I just found out my girlfriend of several years is 1/24 sub-Saharan African...

I just found out my girlfriend of several years is 1/24 sub-Saharan African. I was planning on marrying this girl and letting her bear my children. Will I be able to live with myself knowing that, because of my own conscious decisions, my children are 1/48 black? Will I still love them knowing that fact?

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You probably are at least 1/24th SSA too. If not, you will be.

Don't do it brother 1414141414141414

According to 23andMe, I'm 100% European. I'm trying to not let it bother me, but I'm somewhat autistic.

But you're not worried that your child might end up autistic?

A little bit. I have a niece and a nephew who are both much farther along the autistic spectrum than I am. At least we'll be improving the overall IQ average.

Well, if you feel hesitant, I'd recommend not doing it. Doesn't even really matter why you feel hesitant... once you have the kid, you can't take it back. You have to somehow give yourself enough space and time to make an unpressured decision about all this.

I recently found this dank "debate server" only to find it is a roblox server with fake political parties. Help us overthrow the purple guys by joining them and shouting for revolution! We will build a Aryan Reich!56
discordapp.com/ - invite/ - p3tzHrm

Kill yourself and your girlfriend OP, it's the only way to be sure.

you guys are super autistic with this shit. Does she look fucking white or not? stop being retards

>There is no such thing as pure White.

there are no pure whites in britain either, you stupid fuck. You have Mediterranean blood from when you got colonized by Rome

Anything under 1/20 is irrelevant. Its the same way with suburban tards who say theyre "1/36 cherokee indian"

It doesn't matter, you're Americans. None of you are one homogeneous ethnicity, white Americans are EXTREMELY mixed.

>"I'm 1/8 German, 1/8th Irish, Polish, Italian, Scottish, Hungarian, Najavo Indian"

Your skin being "white" doesn't mean anything, your girlfriend is a prime example of that, 1/24th nigger and you wouldn't be able to tell.

That being said, if your people are already a muddled breed, it doesn't really matter too much. It's not like your entire family is Scottish and has been Scottish and you're suddenly throwing away generations of Scottish ancestry by marrying outside of your ethnic group.

We're Germans mate.

you're med niggers too. you are mongrels just like us

I mean.. if he's 100% Brit and the last present admixture dates back 2000 years, I'd say he's closer to being 100% something than a third generation American composed of 20 different ethnicities.

>He thinks Britain had Roman settler colonies.
>He thinks that modern Italians are the same as the ancient Romans.
Full retard.

>closer too

>he thinks med means italy
>he thinks britain didn't have roman colonies





Fucking degenerate

If you don't love her then dump her. My god, she would've done a lot better than to date your sorry ass.

Probably not and no.

>24 is an exponent of 2

Either bait or an example of "American Education"

Mixed or not Americans are far hardier against the elements and more resourceful in combat. Centuries of inbreeding has rendered Europe anemic unless you've crossbred across the continent.

There's a reason America has ruled the world until very recently and will continue to be a global force on its own while Europe more or less would be absolute shit without the UK and Germany.

Long story short, you're a nigger lover.

her parents could have varying levels of niggerness that result in their daughter being 1/24.

stop being a cuck. 1/24 is nothing you faggot

no. 14

>American whites composed of 20 ethnicities

Literally a meme. Most are 2 or 3, some rare cases 4. And I'm in the highly mixed north east

>Sucking this hard at genetics
Have you ever taken anything above high school biology, retard?

Why is pol so into racemixing now. That's degeneracy.
Break up with her user. Don't contribute to the white genocide.

Damn. That really sucks OP

>Only 100% white are whites
Good luck growing your movement when your total potential size is only a handful of people

I think that's mathematically impossible unless she had an infinite series of parents.

1/24 is probably a rough estimate based on genome length rather than lineage.

>"Muh children might be 1/48th black is that okay Sup Forums?"

lol this website is one big meme

And large parts of those "mediterranean" genes are white. Or are you one of those americans who thinks every italian is a nigger.

At least OP isn't lolposting like your useless ass.

he's asking probably the dumbest question i've heard on here all week and that's saying a lot
like any average burger is pure white these days your whole country is a melting pot of fucking niggers and spics

I have the one true and only answer.
DNA her, if under 95% European let it go.
If over 95% she's alright.
Believe me the future of the European people is DNA and there are going to be cut off points specifically such as no less than 90% or 95% or 98% European and such. Figure it out DNA is everything.

10/10, OP. Too bad the hicks in here will never appreciate the genius behind this troll.

If you don't like it now, you will never like it and besides she poops from ass too.

lol Europe is one big meme, enjoy your new Sharia state

Parents: 1/2
Grand-P: 1/4
Great Grand-P: 1/8
Great x2 Grand-P: 1/16
Great x3 Grand-P: 1/32
What the fuck do you mean 1/24? How can she lack eight great-great-great grandparents, that would mean four of her great-great grandparents, two of her great-grandparents, and one of her grandparents don't exist.

You're really stupid if you needed that much autism to debate OP's fraction.

I'm just saying, how can she be 1/24th nigger. It assumes that there is one person left over. So, if one of her 24 relatives was a nigger, that means they all birthed 12 of her relatives, which birthed another six, which birthed three, which would become her parents. That makes no sense.
The point I'm making is that OP is baiting bullshit or his girlfriend is more of a nigger than he thinks

im not good with maths - if she is 1/24 nog what percentage white does that make her?

lol, this is a parody thread
normally i'd complain about such a slide
but this is decent subtle trolling, not hilarious but amusing
>1/48 black

teach them to hate the negro in themselves, and they will live as whites do

>this thread so far

Here we go arguing about what is and isn't white again.................. Just here to watch the autistic shitshow. Reminder that whites all came out of Northern Africa and then towards Western Asia and finally North to Europe where they developed the white skin mutation.

Your cocklets are showing

US - 1 Eurabia - 0

1/24 = 0,041 * 100
4,1% nigger

Thread is probably bait tho


>sees genealogy tests pushed on tv
>liberals push race-mixing agenda
>white person with light colored hair and eyes gets tested
>finds out that they're 1-5% nigger, spic, or generally darkie
>gives up because "not white" and race mixes their white genes away for the Jews
>takes test again and gets different result

Many such cases! Sad!

Kill yourselves

just do it you dumb idiot
if you could never even tell she was part nig what does it matter, blaming her for it is like how all the SJWs blame whites today for slavery and demand gibes for it dumbass

Lmfao mongrels

Looks like it's time to kill yourself


Yeah not gonna click your jew article, Tyrone

I'm a pale ass blonde white Nordic looking mother fucker. I liked to joke about it, but l'm probably the anti-Christ also so...............


That makes a lot of sense, then. I thought she was referring to her lineage, as in, black parents. Usually, the lineage threads here include parents, not so much reports.

Firstly, those commercial genetic tests are barely accurate.
Secondly, Europeans have a few common genes with Africans and so will show up as "African" in small degrees, I'd guess. Remember they're trying to do a lot with DNA that is extremeley similar and the differences that make white and black people are quite subtle. We're 50% similar in DNA to banannas, for an example, so if you were to take a DNA sample of her to tell kf it's from a bananna or a human, they'd only be working with half the DNA and half nonsense, despite humans being quite different than banannas. Now imagine that with two percentage points, or even a fraction of a percent (like differences between southern Europeans and North Africans.) It's nearly impossible and so they'll use a lot of guesswork.
Also the way they do those tests is based on (about as accurate) samples from the CURRENT regions, like say Northern Germany, which very likely has small amounts of admixture from Africa already thanks to trade routes and general human migration patterns especially during times like Rome.
I've heard Lithuania is one of the only regions who's general population tests 0% African nearly every time on those commercial tests, though I'm not sure if that's true.

And before any Euros get uppidy, American race-mixing was contained until the 60's. Any mixed race person (likely as a result of slave rape) was simply considered black, and anyone mixed race after the 60's...well you can tell by looking at them. Rember Britian has some of the highest African admixture in Europe, allegedly. But I don't trust those tests.
T. An autistic tired retard.

Blue eyes as well, I hope? Good for you not being a filthy mongrel like many other burgers. Saluted.

The Northern German migration didn't happen until after Rome left Britian, after having been there for centuries. We're unsure of where native Britons came from, likely central Europe yes but that was ancient. You guys are mixed to hell. Anglos, Saxons, (Danes), Italians/general Romans, Celts, Picts, Normans, it's all there.

you don't have much room to talk, gooks have infested your cities and your entire housing market has been getting CHINKED for the past 12 years

you came to Sup Forums just for this


The Roman admixture is very small in Britain though. Picts are just another celtic tribe, or were.

I'll say myself came up as 1/200ths SSA when liberally guessing. It's nothing, but let's say it condemns me. My phenotypes are both almsot exclusive to Scandinavia and Germany, meaning that's where my chromisome lines come from.
Race micing was strictly illegal and tabboo in Americas short history, so there wouldn't have been time for my family to race mix. So therefor, if I'm black, likely so are Southern Swedes and Northern Danes.

my children will be 1/16th black from me no matter what, but they will still look and be white.

Yep. "Protestand Europeans of Good Moral Charcter."
We have mostly British and German with spats of Irish/Scottish and Dutch and Scandinavian.
The Italians and Poles and such didn't come until much later, like 150-100 years ago, and they formed their own communities in places like New Jersy (Italians) Boston (Irish) and Chicago (Pollacks).

>4,1% nigger

thats so small a percentage that it probably wont effect your kids. it will be completely bred out the in the following couple generations.

You need to stop. Spanish kings of the past share ancestry with English royalty. That is why I carry the RH negative blood protein. The blonde haired blue eyed obsession is a meme which is pushed onto white people to push them away from National Socialism. Blonde hair and blue eyed peoples were to be used as a small group of "elites" to lord over the rest according to National Socialist doctrine. Green eyes are far rarer, and whites come in different varieties. But the brown hair and brown eye combination is repulsive.

Because someone does not have blonde hair and blue eyes, that does not make them "not white".

I had blonde hair and blue eyes until puberty where they changed to green. Not hazel either. Green with a blue ring around the outside.

So close to

1/32 + 1/8

1/24 is fine. your kids would be decidedly white. many italians and spainiard are even higher than 1/24.

his post was more deserving of the blessing it received..

>blonde hair and blue eyes, that does not make them "not white".

No, it just makes them not Nordic.


inb4 25% ashkenazi = 100% european, goy!

Sage this dumb faggot

>it just makes them not Nordic.

You have no idea what you're talking about Felix.

$50 says you have some slight Irish/English DNA as well


quintessentially european.

that makes more sense, I never considered two mixed people in the family line.

Actually, if there are marriages between cousins, your denominator doesn't have to be an exponent of 2. Still, you are right, the same person should be counted multiple times even in that case, since he/she contributes that many times more than their share. The anons not getting your comment should go back to high school and learn some elementary number theory.

hitler was 3% nigger and vegan.
and also jew.