Is there a way to raise a daughter in this day and age, who doesn't end up being a slut because of social media...

Is there a way to raise a daughter in this day and age, who doesn't end up being a slut because of social media, educational system, and society?

Raise in the church, tv internet doesn't exist, plus only friends who have similar parenting.

Do you think mozart wouldve been as successful if his parents gave him an xbox and unrestricted internet access?

>plus only friends who have similar parenting.
And there's the problem.
I tried to keep my boy from the insane sugar diet. Kid wont miss what he don't know. So the wife and I completely quit soda (also with chemical sweeteners). So there weren't any in the house. Soon as you turn your back some '''well meaning''' someone is going to give your kid a cola or let him watch brainwashing tv all morning despite promising not to do so

>be in porn for several years
>still can't get a decent shave going
why are women so stupid?

>le shaved pussy meme
you are indoctrinated by the (((porn industry)))

Go to S. Africa and raise your children in Orania.

no thanks

Irrelevant whether its good or not but if you've been doing it for years and it's part of your job then you should have been able to master it by now.

>No internet
>No phone
>Home schooled
>Strong family values & bond
>Teach her Niggers aren't human

Shaved pubes has been a thing going back and forth hundreds of years before porn was a thing.

not possible.


My brother served over 20 years in the military.
Had to shave his face daily.
As soon as he retired, grows beard.
Never shaves now. Only haircuts.

>not possible
You've never been to Utah.

Ever heard of the Egyptians?

Ooooh, I have. And you have a point.
But I'm not a middle east terrorist, so I can't get a green card that way. And I'm already married so finding a mormon qt and wear the special underwear and whatnot is not on the table.

you can't keep your kid from indulging in bad behavior you controlling fuck, rather you have to teach them how to control it.

>door knocking meme

nice try schlomo

ever heard about joseph von fritzl?
he was an austrian nobleman that build a castle beneath his house in order to save his daughter.

It's true. Before razors they used goats.

the biggest problem is unrestricted internet access i believe. my kid isn't getting a smartphone until they are 16. then they can go nuts etc. when they are that age there is no stopping them if they want to do stupid stupid shit.

but letting an 11 year old have unrestricted internet access? fuck no. i will buy them a cellphone with no internet access when they are young so they can keep up with me when i'm at work etc. but that's it.

Considering the alternative, he did the right thing

why is there banging on the door in that video?

Pretty sure they used wax

You could always try Islam.