What the Hell Finland

Why are Finnish guys so cucked?

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Time for me to black some Mongolians in Finland

What one may see as pathetic, another will see as reserved and civilized. Finns are typically reserved and don't get so emotional and loud. Maybe their women are trying to change that. Modern Western women are always fucking shit up.

Finland is the most promiscuous country according to research so it's not exactly surprising. Finnish girls are mostly sluts and generally insane.

>5 euros for a small beer

Also, a lot of people in the "red-pilled" community tend to recommend you not open up to Western women, because they're materialistic users who are only good for sex. So now Finns are cucks for doing just as they recommend? So all Finns should just get hard for any thot that comes along and wants attention? Silly man, you are.

Look, women will fuck without consequence and they're not going to fuck you. Or me, for that matter. So you have no obligation to be nice to someone who isn't going to be of any fucking value to you. Take that small and you'll be further along to getting laid.

Sorry sir.

I can get them for around 5 AUDs, or under 3.50EU. Your country is pathetic.

Its in their dna

>Also, a lot of people in the "red-pilled" community tend to recommend you not open up to Western women
No, only Jews tell you to do that

Finnish wymn are total whores. Most of them commies as well. It's fine as long as you don't plan on starting a family but fuck it's hard to find a girl with wife potential.

I have no desire to save the whites in Europe and half in the states. The Alphas need to start over and breed a strong white race. 75% of it is a lost cause. They're either cucking other whites or being cucked. Kill them all.

Fucking Helsinki, too many Swedes.

>I guess nice guys
>*puts on shades*
>Finnish last.

On a completely irrelevant point we need to meme Turku as our capital again. Helsinki is a shithole but finnish girls are no different on the countryside.

I've greeked a couple of finnish sluts, and I can safely say they are the easiest to bed, followed by a wide margin by polish girls and british slags.

We live in the tundra, half of the year it is cold and dark as hell. There is not much to do other than drink and get depressed. We are also brought up in a very anti social enviroment, almost hostile enviroment, much of it has to do with history and years of repression and wars, my grandpa was a violent person, my dad was a violent person and i have a tendency to violence aswell, hell in my childhood my dad would stop the car when we were driving to soccer practice just to fight a guy who looked him wrong. The result is that yes, we dont talk to each other and yes we are very private people. The women here want to ride the cock carousell just like every other country and most of them are very slutty, unfotunately many finnish men are not completely cucked yet and refuse to be that cock for the carousell, Thats where you step in burger.

Shit that never happened: The post.

Finnish mongoloid women are the worst.

Luckily, I managed to find an Estonian beauty for myself.

I envy you. I used to have a thing with one but drifted away because of work etc. They seem way more conservative than the best of what we have for offer.

THIS. It's funny how everyone is just blindly accepting it as fact. Anytime some crazy shit happens to me with a girl, the last thing I do is post about it online.

Are Estonian women better than Finns? Objectively? I have Estonian ancestry so I was curious what Finns thought of them.

It's great for tourist marketing.
>You should come here to see the midnight sun and pet a reindeer, rich american Chad

Muh anecdotes. Implying there aren't loose women in every single country in the world. Implying some women aren't bitching about local men in every single country in the world (and vice versa). Yawn.

I think they are, but I only really know like 5 of them so there is a considerable error of margin.

What is a small beer?

Estonians are like a sibling country to us, we see them as brothers. Many come to work to finland, recently many finns have moved to estonia because of better taxation

OP you have no idea. Finland is the promised land of feminism and Finnish women are the sluttiest in the world. Many of them have over 200 partners and they're proud of it. I have a collection of articles, although most of them are in Finnish

>The 5 Easiest Clubs In The World To Get Laid
>1. Milliklub (Helsinki, Finland)

>New Straits Times: foreign guys are always a hit with Finnish girls

>Black males are perceived as more attractive than White or East Asian males

>9 Things Every Guy Should Know About Finland (And Its Girls)
>[Finnish] Girls are open to dating other races. I saw quite a few brown and black guys with Finnish girlfriends.

>Female sex tourism
>Female tourists' home countries: -- Finland
>Destination countries: Balkans, Cambodia, Caribbean, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Morocco, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam

There was a lot of other links but most of them were in Finnish. But yeah basically Finnish women are the trashiest in the entire world

>t. Sergei Abdullah Omeganov

>come up to people, strangers, just for a chat
lol fucking north africans, scaring good white folk. don't the realize we don't want to be approached by random shitskins?

>t. Sergei Abdullah Omeganov
If only. I would be drowning in underage pussy if I were

>turvapaikanhakijat ahdistelevat teinityttöjä
>Poliisin arvio on, että osa ahdistelujutuista jää pimentoon, koska osa nuorista tytöistä ei tee asiasta ilmoitusta, vaan lähtee lähentelyihin mukaan.

>"Olen kuullut asioita, joita en edes haluaisi tietää" - lahtelaisella äidillä on painava viesti etenkin teini-ikäisten tyttöjen perheille
>Veera on kuullut Hennalassa solmimiensa kontaktien johdosta, miten nuoret maahanmuuttajamiehet retostelevat keskenään seksikokemuksistaan hyvinkin nuorten suomalaisten tyttöjen kanssa.
>Myöhemmin maahanmuuttajataustaisilla nuorilla miehillä on tapana osoitella kauppakeskuksen käytävillä ohi meneviä nuoria tyttöjä ja käydä retostelevaan sävyyn läpi, kuka on ollut kenenkin kanssa.
>[Poliisi:] Nuoret ovat aina tutustuneet toisiinsa. Nyt tänne lintukotoomme on tullut myös muualta ihmisiä, mikä aiheuttaa sen, että myös toisista kulttuureista tulevat tutustuvat prinsessoihimme. Tähän myös heillä on oikeus.

>[Irakilainen turvapaikanhakija] Fawwaz meni naimisiin suomalaisen kanssa, Migri epäili lumeliittoa
>Al-Alin mukaan mahdollisuuksia turvapaikanhakijoilla olisi ollut enemmänkin.
>”Kiinnostuneita naisia olisi kyllä ollut” hän sanoo. Olin välillä vähän ongelmissakin sen asian kanssa, kun en halunnut. Muutin mieleni vasta, kun tapasin Mesin.”

(For non-Finns: long story short, those links talk about how underage Finnish girls like to ride refugee dick)

No, it's a sad thing to see the Southern end of Finland be full of race traitors. In the countryside there's hope, albeit a small one.

One of my exes rode the carousel and when I heard of her promiscuity I never looked at her the same. Last I heard she had banged at least one gentleman of the negro persuasion. Good riddance.

ahahaha I saw this literally 5 mins ago

it's swede central m8.

I'll tell you the easiest way,
>Be British
>Study abroad in the USA as an exchange student
>'oh my gwad I love your accent'

Works every time


>according to the finnish girls....
Its ALWAYS like that. Go abroad and you are bound to find some girls willing to sleep around and they will say shit like that to make the other guys feel more confident and they might also think the grass is greener on the other site.

And then that fucking retard goes home and thinks his anecdotes about 3 finn girls talking shit about finnish men and one finnish girl sucking his has any bearing on reality.

It is true, women have no concept of nationalism or cultural pride or stuff like that, they just want the D, the more exotic the better.

The countryside is dead, there is no hope. Every woman rides the carousell these days


Yeah because a fucking arab/nigger would never lie about how many women he sleeps with would he?

>Dutchman of Moroccan decent
so Moroccan?

He looks more like 25% moroccoan, 75% meme.

pretty telling how EXACTLY this type of story is usually the "highlight" of some mongrel's lyfe, as in he WILL steer the conversation that way to "mention" the event
ethnicity or race doesn't even come into it, pretty much all betamales in the world have this "story" where a girl in a foreign country put most of the effort into the hookup with them (obviously, because the guy is a betamale)
next time a friend, acquaintance or a stranger tells you this type of story, ask him to see a photo of the hook
every single time, it's some pasty fucking landwhale and I'm not even kidding
t. chad

So what? Teenagers are brainless regardless. Certain types of girls fall for the exotic, but in general it's nothing new. The only difference here is that Finns are too naive to understand Muhammadan culture. Obviously chicks get played by local guys too, but if they had any clue about how sinister Muhammadan culture is they would never fall for the Ayy rab so the whole uusilahti.fi story would be avoided.

The truth is that local men and women are a reflection of each other, and the same truth applies inside different communities as well (like religious communities etc.). If average women are garbage-tier, average men are garbage-tier too. Such is life.

>Migri epäili lumeliittoa
Gee, I wonder why, pic related. Hahah.

A few more, I'll translate these for you guys

>French researcher: Finnish women are the sluttiest in the world
(no link)

>Women in Helsinki are the most experienced in the world
>in a Europe-wide comparison, women in Helsinki have had the most partners
>on average, they have had 7 sex partners before their first long term relationship
>in Finland, and especially in Helsinki, a large number of sexual partners isn't perceived as a bad thing. It may be the opposite, because in a group of girls high number of sexual partners may be seen as desirable, like in the TV series "Sex and the city"

>Steven Thomas aka "Doggy Steve" is an African-American man who infected hundreds of women with HIV

>Refugee center staff is worried about young teenage girls hanging around the premises

>Estonian police is bewildered: Finnish female tourists are having sex with homeless people in Tallinn

>Police investigated two alleged rapes
>2 refugees were suspected of raping 2 underage Finnish girls
>no charges
>turns out it was consensual

>"It's much easier with a Finnish woman" - Iraqi asylum seekers talk about women

There are countless of links and I'm tired of translating, but you get the idea

>mfw Finland will be Sweden 2.0

>who infected hundreds of women with HIV
You can look up HIV statistics year-by-year and area-by-area yourself. There is no way Thomas infected hundreds tbqh.

Anyway, having unprotected sex with a stranger is something only idiots do. Having unprotected sex with Africans (women) or literal whores abroad (men) is highly weaponized stupidity, and all these people should be gassed. I wouldn't have unprotected sex with any unknown and uncommitted female even if she begged me.

These women took the dick knowing there could be diseases, they didint care. The vaginal tingles are their guide for life. Society can fall, families can collapse, friends dont matter as long as there will be tingles in the vaginas.

>hell in my childhood my dad would stop the car when we were driving to soccer practice just to fight a guy who looked him wrong.

I laughed so hard.

Yes, and penile tingles make men do the same, and apparently men don't care either The convicted HIV spreader Hakkarainen brought his HIV home from Thailand and infected his own wife among other women.

But does his dad work at Nintendo?

litterally saw this on quora earlier and was gunna make a thread about it

women are attracted to dominant aggressive men, if we want to win we need to take the chad pill

>According to the Finnish girls the men are pathetic and only open up to women once they're really drunk
>open up to women
What the fuck does this mean?
That Finnish men don't bitch about their feelings unless they're shitfaced?

Also, nuke Helsinki please..

How much do you want to bet she is ugly?


>Finnish girl
>In a bar
Poor bastard

Mix kaikki vihaa stadii? Oottex kadei tai jotai?

>Mix kaikki vihaa stadii?
Kato peilii niin tiiät

Siel o gomistus, ai ku gomee ja gawaii ;3
Onx sul herne nenus?

>Dutchman of Moroccan descent
>5 euros for a beer

Ei vittu mitä syöpää.

do you believe every bait story you read?

euros for a beer
That is the standard price for a pint. Some classier places it will be 7e

i think the problem is that men in big cities are always weak cucks. men in rural areas are obviously more healthy and strong.
>Dutch moroccan

You need to go back Jamal.

Tällänen gurggaa sun peilizt eixvaa? Lol swidu pönde ;--------D

>Estonian police is bewildered: Finnish female tourists are having sex with homeless people in Tallinn.


>Dutchman of Moroccan descent?

What the hell, Netherlands?

Aito suomalainen on taatusti joko puoliksisveduliini tai ryzzäsuguu ;9 "puhdas suomi" my arze ;9;9;9

Seeing as he is a dutch moroccan, there is a 60% chance this is a criminal. Hope he stays in Finland

Jag är faktiskt inte en swennebanan men din mor är ju svartat.

Helsinki has nothing to do with Finland

Lol mähä sanoin XD

Yes finns you need alchahol to feel good around woman come to Riga and buy some of that cheap booze, goy.

иди нaхyй

On my way actually!

Mä julistan täten itteni tän langan ja suomen voittajaksi sekä kuninkaaksi. Vapiskaa mun pikimustan kutukeppini alla!

Joo joo hyvä hyvä, painuha takasi sinne ylikselle

>>Estonian police is bewildered: Finnish female tourists are having sex with homeless people in Tallinn
At least they are having sex with Eesti's and not some iraq shitskins.

kek, thanks for suporting our economy.

Jävla skogsfinne, du skitpostar i den högaste nivå. Så vi blir en kungarike nu?

Ive paid more than that for a pot here.



Hey Ive been there

What the fuck?
70 Euros???

This is a muslim alchocaust

It's when you're a foreigner, you're "exotic". I've had similar experiences myself when abroad.

They heard his dutch accent and took advantage

Only a true retard would drink in Irelands most expensive pub, surrounded by Dub scum.

Prices go up by ~50cent after 12 as well. Used to work there, terrible spot to drink but very easy to get laid.

>Dutchman of Moroccan descent