Too many years away from natural selection led to this

1/5 citizens has a mental illness.

3% of babies born with a birth defect.

another 3-4% are gay/trans/whatever the fuck

another ~ 50% are liberals

then there's random shit like eye sight, flat feet, scoliosis etc.

Almost no one if fucking born without defects.

Is it this bad in untouched nature?

Dont worry the herd will be culled eventually

When genetic engineering will become mainstream all theses problems will be solved and the civilization will evolve and develop faster than ever before

>Thinking it's preventable

Not everyone can control their height user

the fuck happens to people already born like shit?

They will work as lower class slaves
We will also need to abolish the warfare state

>another 3-4% are gay/trans/whatever the fuck

you wish yeast lover

>Is it this bad in untouched nature?

Nope, we are becoming weak and fat and stupid because we are removed from nature.

In fact our society has created perverse incentives now where the weak and stupid people have more kids than everyone else.

Reverse evolution thanks to "progressive" ideals.

make eugenics great again


basically means group pressure and doing shit cause its currently popular and your friends are doing it not to mention you get victitim bonus out of it and can be a dickhead withouth risk... and i know that you know all this stuff.

We need eugenics because of shit like this. It shouldn't be an argument. Every day people who would have otherwise died in nature live on to spread their genes and burden society.

I think realistically probably anywhere from 6-10% of people are actually gay but maybe 20-50% have had gay experiences of some sort at one point but wouldn't make it a regular habit.

That said, you never know how many married men are cheating with other men and I bet that number is really high. One benefit of gay marriage being legal is a reduction in non-faithful couplings of heterosexual females (or perhaps bi or lesbian females) to homosexual men) where the male is not honest about his sexuality to the wife.

>then there's random shit like scoliosis
you got me, bastard.

>I think realistically probably anywhere from 6-10% of people are actually gay but maybe 20-50% have had gay experiences

Nope, you're just retarded.

>20-50% have had gay experiences
This is yourself projecting the need to try to feel normal by insinuating homosexuality is way more prevalent than it is.
You are delusional faggot. The numbers are no where near that high, and yes you are a fucking fucking defect that needs to be culled. Nothing normal about your infliction.

You left out the part where they decide to genetically engineer away all our natural selective DNA in order to pacify us completely for the new world order.

>but maybe 20-50% have had gay experiences
Do homos really think this? No wonder they want to be normalized, they think they're normal.

You can literally get over it with stretching and TENS.

I had horrible scoliosis and fixed it that way.

Just don't be a bitch.

them digits

Well Pew data puts it at 7% for millennial being gay and pornhub data which is actually accurate because porn viewing habits don't lie put it at about 6% gay.

Well I remember reading that 1/3 of males have incidental homosexual experiences prior to the age of 18. I don't give a whit if you are gay but I think one or two time only same sex experiences are much more common than self-reported data could ever cover.



>Is it this bad in untouched nature?

Probably, it not entirely civilizations fault that humans are born flawed. The most genetically healthy couple could produce a defective child because genetics constantly mutate and those mutations can end up in a fucked up person. It's been increased nowadays because civilization in itself encourage dysgenics but natural selection won't entirely fix these problems either.

>the numbers say this...

>Well I remember reading that 1/3 of males have incidental homosexual experiences prior to the age of 18
No one gives a fuck what you read in playgirl magazine. Leftists and faggots like yourself will always inflate the numbers to attempt to forward the agenda and higher proportion of faggots viewing porn is no surprise since they are the pinnacle of degeneracy.

I hope God makes a new stain of AIDS for your ilk. The first culling was evidently not a strong enough signal.

I'm taking about in terms of lifetime orientation vs predominant heterosexuals who fool around one or two times, especially as children. I remember reading a study saying that kids who experimented incidentally with other males were not more likely to be gay as adults.

So I would guess 6-10% primarily homosexual for adults, but 20-50% in terms of has had at least one homosexual experience in the course of an entire lifetime.

In research journals. People are also likely to lie about same sex encounters because they are ashamed of them.

congratulations, you might actually be retarded.

WW1 and WW2 killed all the healthy Alpha Males who didn't get Disqualified for stuff like Flat Feet.

>In research journals.
You have a credible source of any kind or you just expect everyone to take your word for it ?
Not like you have an agenda or anything right ?

the weasel words really hurt your credibility, friend

>I'm taking about in terms of lifetime orientation vs predominant heterosexuals who fool around one or two times, especially as children
This implies sexual desires before the onset of puberty. Two 8 year olds kissing is can't really be described as "sexual" in nature.
