like that. Just advice for your next thread.

wasn't lapring as a big earner or anything, just being honest. we work hard and are educated.

checked, & the answer is nepotism

>Very good at our job

Yet you always seem like stupid brown jews when I talk to one of you.
>Gib deal?
>Too expensive
>But what about blablabla(the 5th stupid question when I've already explained everything

You aren't making $140k/year as anyone important though.

Well I can't speak to your anecdote, but if you were having a surgery done on you, would you rather have the surgeon be a black or an Indian?

Yeah I have a slight one, I usually try to hide it if I can but sometimes it's funny to see how people react because it's the last accent they expect to hear from someone who looks the way I do.

I honestly don't know, I think lots of Indians raised in India have a high allergic sensitivity to seasonal changes when they come to a place like America, my dad always had terrible seasonal allergies and would have to spit his phlegm in the sink most mornings as soon as he woke up. It grossed me out.

Thats why there are so many. At my last job thats what the associate directors made.

this. capitalism only wants to, or in theory, only will purchase the cheapest colors in the rainbow of diversity basically

Er you do know fuckloads of them buy their qualifications right? Even the Indian lass at my work says her "friend" (probably her) had her entire completed assignment just given to her etc. There's also a shitload of bribery and cheating. Look up Indian's "right to cheat" that they believe.

Sure some are intelligent, and it's generally doctor, lawyer, engineer, or shame to the family, for richer kids. But still the sheer amount of them means a fucktonne are just going to be useless and/or cheats.

Whats was it, something like 4.6% of Indian Software Engineers were actually competent / qualified for the role?

Wow, suddenly I feel really good about myself.

wrong, this isn't always true. Daily reminder East Asia is superior to South Asia.

dude im rooting for you, superpower by 2020 xD

if only 4.6% of them are competent why do US companies keep hiring them and even want more of them?

i don't get it. i mean, if they were incompetent wouldn't we have learned by now not to hire them? but instead we seem to want more of them.

affirmative action. They're better than niggers.

Ultimately the issue of why theres so many indians should be regarded as a social statement and by-product of what's wrong with the fucking economy. This is why there are so many indians.

The system, the banking system, pensions, it all has to change, or else this will never end. This is what has to happen.

indians are hired cause they are cheap labor

nothing more

(((Corporate America))) isn't about competence, it is a clown world where survival entails groveling and covering your ass, corrupt skills at which pooinloos excel

Because they're cheap, willing to work for absolute nothing in really shitty standards.

They're also very good at saying "yes", and "ok", and are absolute masters at making it LOOK like they're doing work, or know what they're on about, when the reality is entirely the opposite.

An Indian lad at my work, said "yes" to everything, gave a FANTASTIC interview and so on, always made it look like he was working but had actually done fuck all, or half-a-jobbed the task to the extreme.

7 years later I'm STILL finding and fixing bugs and issues that are embedded deep into our software, that were from his work. Blows my mind when I see what he did.

Because Indians are notorious nepotists and will hire exclusively other Indians if they can.

They work their way up to a management position and then BOOM! Suddenly all the new hires are Indians too.

Chinese and Indians are race realists and have a strong tribal mindset.

Wrong, if you do any research on this topic at all you'll quickly find out that AA hurts Asians (East Asians and Indians alike) MORE than whites. Just look at the statistics for adjusted SAT scores.

You see, at first colleges wanted to use affirmative action to help all minorities, but then they realized that Asians were heavily over-represented (relative to their share of the US population) in colleges and thus it wouldn't be fair to give them even more of an advantage in the AA system. So they came up with a new classification that is now universally used in the college admissions process: underrepresented minorities, or URMs, essentially a minority that is underrepresented in colleges relative to their share of the US population. This is how they target niggers and spics in the admissions process nowadays.

>I don't understand why Indians have to be so prevalent in every corporate office in America

High IQ
More Motivation to get hired in USA coming from shithole India
Just more hungry in general
Appreciative of their jobs, loyal, hardworking and disciplined enough

Seems inevitable, DESU

Did you read the OP? He was referring to jobs in corporate America, not call center jobs or any other kinds that get outsourced. Cheap labor doesn't really determine hiring in finance...

Also the Indian girl at my work atm, like I said with the saying "yes" to everything.

Someone will suggest an improvement or new feature, I'll say NO, do NOT do it that way, or this won't work like this etc, we can do this better a different way, and here's why. Whereas with her, she'll just say "oh ya, of course, sure, it will be fine" and so on, pretend to do it, get stuck, fuck it up, then spend twice as long re-doing it because they hit the exact problems I or others bloody highlighted.

Bosses still keep going to her and going along with her methods, and STILL haven't learned despite projects tripling in time and cost, all because they like to believe the "yes".

So you watched Tucker the other night. Luckily as a white man my ancestors built the world and we are the last to benefit from it.

What I meant to say is that they want your Job more than you do, user.

H1B1 Visas.

>high iq

>fake flag

you're an idiot, pajeet.

>1 billion people that cant even shit in a toilet

literal toddlers can do this

>Work in finance in Jew York
>Most of my department is Jews, Asians, and older WASPs.
>My boss is a man in his 50's who looks like Roger Sterling and has spent 25 years being an investment banker/stock trader

>"user, where do all of the Indians go? Like I ride the train in every morning, and it's FUCKING PACKED with Indians. Like everyone except me is Indian talking in their weird languages, and then we go to Fulton and I never see them after getting off."
>"They just seem to disappear, but there must be TONS of Indians somewhere."
>"But by God at 5pm, that train is filled back to the brim with Indians and smells like a food cart."
>"So, where are all the Indians??"

affirmative action

indians are just slightly less dark niggers.

No, I know this because my GPA and SAT score were much higher than average for most of the Ivies to which I applied, and I only got accepted at one of them while blacks with scores much lower than mine got into multiple, so I learned pretty early on that Indians get to be minorities without any of the advantages of being minorities in the West.

Good for your ancestors, it must be sad to be stuck in the purgatory of Sup Forums watching over the world that your ancestors used to rule and are now losing control over.

Separate the Jews from the Gentiles, whites are definitely the most fucked over

This is the truth. Indians are the niggers of the corporate world. No shame, no class, no morals to interfere with the stupidity of ((office work)).

I would never work in an office with them. Brazilians and Mexicans are better

just think

even WITH affirmative action, whites run the world. you pakis would be nothing without your affirmative action crutches.

it's like having a 50 meter head start and still losing a 100 meter race.

You're right, Jews as usual get to reap the benefits of being white except when it's not favorable to them, at which point they're oppressed minorities who won't let anyone forget their six gorrilion.

That was pretty passive aggressive. Got a 1300 on my SATs, turned down by every college I applied for. Even state schools. Sad!!

Not true, see my post here Call us niggers all you want but last I checked we don't make up the vast majority of US crime and rape despite only being 13% of the population.

My experience has been that they have the degree and are willing to work for a quarter of the pay.
I had a subordinate straight out of 'college' from India that was taking graduate courses in CS. From what I saw this person could not code their way out of a paper bag let alone set up a simple website. It was truly sad.
The real kicker was that at one point I heard they were shit talking about how there are better opportunities out there. These people jump job to job never staying long enough to unmask their own incompetence while creating a seemingly well founded resume. It's at that point companies are willing to pay 65-75% of what they would pay a hwhite. THAT is when the wages are driven down.
Really pitiful, I pretty much told the person 'you can work on whatever project you want start to finish, here are a list of things backlogged'. Rather than self start and learn they decided to just bail.
>MFW they came back later saying they were looking for employment


I would love to start a company just to prevent Indians and blacks from working there. What's the legality of that? I could openly promote that, and try to get some cuck to buy me out just to make sure Poos and niggers can ruin it.

Let me explain something about large corporations.

Almost everything they produce is waste. The bigger an organization is, the more impact decisions have within it. So, you put up bureaucracy to shield the company from the impact; essentially the massive dinosaur has to make sure all four legs are heading in the same direction before taking a step. This also creates further waste as people need to evaluate how the bureaucracy is planning, and what goals are necessary.

The big "so what" is that this makes larger organizations absolutely paralyzed by change. Pajeets looked good on the books, and everything seemed to look good to go ahead and hire more of them. So, they hired more of them. Right now there are issues being created in the process of hiring so many of them, but those currently in positions of management aren't quite sure what changes should be made and what should be done. Most importantly, they don't know how strong the results will be, and they don't know much waste is being produced.

For instance, before the housing crisis tons of companies began adjusting to a work from home model. Less overhead, happier workers, what could go wrong? Well, it took years, but essentially, people began to realize at home workers were garbage compared to their cubical counterparts, but no one was willing to make a move.

Wait.... Are you sure you aren't an entire race of Clockmeds?

> Highly educated

the problem with this is that it begins to make this sort of implication that this is exactly all corporate America has planned for the world, to turn you all into one easily manageable racial identity of a consumer that has no history or real identity, no control, just a place in a hierarchy of slaves pretty much defined by skin color as the majority of westerners turn brown essentially from multiculturalism and immigration. That's fucking wrong and one of the only real critical points people should have on corporate America and Indian Labor.

Part of it is exploitation of brown slaves by white/jewish CEOs and stock holders. Indians can be imported and forced to work for considerably less. They can also be deported if they fall out of line. The other side is that indian men practice tribalism and recognize that they are in a primitive contest with white men for resources. One of them gets in a position to make hiring decisions and subsequently hires as many indians as they can get away with. Greedy white elites are the ones facilitating the disenfranchisement/displacement of lower and middle class whites. The whole world could burn and these people would be content knowing that they secured their piece of the pie.

Indians hire their own user.

They are the only race of immigrants that give us guys like Bobby Jindal and Dnesh D'Souza. Just a thought.

I really don't want to be racist. But I can't help it. All the indians are just so weird and smelly and gross

You see, when you ejaculate into a bowl of soup, it's still a bowl of soup to them.

Every single response to this post before mine is spot on, so read them all.

The only thing I can add to it is that usually the people making the decisions to hire them have absolutely no idea what the job is about or what it entails, can't tell the difference between a job done well and a job done poorly, and have no knowledge or interest whatsoever in the job's problem domain. They don't work in any capacity in which they will be expected to implement or maintain the projects the Indians are hired for. These are often middle managers who have been promoted where they are to quarantine them so that the rest of the company can continue to function in spite of them. As long as the Indians are willing to work for cheap, the managers can hire them, lay off other workers, and get praised for cutting costs. When the project's progress fails behind schedule, its costs swell several times over the initial budget, and its quality drops off a cliff, the manager will at best display complete bewilderment and at worst have a scapegoat already picked out.

t. Someone who has had to pressure wash a lot of designated streets in the corporate world.

this as well

I don't care about Indians but I wish they didn't smell so bad.

Ugly, too. Most Indians are almost as ugly and filthy as niggers.

Thankfully they're very docile. They're basically niggers who are docile and can be easily trained to do repetitive tasks.

H1B visa abuse.

>Fire American workers
>put out job posting with impossible standards (5 years experience with a software that's been out 2 years for example)
>hire nobody
>complain to government that you cannot find suitable workers
>get h1b visas
>hire poos for 1/3 the pay
>fly them over
>blackmail with firing since it nullifies the visa and gets them deported back to pooland

Modern day slave labor except it hurts Americans as well, in the one field that isn't shrinking.

I know this is the case at my company. The board picked an Indian to be the CEO so our company would have a diverse face. Since he took over about 1/3 of the people I used to work with have been swapped out for indians

Pretty sure that's illegal under Federal Law, at least in the US. Probably illegal elsewhere too.

The best you could do is establish and actually enforce really high merit-based standards in hiring. Then, well, whoever you get, they had to be competent to get in the door, so everything's good, right?

I would love to have that fight.

Well, here's some reading material to get started


poo boys
poo boys
watcha gonna do ?
watcha gonna do when they come for u?