Is Texas as dreamy as you Americans make it look like?

Is Texas as dreamy as you Americans make it look like?

What places are the best to live where I can be racist without nobody bothering me about it?

DFW here, this place kinda sucks. The weather is amazing, the food is great. Problems:

>state turning blue. Its not if, but when
>Fucking mexicans EVERYWHERE. There are entire neighborhoods of them. They activly seek white women which most guys here dont have a problem with, and seek nothing more than manual labor type jobs
>Fucking liberals. Shitting everything up. Like they always do, especially in dallas and Austin.

>Not many niggers, most of those are in dallas and I'm told Houston but thankfully I dont go there much.

TLDR; it was great until the mexicans and liberals started coming in by the fuckload. I WASNT EVEN BORN HERE (midwest) AND I WANT THIS STATE BACK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


>Is Texas as dreamy as you Americans make it look like?

Yes and no.

Texas has the best economy in the US and you can live in a small town which is 90%+ white and live OK.

The big cities have much better opportunities, but you pay a price of being around more niggers, poos, and spics.

You can get away with being racist in small towns, but not in the big cities.

I live in a small town in north Texas and make an hour drive to Dallas to have the best of both words: big city pay and opportunities and a home where I don't have to worry niggers robbing me.

Did they ruin Northern Texas too? What are the best Northern Texas cities?

Shit, I live in a small town an hour away from Dallas... Are we neighbors?

Texas of a few decades ago? Yes. Texas of today? No, I wouldn't recommend it. Not to shit on Texas or anything, it's still probably got one of the best attitudes and laws overall, but it's changing and there is no doubt about it.

If you want to live like a real white man in the glory days of Texas, I would suggest somewhere in the Northern Rockies. It's about all we really have left.

Bad: Texan Mexicans
Worse: California Mexicans

Fuck dude, I dunno. Man, I've traveled everywhere and this is my advice:

1. Move to BUMFUCK Texas. We're talking like a town under 2,000 people surrounded by other towns of 2,000 people. They're still mostly white and even tho theres lots of cletus and brandy types, they're friendly and safe. Become a hermit except for going to church.

Thats the other thing, SO MANY protestant and non-denominational bible churches here... *sigh* thats likely everywhere tho.

2) Move to a based northern state. If I could handle the cold, I'd be living in NH or Maine, in absulute nowhere.

GOD DAMNIT MAN it pisses me off. When I was young, Texas was great. I finally grow up and move here and the mother fucking leftists are cucking everything up and theres sweden-tier hoardes of brown people. Granted ours are more peaceful, entire parts of the state are now basically mexico, and theres more moving in and choking us out literally by the hour.

Surely there are places where they ahven't creeped in yet. Arent they quarantined to big cities?

Yeah, but they're small towns in remote areas for the most part.

Texas is being ruined by the same forces that ruined California.

what's Ted doing about it?

My gf is from there so I visit sometimes. It's a nice place. Nothing really aesthetic or cool or cultural in a cosmopolitan Jewish sense, but not shabby or rundown. The people are nice, but kind of have a shit sense of humor. Lots of dumb gun jokes. Their favorite is when someone comments on all the guns they own and ask "what are you afraid of?" And they get to say "not a damn thing." I feel like they are just dying to say that joke. They think lots of things like people falling down or splitting their pants are he-haw funny. Good food. Good real country music sometimes

Texas Mexicans at least try to integrate and think white people are ok.mmcali Mexicans are all about la raza

It's literally no different than california. It's 40% white.

Cruz can't do shit without becoming dictator and sealing the border and deporting millions of aliens.

Even then, Cali fags are swarming into places like Austin to ruin the place.

I remeber watching Walker the Texas Ranger episodes when I was little. Texas looked cool as fuck. Dont remember seeing a single nigger in the show

Ideally I want to meet new people, towns of 2000 are too small for making friends of my age. Plus I doubt I'd find work there. I ahve a amsters in Biochemistry.

How is Lubbock? Odessa? Amarillo? Denton?

no. it's a desert shithole filled with beaners.

the best parts of the US is New England, and the rural midwest

>New England

Pussy Hat county, we can't stay here

>the best parts of the US is New England,

Yes, the best parts include the most cucked parts.

Are you serious?

No, no they dont. Here at least, they live in their own neighborhoods, go to their own stores/resturants/jobs (except for the construction workers, I work with them sometimes), and speak their own language.

At least in DFW, they are 100% non-integrated with the society, nor do they have any desire to be.

I warn you all, they WILL outbreed us and permanently fuck this state.

Denton is mini-Austin, honestly I havent been to the other cities... I've lived in Austin and DFW. Some of those are pretty small, city wise tho, so meeting folks might not be easy there, either.

Lubbock at least has a campus

Is Texas Tech cucked?

>the police keep all of the few niggers we have confined in small parts of the cities.
>people are openly racist
>people can actually leave their cars running while going into stores because all of the niggers don't live where white people live
>everywhere outside of the cities is dark red
>some of the most beautiful land and ocean on the planet

tell me more about your state

Its American (((Education))) so yes. Anywhere with women and (((Minorities))) is completely cucked, but maybe in other ways they're less cucked than other schools. I dont envy any of them, one bit.

My state has voted for a Republican president only once since FDR and has an entire GOP delegation.

And has all of what you listed.

*hasn't that is, and the presidential election was 1964.

Pretty damn good streak otherwise.

and what state is that?


I'm gonna bet on Minnesotta

It's hot, full of Mexicans. Also disgusting white southern culture, although that is far more attractive than the Mexicans.

It's a fucking desert.

Sounds like MN

Maybe. Are you on 75 or 35?

no, its mexico 2.0

imagine south africa, with a small group of whites living living in a continent of angry africans. its a powder keg waiting to blow. same deal with texas, only instead of africans they are latinos

west texas seems based but it will be interesting to know if Lubbock or Midlands is good to go or not.

nigger i said the MIDWEST and New England were the best parts of the US. why the fuck are you arguing with me?

Some of it is. Austin is pretty center, so people get pissed if you're racist. It's not as crazy as Europeans probably think, honestly.

Because the Midwest is not even close to the garbage that is New England.

New England's been ruined by its crappy politicians and cucks who vote for them.

Maine's Governor is OK, but the rest all suck and ruin a comfy place by wanting to import Somalis and shit.

North texas/southern oklahoma(texoma) is nice. Still extremely white in culture and population for the most part. Especially in oklahoma

texas weather is literally torture

the midwest has the somali problem, not New England.

also have you ever even been to NE? i can tell you haven't. your whole view of NE is basically just Boston. don't try and pretend you don't have a bunch of midwestern cities that are run by democrats and run into the ground by niggers.

I'm from Portugal bro, I won't even notice any difference.

Houston here, I can confirm we are full of niggers but a large portion of them are from lousianna.


Okay let me get this right

Austin is full of cucks
Houston is full of niggers and trannies
Dallas might as well be an extension of Commiefornia
San Antonio belongs to Mexico now

anything else?

The fucking sidekick is a nigger you dumb fuck. Lol move to Appalachia. West Virginia is like 99% white, but the only problem is everyone's jobless.

But hey there's a big rally planned in Charlottesville by Richard Spencer and lots of neo-Nazi rallies from time to time in the region.

You would melt here in summer and freeze your ass in winter, Raul

I said niggers not african american

I have no problem with the Ben Carson type

Raul is more Spanish that Portuguese

Portugal gets 108 F in the summer, I will be fine

Central texas here, everyone is pretty left leaning.

> (You)
>Okay let me get this right
>Austin is full of cucks
>Houston is full of niggers and trannies
Full of niggers 24/7, trannies only come out at night most of the time.
>Dallas might as well be an extension of Commiefornia
>San Antonio belongs to Mexico now
Also correct
>anything else?
Asians are coming by the boatload in Pasadena and the northern side of houston.

Texas is shit but their BBQ is LEGEND.

Sometimes I'm not sure if putting up with all those spics and the brutal 105 degree summers isn't worth that fucking BBQ.
Literally BBQ anywhere else is a fucking joke and you won't even understand until you've eaten Texas BBQ

Also Whateverburger is just okay. What I mean is it's better than every fast food burger place. But it isn't better than sit down burger places, and it isnt better than Five Guys.

when I was there 2 years ago asians stayed in asian town, central houston pretty much and Sugar Land

It's whataburger.
>five guys better than whataburger.

you think too much about food, I am just trying to escape the liberal insanity...

A lot has changed in 2 years user. The north east side is filling up with Asians, west has always been full of niggers. South side spics.

No fuckoff spic.

P Terrys beats em both.

5G> WAB.

>Austin cuck having opinions.
How did you get permission from your wife's son to be here?
Fuck you asian

I grew up in Texas. Texas isn't really racist.
Not anywhere that I ever saw.
And people might get mad at you there for it.
Oh it's far from liberal but most people won't
put up with outright racism there.
Also Texas sucks. Despite what I just said the people are fucking rude, moody, and bitchy.
It's hot, it's buggy. It's cold in winter, and hot as hells bells in summer.
Texas sucks. But I wouldn't call it racist.