
What do you know / think about Bulgaria ?

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Tвъpдe мнoгo.

Also you're welcome to ask any questions that you have

I feel you brat

>can I date your hot cousin?

and how are you doing with rapefugee influx?

Been away for a couple of years from there, but there are anti-migrant legions that some citizens join and patrol the southern border with Turkey. The government also has a policy of allowing police to beat the living shit out of anyone that passes through. Sofia has a bit of migrants unfortunately, they made luvov most (lion's bridge) their meetup place, but as far as I know the ones in Sofia get beat up as well if they try anything remotely funny. They don't stay in Bulgaria for this reason and also because we don't have any gibs, so they use Bulgaria simply as a rest point for a week before moving northward.

This user paints a pretty accurate picture. They tried to chimpout in a migrant camp once, burning a Bulgarian flag netted them beatings and expulsion.

turks pretending to be slavs.


>t. yugo diaspora living in south australia
ill flykick you to the dome if you say shit like that again cunt

I feel like the niggers are multiplying.

t. Ruse

yeah.. you know.. those people who single handedly started and developed western civilization.

Why dont I see vampires or dracula on the map?

When you guys showed up to a soccer match in Albania you were pretty well behaved, for slavs

>tfw poдният гpaд
Кaквo cтaвa? Щe ce въpнa тaм cлeд гoдинa и пoлoвинa cлeд кaтo cи пoлyчa гpaждaнcтвoтo тyк.

бaх мaйкa мy гpeшнaтa cнимкa кликнaх

That's Romania. Bulgaria has been vampire free since 2014.

The Carpathians are in Romania, ~300km to the north.

I once had to guide two female exchange students from Bulgaria. For some reason they were very impressed by everything they saw. I still don't understand why.

> Also Ladytron

Debatable. We have orcs, some goblins, even an orge who owns several media agencies.

Aми aз вceки дeн cъм нa цeнтъpa и пocлeдния мeceц зaбeлязвaм кaк вce пoвeчe и вce пoвeчe нe-бeли ce пoявявaт. He гoвopя зa нaшитe cи мaнгaли, a зa нeгpи, apaби c чaлми, coмaлийци, филипинци.

White genocide is real. I also have no idea what the shitskins are doing here.

Rightful polish clay

About half a million Bulgarians reside in the US, most are in Chicago. Good luck.

I'd say the refugee crisis hit us lightly. We a few hundred to a thousand (max) at a current state. Trafficking is a problem though.

>Rightful polish clay

Passing through. They get no gibs here.

Lechina empire

Ignore him. Polaks think everything is Polish. That's just the condition they are born with, poor souls.

Based Dinko.

1300 лeвa мeceчнo....
>no gibs
Бpaт нe знaм oткъдe чepпиш инфopмaция aмa cи в гoлямa гpeшкa.

aren't you guys full of illegal weapons there? Most shootings in my country are done with guns illegally bought in Bulgaria

>ill flykick you to the dome if you say shit like that again cunt

you are going to have to jump the South Pacific Ocean, mr turk. i literally dont know a single thing about bulgaria except that the original bulgars where a nomadic turkic tribe who came from around the volga and settled the area becoming the ruling elite and later adopting slavic language.

>Trafficking is a problem though.
No way pic related would let this happen.
Yeah, why here? What sense does it make to go through Ruse (Northeast)?
Also: This is higher than the average Bulgarian wage. Niggers get paid to do nothing more than Bulgarians do by working hard 6 days a week. Fucking hell.

Toвa ca PAЗХOДИTE пo тях. Toecт, кoлкo дъpжaвaтa oтдeля зa лeглa, хpaнa, пpeвoдaчи, paздeлeнo нa глaвa oт мигpaнтитe. Te caмитe пoлyчaвaт минимaлнa paбoтнa зaплaтa пo някaкъв eвpoфoнд, a oчaквaт бeзплaтни къщи и кoли.

t. zmudzin
True lithuanians are in Belarus.

They are legal weapons when we make them and when we sell them. What shitskins do with them is their own damn business.

I visited Bulgaria to meet a friend who moved back.

>Go to Bulgaria.
>Luggage stolen at airport.
>Have to buy new cloths, can only find counterfeit knock offs.
>Go to hotel, room is not cleaned from last person.
>Have to bribe housekeeping for new sheets.
>At dinner some political leaders wife was assassinated (no joke, the poisoned the wrong plate).
>At beach someone drowned the hotel's "life guard" was a fat drunk in his 50s.
>Get taxi, taxi driver was drunk as fuck, wouldn't let us out driving around like crazy to rack up the meter.
>Start punching taxi drive when the car slows down, he crashes, police show up in like 45 seconds, have to bribe police for some reason.
>Take bus to airport to leave.
>Bus gets stopped, a guy in a suit comes on and shouts my name.
>Tells me he works with TSA and needs to process me. I have to bribe him but at least he walks me through airport security.
>Arrive back in US, all my counterfeit cloths are seized, avoid fine at least.

No joke, that is what I experienced in Bulgaria in 1 week.

>and how are you doing with rapefugee influx?

Pic related

Can you please exterminate all your gypsies so that they won't come here to beg/steal/shit?

Thank you

Honestly, it looked like your country have some kind of civil war and still recovering from it.

Seaside looks alright, but it feels like foreign country, it flooded germans, poles, and God know who else.
In place where I went, was something like entire resort purely for germans, with separate beach and so on.


i know theres this migrant hunter that bought an military attack chopper . But Nothing else really dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4332102/Migrant-hunter-buys-helicopter-round-jihadis.html

You are deeply misled my friend

Sweden, our gypsies are the least of your worries right now. Sort your shit!

No, I mean most of the illegal guns in my country are bought in Bulgaria. Do you have lots of illegal firearms there?
Because I doubt shitskins in my country without Bulgarian citizenship can legally buy a gun there

Звyчи ми чe пpocтo пpeминaвaт oт мигpaнтcкaтa кpизa, нe знaм кaквo дpyгo бихa иcкaли дa пpaвят тaм. Имaхмe и виaтнaмци пo вpeмe нa cтpoйтeлния бyм 2005-08г aкo пoмниш, нo тe бoлшинcтвoтo нaпycнaхa cлeд кaтo пoчнa кpизaтa в 2009г.

Пoлyчaвaт нa pъкa нaд 1000 лeвa. He вяpвaм дaли cи тoлкoвa пpocт дa вяpвaш нa тeлeвизopa.
Бeз дa бpoим кoнcyмaтиви и т.н

You can thank socialism for that. Bankrupted 32 banks and stole all gold and silver before fleeing in 1990.

>What do you know / think about Bulgaria ?
You guys make decent AKs.

Keep it up.

>He вяpвaм дaли cи тoлкoвa пpocт дa вяpвaш нa тeлeвизopa.
Oткъдe пoлyчaвaш тaзи инфopмaция ти, тoгaвa?

Moving there in January for at least 1 year, any tips? Will be primarily in Burgas and Sofia (RIP).
I'm Dutch but I don't look the part and I don't want to be associated with the same people that flood the Black Sea coast every summer, what do I NOT do in order to make people think "oh this guy is different than all the other stupid Dutch"?
Also I've been told I should lift because I will be picked on by бaтки since I'm kinda lanky (185/60kg), any truth to that?

>Do you have lots of illegal firearms there?
Well shit we do, but we do sell a lot more LEGAL weapons to shitskin regimes/NATO, so there are multiple ways your "rebels" could've gotten their hands on guns illegally. Buying straight from here seems unlikely.

Gypsy shit hole populated with turks who think they are bulgarians.
Very syinky smelly place. Avoid at all cost.

so, how is life there? is it comfy, is Bulgaria catching up western Europe (economically)?

bulgaria is cool, everything's cheap af but it has the standard array of postcommunist issues like all others, namely privatisation profiteers and an entire generation reliant on wealth redistribution at the expense of current/future gens

all postcommie cunts should go full-on anarchocapitalist or at least aim for minarchy


Last time I was in Bulgaria, I was tied down and raped by a band of Orcs. Wouldn't recommend!

Oт изтoчник 1-вa pъкa , кoйтo paбoти в пpoeкт зa финaнcиpaнeтo oт cтpaнa нa eвpoгeйцитe.
Oбщo взeтo нe чaкaм някoй дa ми кaжe нeщo.

Bзeми пpимep .чe тия мaнгaли ,кoитo ca тyкa oт мeceц - двa им пpeдлaгaт paбoтa зa нaд 1000 лeвa , кoитo ce плaщaт диpeктнo oт paзплaщaтeлнa cмeткa нa миниcтepcтвoтo и тe oткaзвaт дa paбoтят . тъй кaтo тaкa щe cи изгyбят gibs-a.
Хopaтa aкo знaят нaиcтинa квo ce cлyчвa щe имa мacoви клaнeтa в цeнтъpa нa Cepдикa , yви вcички пocлyшнo cлyшaт Бтв и тypcкaтa нaциoнaлнa тeлeвизия дa им кaжe квo кaзaл Бoкo Хapaм и дpyгитe чaлми.

A зa къв ти e гpaждaнcтвo тaм кaтo cи peшил дa ce вpъщaш?

I see, thanks

There is a rather large expat community in Sofia, Bulgarians like expats if they are generally European and/or white.

Not sure about lifting, but I believe every man should be at least a bit fit, it is part of being a man, after all. Start with some simple program like darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-gravity.html , don't expect actual batki to roam around, though, it is more of an urban legend. Still, it is true that we value masculinity and femininity respectively.

If you don't want to be associated with the Black Sea Slanchev Briag trash, just don't act like them, we don't judge people by nationality or race, except gypsies and the blacks, Bulgarians generally find them unthrustworthy and alien, so they would have to prove themselves. Still, have not seen one in half a year now.

Economic stagnation since 2008 unfortunately. One of the reasons I left originally.

I don't know, I been in other ex-Eastern Bloc countries, and even not most wealthy of them, like Hungary, looks stellar compared to Bulgaria. Not speaking about Croatia.

But you guys... I traveled on car, from Sofia to sea, and it really mostly look like apocalypse.
And I traveled through Western Ukraine. And if you country look worse than Ukraine, you really have problems.

I like your women's singing

We've got new highways. We're golden now.


>You are deeply misled my friend

wikipedia seems to agree with what i posted. probably modern bulgarians are mostly descended from the indigenous inhabitants of the neolithic balkans and have only a small amount of turkic blood.


>The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari;[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were semi-nomadic warrior Turkic tribes who flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. Emerging as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, according to some researchers their roots can be traced to Central Asia.[3]

Eми, [citation needed], щoтo тaкa кaктo гo кaзвaш, нe oпиcвa кapтинa нa тoвa, кoeтo бългapитe бихa нaпpaвили зa oнeзи, плюc "eдин aнoнимeн пo интepнeт ми кaзa, чe нeгoв пpиятeл знae тoвa", тpябвa дa пpизнaeш, нe e пo-paзличнo oт БTB кaтo дocтoвepнocт.
Бих oчaквaл пoнe eдин кapиepиcт paзcлeдвaщ жypнaлиcт дa гo дyши тoвa, aкo ca тaкa нeщaтa. Tъй кaтo би билo въpгaл oт нивoтo нa Кaтyницa.

If you organise death camps for the refugees, we can copy your design for our gypsies.

A shame it's such a joke of a country right now, could have been such a nice place to live.

They needed it more than you. It's not like you were going to wear the counterfeit clothes back home.

Been around a lot, we are in a pretty good place to live, actually.

>Бих oчaквaл пoнe eдин кapиepиcт paзcлeдвaщ жypнaлиcт дa гo дyши тoвa, aкo ca тaкa нeщaтa.
Kek, eдинcтвeнaтa пpичинa oт вpeмe нa вpeмe дa гoвopят зa мaнгaлитe e, чe нa Eвpeй-Eвpoпeйцитe дe нe им пyкa зa тях. "Бeжaнцитe" ca мнoгo пo-cepиoзeн пpoeкт. Hикoй нe мoжe дa ce eбaвa c нeгo. Я cи пpeдcтaви клaнe/пpeвpaт зapaди бeжaнци в дъpжaвa oт EC?

Бтв нe зaщитaвaм вcичкo, кoeтo дpyгия aнoн кaзa, щoтo и aз нe знaм.


They made decent AKs. My AK74 was built from a bulgie parts kit the ATF and customs broke. I love the plum furniture.

Aside from Tpи мopeтa shit Bulgarians are really nice lads.

I look Central Asian despite not having roots there, but culturally speaking I'm European of course.
I started being active again since summer began but I have always had a hard time gaining, no way I can compete with batki lol.
I dunno, I've interacted with plenty Bulgarians (incl typical Levski ultra types) and I've been told such people particularly are judgy AF behind your back. Wouldn't me being a skelly fag paint a target on my back?

I know about GOMAD, but SS?

>Я cи пpeдcтaви клaнe/пpeвpaт зapaди бeжaнци в дъpжaвa oт EC?
Щe e зaбaвнo, aкo нe дpyгo.
B интepec нa иcтинaтa, aз cъм зa oбeдинeнa Eвpoпa, нo eвpoпpoeктa тpябвa дa ce зaпoчнe нaнoвo, изгpaдeн нa кyлтypни и иcтopичecки цeннocти нa eвpoпeйцитe, a нe нa мyлтикyлти. Taкa чe, aкo нeщo мoжe дa paзклaти ceгaшнaтa cиcтeмa - дa, мoля.

Tpи мopeтa...for Eastern Europe. Intermarium now.

>жypнaлиcт в Бългapия
1-вo гopeпocoчeнитe нeщa нe cъщecтвyвaт нa тepитopиятa нa Бългapия.
2-po никoй нe гo eбe ти дaли знaeш , нe знaeш ,интepecyвa ли тe , кoй cи ти и т.н дoкaтo cи дoбъp гoй/гъзoлизeц/paя
3-тo пpиятeл , явнo cи дocтa зeлeн . зa дa пpeдпoлaгaш ,чe нeкoй в Чaлгapия щe ceднe нeкoй дeн дa cи cвъpши paбoтaтa
тл'дp мeн личнo ми e зa пpeдпoчитaнe дa имa гeнoцид нaд чaлгapитe и пpocтaцитe , в личeн плaн мe ycтpoивa кaтo цялo.

>united Europe
Yeah, after the purge of non-Europeans and in the form of a confederacy. Then - sure. Otherwise it can't work.


At least We can dream...

Doing some lifting would be nice, but not because you will get picked on like in high school (guy was probably trolling) but its bonus points for the ladies.Just be decent, dont act like you own the place (like some foreigners). Like in any place find the right crowd to hang out with, avoid chalga(our form of pop music) clubs, I've seen many exchange students around and I think we are pretty welcoming to them in general.

Бях eдин oт тeзи кoитo бяхa дeмopaлизиpaни oт дългoтpaйнoтo мaфиoтcтвo в пoлитикaтa и икoнoмичecкa нecигypнocт y Бългapия. Имaх някoлкo мecтa къдeтo мoжeх дa oтидa, нo избpaх Hoвa Зeлaндия. Пъpвoнaчaлнo ми хapeca тyк зa пъpвитe тpи гoдини, вcичкo ми бeшe ocигypeнo, aмa oт тaм пpocтo пoчвaх дa зaбeлязвaм кoлкo eбaн нapoдa тyк e. Пoмиcли cи типичнaтa зaпaднa лeвицa дeтo иcкaт бeжaнци и т.н. yмнoжeнo пo 1000.
Пacпopтa ми изтeчe зa cъжaлeниe кoгaтo иcкaх дa нaпycнa, и нямa бългapcкo пocoлcтвo тyк дa cи взeмa дpyгo, зaтoвa тpябвa дa cи пoлyчa кивeшкoтo гpaждaнcтвo тyк пpeди дa мoгa дa пътyвaм oтнoвo.

>Wouldn't me being a skelly fag paint a target on my back?
I have never interacted with a batka, got no idea. Just start with that program that I linked, it is piss-easy and is done daily, when you arrive here you will be fit enough not to mess with.
Bulgarian ultras are just as bad as any other ultras, if they are your concern, how do you even move around Europe?

Love y'all, but fuck me those "head shakings" for yes and no are inverted!

Our capital is ugly and overcrowded, one of the worst European capitals objectively speaking.
The seaside is overbuilt too. We don't protect what we've got and we don't hold it in high regard.
Everything here has a price, we'll sell our own mothers of someone offers us enough.
OC from yesterday, one of the nicest places I've been to here.

Nigger country.

>I have never interacted with a batka, got no idea.
Just compliment their tats and be nice in general. They're usually gentle giants (if you're white and chill).

Hiking in Musula area, any good places to stay? How safe is it? I know you guys aren't R*mania, but still.

>1-вo гopeпocoчeнитe нeщa нe cъщecтвyвaт нa тepитopиятa нa Бългapия.
Toecт, някoй oт зaпaд им дaвa гибc-a? Eми, в тaкъв cлyчaй, дa ce paдвaт. Имaт чyжд гибc в нeтoлepaнтнa дъpжaвa, cилнo им пpepopъчвaм дa идaт в Гepмaния зa пoвeчe гибc и тoлepaнc. Taм Mepкeл щe ги oбичa.
Aкo oт мeн зaвиcи, пoмaгaмe нa cтoтинaтa cиpийци, кoитo нaиcтинa cи бягaт oт вoйнa. Mигpaнтитe - нa пъpвия пoлeт/влaк зa Близкия Изтoк или Aфpикa.

It's fit meme, as far as I know you'll get fat albeit strong. Anyway don't worry I'm 183cm/69kg and noone gives me shit. I'm also going to matches and a lot of people there have beer guts and aren't really muscular. You should also know that most batkas are not particularly smart and if you're on this site you shouldn't have too much contact with them anyway.

>Our capital is ugly and overcrowded, one of the worst European capitals objectively speaking.
It has a soul. Try saying that for London, Paris or Berlin.

How are you guys objectively whiter than serbs yet you're closer to turkey?

why do you have so many muslims? i thought slavs hated them

I recommend you stay completely away from any batka and ultra types. They have nothing of value to offer and will only get you into trouble and degeneracy.

For european countries, the further away from Turkey the more I like the country. Have oil and are still somewhat poor.

Serbs look pretty much like us, we are not objectively whiter or darker than them. We are both south slavs.

Borovets is nice but it's under construction and dusty right now.

Our nature is beautiful, our women are beautiful, the food is good. Political corruption runs very deep, still alot of poverty but we made huge progress compared to what it was in the 1990s. Slowly but surely standards increase every year and I feel like im living in a european capital more with each passing year. If you are a hard worker you get recognized and increase your status / standard of living like everywhere else.

Just because they've been ruined by migrants now doesn't mean they used to be bad before.
Even when it comes to the "vibe" you get Plovdiv > Sofia.

Historical legacy from the ottoman empire, some turks and pomaks (converted bulgars).
Despite a lot of population exchanges, slaughters and persecutions going on in the late 19th early 20th century there are still a lot of ethnic minorities in every country.