What did Psycho Joe mean by this?

What did Psycho Joe mean by this?

Sorry that we're not in a world war.

He wants us to fight and die while he sits in his comfy, modern studio with his cheating, whore wife.

you think he writes his own material? he says what he's told to say. he works for them. a more accurate question is: what did they mean by this?

Why do young people not want to get their driver's licenses?

Things were worth fighting for back then.

>hurr durr young men a-a-are having fun with harmless hobbies and d-d-don't fight in pointless wars in which they would die in immense suffering leaving everything behind.

>young wAmen are suffering from this


>young men liberated europe from nazism
You mean the other way around, right?
Nazis tried to liberate the world from kike slavery, but they only ended up being subjugated by the kike's servants instead.

The war is over, grandpa!

>Many such cases. Sad.
What a faggot.

As if there was a choice involved. Yeah you'll develop a lot of bravery if your only options are to fight in an army or starve on the street.

The rich have never had to worry about stuff like that. They're just annoyed that some poor people can also have a similar lifestyle now.

Remind me, which war did Joe fight in?

Typical cuckservative bullshit

> oy veyyyyy why can't we go fight another war for da jews and kill a bunch of Europeans in the process
> Poor wimminz are suffering because men aren't out there getting torn apart on the battlefield. I'M a real man, btw. lol no, I never served tho XD
> I call myself a real man, and criticize young men for not getting themselves killed in a dumb pointless war, but I can't find the balls to criticize female behavior and instead will try to find every excuse to blame their shitty attitudes on men


Why aren't young men killing each other for Jews and how can we make that happen?

He's an ultraliberal
I like the subtweet in the OP - "its younger women who suffer most" its always women who suffer most from literally everything these days, eh



I said Charge goy.


Boo-hoo. we didn't liberate Europe, we fucking betrayed it. I'd take staying at home any day vs fighting a Jew war.

>acting like being in the military makes you significantly more mature
I'm in the military. Half the people here are basically high-schoolers with really important jobs. They'll intercept and interpret top secret terrorist information at work and then argue about fucking anime and vidya at lunch.

The liberation worked out so well that I wish they had stayed home playing games too. Also liberation of France was the best:
>Declare war on Germany
>Help, someone liberate us please

i don't think aspies can be in the military

He's not wrong, we need ww3: race war x final crusade to motivate our youth

>implying wars wont be won by vidya nerds piloting drones

>tfw I'll never fly a jet with my waifu on it

I'd have her completely naked while shooting down sand niggers, so they can be shamed mentally and physically.

>automate all the physical (male) jobs
>automate war so you can drop bombs from robots across the world
>men have nothing to do but play videogames
>women are the real victims!

They've been parading the Rich's lifestyle on TV for 50 years and they expect us to want to defend their extravagant degeneracy.

Is this fucking faggot really quoting himself? What a cuck.

>it is often younger women who suffer the most

>younger women who can now be in contact with chad 24/7 and conduct hundreds of sexual affairs with no social stigma via instagram and snapchat

>women truly are the victims!

god imagine being this cucked.


not if (((they))) have anything to say about it.

young white men, joe

young white men

don't be afraid to say it

Joe.........is joe

Young men in the 1940s captured Europe in the name of Communism.


>playing WoW with a controller on an xbox

Pretty sure smartphones have done far more to ruin women than men.

>be great and fight my wars, goyim. remember the 6 trillion

>please kill each other so i have something to report on

He's saying that men are being deprived of our dicks and that we need to liberate the women from western society's decadent ways the way men in the 1940's liberated Europe from the nazis.

I actually don't blame women. This whole "oppresser vs oppresee" society we have today is an essential female perspective. Because the mothers role is to protect her infants from the outside world they define everything in terms of predator vs prey. That is important for them to do.

The problem is that men aren't meant to think like that. Men are supposed to think in "my tribe vs their tribe". Us vs them. Right now, men aren't doing that. Men are thinking in terms of predator vs prey and that's an ugly thing when a man does it and it gets you killed.

>tfw born too late to murder actual people in a war for the Jews
>tfw have to settle for pretending to murder people in a video game in which the players don't actually die
what a fuckin shame


Some of this is just pure salt (young people don't believe the MSM re. anything). But I think they're trying to stop the bleeding a little bit by putting a wedge of resentment between the older (duped generations) and the people who actually realize the MSM is pure propaganda. Can't have the youngsters radicalizing the brainwashed retard parents who still watch the nightly news.

He's literally saying we should have world war 3

Lads, shit like this gets me wondering why the world seems to slander men (usually white men) with the burdens and failures if their ancestors, then still expecting them to put effort and blood into the that very same system. Why are we demonized for the mistakes of our forefathers? Why must we pay in our lives and livelihoods? The more time goes on, the more tired I feel in my soul, and the less I want to keep this society propped up and running. What are we to do, shoulder the burden of reigning in the resurrection of the West, or are we only here to watch it fall?

This. Also the wrong side won WW2.

They aren't even hiding it anymore.