How would the nigger overpopulation problem be solved in a libertarian/ancap society?

How would the nigger overpopulation problem be solved in a libertarian/ancap society?

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Somalia is ancap, so judging from their expirienca its really simple - you just import the surplus to other countries.

>le abolish the welfare state
Abolishing the welfare state wouldn't do shit. Look at Africa for instance. It lacks a welfare state, yet African niggers have the highest fertility rates in the world. Getting rid of welfare wouldn't change the fact that there are millions of do gooder faggots that want to give food aid and health care to niggers. For abolishing welfare and other aid to niggers to work, you would need to either get rid of all modern medicine, or have a final solution to the moralfag problem.

The only rational and effective solution to the nigger problem is physical removal under a National Socialist government.

>you just import the surplus to other countries
That's what we're trying to stop from happening faggot

>Stop giving money to nigger countries
>Nigger countries starve
>population drops
>The Free Market solves yet another problem.

>those climates can't predict temperatures 100 years from now accurately
>these population growth models will perfectly predict the future African population
Africa is due for a Malthusian collapse as soon as the west collapses and stop providing it food aid.

>Stop giving money to nigger countries
How do you stop people from voluntarily giving money to nigger countries?


By setting up your own scam organisations that only pretends to give money to nigger countries.

This is the compassionate answer.



The problem isnt individual people giving money to nigger countries, the problem is with other countries giving money to nigger countries.
To solve this, you elect politicians that want to shrink the size of government, and want to cut back on global aid.

Stop giving them free food ffs. Also it's not our problem to deal with. Just don't let them move from Afrika to Europe/USA.

And then use that money to develop ethnic bioweapons against niggers

Look, there is really only one solution to the nigger problem. We all know what it is, but even some right wingers don't want to say it.

Niggers have no place in westernized society. If they have to exist, Affrica must be there home. Everywhere they go, they destroy. I feel bad for the flora and fauna of africa. I really do. The best solution would be a biological that could be chemtrailed worldwide.

I would think that a biological could be focused to only take care of niggers. It would be the most efficient thing, and the world would instantly improve a million times over.


For some reason Aboriginals in Australia don't bother me, but all other niggers really do need to be taken care of. The world would essentially turn into the closest thing to a utopia that we have ever seen.

>The problem isnt individual people giving money to nigger countries
Sauce? There are a billion different charities that people donate to in order to give aid to nigger countries.

>Just don't let them move from Afrika to Europe/USA
Except that there are millions of niggers that already live here.

Stop giving them welfare and they're gonna die off.

It wouldn't. They just make lynch mobs to lynch the other lynch mobs.


True, but it requires a final solution because if their is one thing that we know about niggers, is that they will nigg their way back to civilization. Plus, Africa is a beautiful continent as far as land and wildlife (save niggers of course). Niggers have largely destroyed it, but if they all could be wiped out, it would flourish. If we send all the niggers there, it will be a continent of nothing but shit in the streets.

I honestly don't know why Jews haven't done this already. I know they use them to bring us all down, but why can't they just do it already. I guess they are waiting till after WW3 when they officially take over and bring their agenda to the public. Then once they used the niggers as pawns in the war, then i guess they will unleash a biological to wipe them out.

Cmon Jews, throw us a bone. PLEASE!

I agree, but Statist and not Nat Soc

>Africa lacks a welfare state, yet African niggers have the highest fertility rates in the world

I think you're missing an important step user. The U.S. alone gave $12 billion to African nations in 2012. Africans don't have a welfare system of their own because every nation capable of producing a surplus (read: non-Africans) gives aid to Africa.

Pay attention to the stupid nigglet in this web me. Look at how proud he looks after just shitting on the beach. These are niggers. Too stupid to even understand that they need to bury their shit and not shit in their drinking water.

There is no way charity would ever come even close to the cancer that is the welfare state. In Afrika they don't have their own welfare states but western countries fork over billions in foreign aid.

Some of that aid to Africa is voluntary aid though. With a free market, you couldn't force people to not donate to charities that give aid to Africa.
>In 2005, Americans donated more than $95 billion to the developing world. That is almost four times what the U.S. government gives in foreign aid and many times more than what Europeans give in public and private donations, according to a study by the Hudson Institute, to be released next month.

Welfare state:
>In FY 2017 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,117 billion
>Americans gave $389.05 billion in 2016.
Turns out the welfare spending is over 3x more than charity spending.
Also I don't see the problem of people giving their own money up voluntarily. As long as niggers stay in Africa they're not our problem.

They would die, niggers (and white trash) wouldn't survive without gouverment handouts and foodstamps
Black people, as in Uncle Tom would survive

The charity aid alone still might be sufficient to keep the African population growing for some time though. In a libertarian or ancap society, the moralfags that give aid to Africa would also be paying low/no taxes, so would have a lot more money to blow on charity.

So? If niggs stay in Africa how does that affect you?

Because the niggers here in America can still affect me. The African niggers overpopulating would also destroy the rainforest and ruin the environment.

Africans are way less impactful for the environment than westerners. That's not a good argument. The niggs in America would get at least half the amount of free money than they do now without welfare.

Economic opportunity flattened birth rates on 4 continents, no reason it can't work in Africa too except that reducing the size and scope of government, even war-crimey & graft ridden gov't, is racist.

>Africans are way less impactful for the environment than westerners.
That's true now, but just wait until their population reaches 4 billion.

>The niggs in America would get at least half the amount of free money than they do now without welfare.
They would still be breeding though, and would probably have a much higher chance of rioting.

Please explain national bolshevism to me

No handouts. No safety regulations. No jobs programs. Cold winters. Be worth something and the invisible hand will pour out vast wealth upon you... or else.

>That's true now, but just wait until their population reaches 4 billion.
Per capita it will still be true then.
>They would still be breeding though, and would probably have a much higher chance of rioting.
Sure. But they would also be dying at greater rates. If they riot you shoot them.

>no reason it can't work in Africa too
Other than the fact that they have an average IQ of 70?

Contraception and a lack of water will keep the african population in check. These prediction only ever look at current growth rates and they never factor in limitations.

>Oh no there will be 4 billion africans with no food and water! We should send them money!

In reality the lack of food and water and people then using condoms will stop their growth at 1 or 2 billion.
Also all the cool heads are predicting a max population on earth of 11 billion tops. Well below the carrying capacity with even our current level of technology.

Slavery isn't ever coming back, it would be economically irrational

I don't give a fuck if the Africans die off from a massive drought or famine. The problem is that once they start dying off, they will start flooding into places like Europe.

Do you really think capitalists will allow in large numbers of useless people?

The Germans are quietly sending all the Africans back. They are keeping the Syrians because all sections of Syrian society have been displaced. They want teachers and engineers and bakers and factory workers baking their bread and labouring on their building sites.

>The Germans are quietly sending all the Africans back.

Earth's carrying capacity is somewhere around 70 billion IIRC

Keep in mind that the government and the MSM are in bed together and there will be no news report that says in plain english "no blacks".

Not with all the meat I eat.

These kind of projections are BS. Imagine if the West or if China's economy collapse at some point. Who would feed the nigs? Africa would quite rapidly go back to its previous state because of famines, diseases, wars and such. Niggers are just cavemen who could multiply like gremlins because superior races took pity on them.

>The only rational and effective solution to the nigger problem is physical removal under a National Socialist government.
this man gets it

>implying that the only solution to the nigger problem is civilizational collapse

>70 billion
It's in the range of 10-12 billion according to Google. You pulled that number out of your ass. The only way the population is ever getting that high is if we start colonizing space.

Privately funded genocide. The NAP only applies to humans.

>As long as niggers stay in Africa
hows that working out

I think I have a better question. How do we make Africans less virile and possibly sterile without them noticing?

Maybe we could use them for mass human experimentation or something

This. This is the only right answer.

If that dog only knew.

A liberterian/ancap society would be prime prey for Soros.
He wouldn't need to fuck around with laws or anything, he could just hire millions of niggers to move in.
If people fought back he could just give them guns and basic training.

If you're too stupid to compete, you won't be able to eat.

He's right though. The economically most developed(albeight still shitty in comparison to the first world) african countries have the lowest fertility rates, and said fertility rates keep falling.

the part missing from robots is the software, once that is done China will sell robots for a couple of thousand $, even africans can afford that. eventually they will as niggers do try and destroy the robots which leads to a war and then 4 billion niggers versus a million robots will take place across europe as we won't have armies oor a growing population by that point.

fucking kek

Please don't estrogen poison their aid food. Mass neurosis would be an... interesting variation on normal African psychology, but really, just let them starve unpoisoned. The best of them will more readily pull themselves out of a mire of famine than a mire of pacifying toxins.

Most of those relatively economically developed African countries get their wealth from oil though. They will go back to the way they were before after the oil runs out.

>said fertility rates keep falling
The other long term problem with this is that natural selection will select for personality traits that give people a stronger urge to reproduce. The reason why fertility rates are low now is because of departure from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.


Straight to archive

>youtube com/watch?v=ZjuBRaLYWnA
>theguardian com/science/2017/jan/16/natural-selection-making-education-genes-rarer-says-icelandic-study

Tsar Bombastic is /ourguy/, no reason to not give him views

Libertarians/Ancaps wouldn't be feeding them lol

The problem is that leftists and other non-libertarians would still exist even if society became libertarian/ancap.

Do you think your ancestors never ate a female cow? Your endocrine system is dynamic. You cant be poisoned that way.

It still wouldn't compare to goverment aid

that's only if they commit crime or their countries aren't facing any real problems