Hamilton vs Jefferson

Who is more alt-right?

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Rule by the Intelligent class
Strong state governments
Emphasis on agriculture
Strict interpretation of the Constitution
French alliance
State banks
Protective tariffs

But Jefferson believed in free trade, one away from perfect then? Is it too toxic?

BTW: Federalists supported the Alien and Sedition Act (an anti-immigration law that allowed the government to detain those they dim dangerous).

Jefferson without a doubt

“It is a cruel thought, that, when we feel ourselves standing on the firmest ground in every respect, the cursed arts of our secret enemies, combining with other causes, should effect, by depreciating our money, what the open arms of a powerful enemy could not.” - TJ



I don't know about alt-right but Jefferson was correct, in more ways than one. We should have stayed a nation of yeoman farmers. We might not have been powerful but every man would have been free.

Hamilton was the banker's agent.

>every man would have been free.

except the slaves

>false dichotomy
Neither of the above. Alt-right is a chickenshit splitter group designed to throw an election. Both Hamilton and Jefferson were honorable men who would be above these kinds of shenanigans.

importing niggers was a mistake, yes, but to call these two races equal strains ones credulity. Was perpetual bondage the correct response to such an inferior creature, probably not. It would have been best to send them all back to Africa and sterilize those that remain so they could not reproduce.

"No defender of slavery, I concede that it has its benevolent aspects in lifting the Negro from savagery and helping prepare him for that eventual freedom which is surely written in the Book of Fate" - TJ

Rule by People
Rule by State Government
Emphasis on manufacturing
Strict interpretation of constitution
State Banks
Protective Tariffs

I'm literally torn 50/50 here

>Rule by the wealthy class
>strong state governments
>Brits obviously lol fuck france
>state banks for suuuuuure
>protective tariffs

to answer your question user, Hamilton is more alt-right according to the media's biased story about Trump: Protectionism, manufacturing, oligarchic. If you're writing an essay for school I'd emphasize that

Realistically though, Bannon and the real ideologues behind the alt-right want nothing to do with the federal reserve (national bank), revere the agricultural, traditional societies that Jefferson liked for the same reason, are more "populist" and are strict constitutionalists (cf: Justice Gorsuch).

like I said, I'm pretty split down the middle here, but then again, "alt-right" is a fucking meme anyway, and its based on reverence for the founders so It's probably impossible to find any serious bones to pick with the guys we're trying to throw back to

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - TJ

He’d have you all unravel at the
Sound of screams but the
Revolution is comin’
The have-nots are gonna
Win this
It’s hard to listen to you with a straight face

Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us, honestly you shouldn’t even talk. And what about Boston? Look at the cost, n’ all that we’ve lost n’ you talk
About Congress?!

My dog speaks more eloquently than thee!

But strangely, your mange is the same

Is he in Jersey?

For the revolution! " - AH

Say Jefferson then, cuz protective tariffs is a Hamilton thing.

My favorite response so far



That's the reason the statue in front of the Treasury is of Hamilton.

Utter scum.

Hamilton was a cental bank supporting fucking pussy.

They say that every year a star of david and a large nose grow out of the spot Burr shot him dead at.