Italian starting Dynamiting E.U

While the banks crisis is going now in Italy.
and EU technocraty-dictatorship are trying to get a law to be permited to freeze banks account of every citizen in europe.

The poverty and healthcare treatment goes shit for Italians while it stay free for economic migrant.
The dynamiting of this Fascist EU is begining right there.

Forza Italia ! Keep going Italians bro !

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I hope the (((EU))) dies soon

>The dynamiting of this communist EU is begining right there.
Fixed for you

all my support italian bros, its a pitty what our beutiiful countries are turning in

>La prefetta, a un mese esatto da questo attentato, ha ricevuto una lettera minatoria con dentro due proiettili e la promessa di far saltare definitivamente in aria la caserma.
Typical Sardinian methods.
Oddly they didn't toss a pig head on her garden or burned her car.

Theyve been llegally ferring niggers and kebabs for years but suddenly they care?

(((Germany))) must die before the (((EU))) will die.

Even the smugglers are starting to feel the heat

i don't think most of the ferries have any italians

>Theyve been llegally ferring niggers and kebabs for years
Most of the ONGs ships are German, Spanish or Nordic. And just these days our magistati have opened investigations on a German one for having contacts with smugglers back in 2016.

>but suddenly they care?
Suddenly? People are pissed since the whole thing began.

And why would the Eurocrats in Brussels care?

lmao! Based sardi

Does this have something to do with the Defend Europe thing?

I notice that they started seizing boats shortly after that started, and now they seem to be taking the whole thing a lot more seriously.

>Does this have something to do with the Defend Europe thing?
No, it has to do with the fact that elections are in a few months so the current leftist government is trying to make people forget 4 years of cuckoldry by being less insane

The actual problem is how fake news about immigrants are given to the population in a sort of shit hurricane of random retarded facts.
Populist Parties state that "Italy gives something like 50 euros per day to every immigrant and free mobiles", which is just retarded.
Liberal parties just don't get the situation and have different opinions, some say "it's our duty to help those poor people" and others talk about idiotic solutions.

Italians are retarded.

>elections are in a few months.

Credece a' bello.

>Populist Parties state that "Italy gives something like 50 euros per day to every immigrant and free mobiles", which is just retarded
Nobody says that, it's leftists using it as an hyperbole to make people who disagree with them look dumb... at the same time they say their own lies like "the EU pays for them"

They are constitutionally required to call new elections by February, i don't know what you're talking about

I mostly agree about the fact that the left is trying everything to look not dumber that other parties, but you can't say that Salvini isn't repeating the same thing about money to immigrants over and over, just check is Facebook Profile dude

Fuck I forgot next year is 2018 already, pardon.

>but you can't say that Salvini isn't repeating the same thing about money to immigrants over and over
He really isn't, nobody from Lega Nord or FdI says that the money goes to the immigrants, at best you can find it in facebook comments or in some headline from Il Giornale or something

And thank god for that, i can't stand this government one day longer

Dont you Italians have elections soon? Hows it looking?


You mean with all the energy company cocks in their mouth and the parliament being dominated by Conservatives?

Guys is important, let's push for Lega Nord and do campaign for them.
They have to take 20+% at least if we want the collapse of EU

Probably the PD (the left liberal party) is going to win but will not be able to control the Parliament

hahahaha how is Lega Nord a real party like seriously it look more like a bunch of retards screaming STOP INVASIONE RENSI A CASA all day hahahah like nigga fuck off

>Dont you Italians have elections soon?
Spring 2018 if the government doesn't destroy itself on some dumb law before that time.

>Hows it looking?
M5S first party, PD 2nd.
Right-wing 1st coalition (Lega + Forza Italia + Fratelli d'Italia) for number of seats.

>like nigga fuck off
How about you stop talking like a 'Merican neger to begin with?

You don't know a shit, right?

No government possible
Center right + right about 35% with Lega Nord biggest party in the coalition
Movimento 5 Stelle about 27-28%
Partito Democratico, current government about 26-27%

how bout you go back to your tulips field and shut the fuck up

People who vote Lega Nord unironically should be gassed.

E' un piddino del cazzo che avrà sentito si e no un paio di parole di un telegiornale o avrà letto un paio di righe di repubblica.

>You mean with all the energy company cocks in their mouth and the parliament being dominated by Conservatives?
What communists don't make electricity or something? That actually makes sense to be honest.

Zitto merda.
I piddini osano ancora parlare.

>everybody who disagrees with me is piddino del cazzo

italians people and ONG are 2 different things .

>those fucking piddini who keeps talking they ruined our precious country

just kill yourself you're pathetic

t. PDIOTA voter

Tulip field. Is that really all you got?

>Probably the PD (the left liberal party) is going to win
Lol. The biggest coalition is the right wing one, followed by (((m5s))) and PD last. You can stop shilling for them my friend. PD won't win shit

No, ma hai usato una retorica piddina, estremamente superficiale tra l'altro, quindi la tua estrazione proviene, la tua o quella dei tuoi dai quali hai sentito poco o niente di politica, a quel mondo.

Se non sei un piddino informati sulla politica economica che la lega sta proponendo da 6 anni e, al di là del folclorismo leghista, pensaci due volte prima di scartarla.

I bet you are nigger

your country is so miserably insignificant that when thinking of Netherlands I really don't know how to offend you germs

he's a PD voter that regularly comes here from leftypol to shitpost and try to demoralize. It's not the first time I see him

Italexit when?

lascia perdere.
è lo stesso pirla di leftypol che shitposta in ogni thread riguardante l'Italia e che continua a ripetere che votare PD è l'unica soluzione

la lega è capeggiata da un personaggio insignificante, eletto al parlamento europeo e che più volte è stato umiliato da colleghi a bruxells per la sua inettitudine e ignoranza. Lavorava in un fast food prima di candidarsi, non si è mai laureato, è talmente davvero non so con che coraggio la gente pensi di votarlo o di ritenerlo capace

Beh, i piddini o sono vecchiacci afflitti da demenza senile o sono tra i più coglioni che girano.
Grazie dell'informazione.

è letteralmente il primo post su Sup Forums che commento in mesi e se sei così convinto di quello che dici da identificare gente a caso solo per come parla in un sito che è totalmente anonimo non so davvero come dimostrarti che sei solamente un fallito e un' idiota. Ucciditi.

He's an italian sjw, ignore him.

Funny how I hear that so many times yet we still manage to sandblast peoples asses for some 400 years

Ah thx user that explains a lot

windmill jew

Il fatto che sia su leftypol te la dice tutta.
No problem, non bisogna lasciarsi demoralizzare dai vari agitatori politici online

infatti ho mai detto che il pd è giustificabile? il vostro problema, larve, è che chiunque si dimostri minimamente non populista o similmente liberale è un piddino. Siete gente che vomita merda a casaccio e Sup Forums non potrebbe essere più adatto a falliti come voi


time for italians to make some sense out
of this shit. But sadly you're just an american airbase/airport..

Svegliatevi Grillini, forza Generazione Identitaria!
Dove e' finito Paolo Barnard?

it's kind of the same really, just on different ends of the political spectrum

strano perchè ricordo di aver visto lo stesso tipo di concern trolling pro PD non più di un mese fa. Se non sei la stessa persona, souni molto come lui.
Ti consiglio comunque di informarti un minimo prima di parlare a vanvera di politica e di consigliare alla gente di suicidarsi per le loro opinioni

Oy vey we must save the banks goy!

Haha nice one user.
Deep truth in that one

>Svegliatevi Grillini,
Dio per carità no. I grillini sono populismo puro, senza una base ideologica coerente e le cui opinioni cambiano a seconda di come gira il vento.
Basti pensare che i 5 stelle voglioni "regolarizzare" i flussi dall'Africa e creare corridoi umanitari per trasportare in Italia ancor più migranti

Sei italiano o sloveno?
Paolo Barnard went in England for a while, he has a site:

Btw he has and insopportable personality, and can't work with anybody. Btw there is an antieuro movement and Lega Nord took it as best as it could, maybe the most important figure of those guys is Alberto Bagnai.
You can find his conferences on youtube.

REEEE get that shit away from the slovene border

Il m5s è un movimento gatekeeper, altro non è che un partito azienda creato per portare avanti gli interessi di una singola persona (Casaleggio) molto intelligente che è riuscita a coglionare un fottio di gente dicendo loro quel che volevano sentire.
Non bisogna trattar male i grillini però sono in realtà estremamente preziosi, bisogna però destarli dal loro incanto.

But user, they want to go to Hungary, let them pass!

>Non bisogna trattar male i grillini però sono in realtà estremamente preziosi, bisogna però destarli dal loro incanto.
vero, vero. Le persone che votano 5 stelle hanno, per la maggior parte, idee abastanza compatibli con Lega, etc.
Purtroppo la leadership non ha alcun interesse nell'attuare tali idee, ma solo nel raccoglier consensi

Polder shills

undecided for
1. mohamed detected
2. radical chic detected

>blowing up leftards.
Well, it's a longstanding national tradition.

fuck you it was a rail station, not the local communist party section, and everybody knows it was the americans

>The billionaire Soros secretly met the Italian PM Gentiloni, speaking of NGO

>Soros-Linked "Undesirable NGOs" Fund ISIS-linked Refugee Boats To EU

>Libya claims NGO boats in the Mediterranean are 'migrant taxis'
>NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale
>Video depicting human traficking on a map

NGOs are engaging in illegal human trafficking. You don't need an investigation for that. These ships sail to the North African coast, pick these migrants up and import them into Europe. They're not picking them up from their boats and returning them to where they came from. What is their justification for taking them to Europe? There is none other than the Kalergi plan. The objective is to replace the European population and nothing else. Not some human rights bullshit or things like that. If that were the case, they'd ship them right back to Libya or whatever North African country they came from, but they never do

>In France, 96% of rejected asylum seekers remain in the country
>UE claims that 80% of migrants are illegal
>Study showing NGOs boosting illegal migration

>muh horse shoe theory
>muh view of political faction through liberal lens
Maybe communism and absolute monarchy the same too?

Sink the ships. Pass legislation that makes helping smugglers illegal. And put the crew into a prison. Explain me why italy is not doing anything ? This problem can be easily solved.

That will never happen with the current government. They own (or at least their friends/relatives do) the cooperatives that manage the welcoming of migrants, and they get public money for that. They have personal interest in making migrants come here.

Would you willingly do something that hurts your own business?

come and gas me, nigger

Si lo so che la loro politica estera fa cagare, ma sono persone decenti, e se un giorno vedessero la luce gli auguro un futuro piu lungo della DC.
Sloveno. Ma bastardo ;)

Cmq, forse le banche dei fetenti sauditi senza l'usura non mi suonano male, e che e' lo stesso giro, cio'e usd=petrolio=bonds

Non so.. tutti alle forche e commercio in bitcoin o ritorno alle vecchie lire e deutshcmark e altro

good,i know personally some people that became ultra racist because of this massive immigration.
i'm pretty sure that if things don't go well with the election there will be an insurrection,even military maybe.

Which party in Italy is 100% antiimmigration and will enact the necessary steps ? There is no issue nore impprtant than that. Niggers will weaken italy permanently. Financial crisis is temporary.

>EU technocraty-dictatorship are trying to get a law to be permited to freeze banks account of every citizen in europe
this is a real threat. everyone on this board should build an emergency buffer held in bitcoin.

Not that I'm justifying blowing up communist. I'm for more moderate measures, like forced internment in labor camps on small islands around the Mediterranean.

But basically every public place in Bologna was a communist party section back in the day.

You seem like a legit non proxy Italian bro, what does it mean when OP said
>EU technocraty-dictatorship are trying to get a law to be permited to freeze banks account of every citizen in europe.
I do not understand.

Lega nord is the choice, don't listen to the shills saying they're a bunch of retarded

speriamo. Non credo succederà mai dato che i dirigenti del partito non hanno interesse nel farlo, ma incrocio le dita
Lega Nord or Fratelli d'Italia. There's also Forza Italia, which is Berlusconi's party, but many people (me included) don't really like them because of past scandals. They are still far better than our left.

The best outcome we can have is a winning center right coalition with heavy Lega/FDI presence. Which seems likely because Lega alone is bigger than Berlusconi's party. If you combine it with FDI it becomes a "far" right majority center right coalition. A bit like having a coalition of AfD, CDU and CSU where AfD and CSU vastly dominate

nice try ^)

>and EU technocraty-dictatorship are trying to get a law to be permited to freeze banks account of every citizen in europe

If this happens in taking all my money off the bank.

It's not surprising that even the most liberal can begin to fear the consequences of this invasion. Yes it needs to stop but some leftists are so afraid of the right that their ideology overtake logic.
This is not a left or right issue. This is a threat to Italy. Best that the government does something instead of forcing people to commit crimes against migrants or those who house them.
Extreme threats require extreme actions.

We'll have latin union soon, bro.
Just give us Olivença, and Galiza, and, and...

Afd and Csu coalition ? Sounds great.

Yeah that will never happen. It's a suicide for EU.
OP is a faggot pastanigger.

Don't worry eurobros, we will solve this problem.

Why didn't you archive?

>theguardian com/world/2017/aug/02/italy-impounds-ngo-rescue-ship-sends-navy-patrol-boat-to-libya-migrant-refugee-route-europe

I'm not sure actually, i'm not aware of the european parliament discussing a law regarding that

>freeze bank account of every citizen in europe.
That's just asking for a run on the banks and a resurgence of cash usage.

They already did this in Greece you retarded curry nigger.
and they profite everyone is in holiday to voting the worse laws. Just like in france.
And nope I'm not Italian you fucking color blind curry nigger.

Time to invest in land / rock / copper / silver / gold if you can.

Take a look.

When our masters will allow us to do so :^)

>communists don't make electricity or something?

>you can see the shape of part of the Nile

Stop sperging out you fucking moron

>Pass legislation that makes helping smugglers illegal. And put the crew into a prison
This is what is probably going to happen with one of them. It's most likely just a PR operation for the next elections, though. Get as much public attention on the smallest of the NGOs being raped by our judical system, while letting the others continue with only a slap on the wrist