Kind of strange that both the wachowski "brothers" are now trannies

Kind of strange that both the wachowski "brothers" are now trannies.

Do you think the scissor together?

It should be "sisters" or (((sisters))) or (((wachowski))), just brothers without quotation marks is appropriate.
Also not really, they are weebs who stole scenes from gits and other animu.

are trannies, dare I say, the ultimate redpill?

this will only get their penises into a knot

kinda strange.....?

The more into this tranny shit they were, the more quality of their movies dropped

Must be a coincidence

I thought they both split their dicks.

Someone said that the matrix series was a metaphor for transitioning. I doubt it though. More likely that they are mkultra'd or just your standard hollywood perverts.

There is this whole story I've seen posted before about how they both started getting into the whole femdom thing and started seeing a dominatrix and it basically ended with them becoming trannies. I question the whole thing though. Part of me wonders if this is one of the things TPTB do to you to discredit you if you drop too many redpills. Look at Bradley Manning. Same thing. They might have gotten MK-Ultra'd

They took the bluepill. Who can blame them. The truth is dark and full of horrors.
More seriously, this is their penance for making the Matrix, causing people to question things too much (nothing came of it, yet, but still).


>kinda strange
wtf arrest this transphobic goy! NOW!

Who are you to tell OP what's appropriate to write? Lithuanian fuck.

it lost me when it claimed that larry wachowski cucked buck angel

That's the price they had to pay.
>either you go tranny or we will block you from making movies in hollywood again
>trust the -3-choo-3-
>become tranny
>get shit movie plots and they all bomb to shit

>create the matrix
>suddenly both are magically trannies

They got mindfucked hard by a dominatrix.

They didn't know the matrix was a documentary, when they woke up they freaked out.


maybe they were both molested by the same relative growing up

So they are Polish Jews, right?

Which is funny since they made some red pill movies. Matrix first and then Jupiter Ascending. Both are hinting at the larger truth with a wink at the audience.

I wonder if they broke or were made to break.

The easiest explanation is some stud of a pedo seduced them both when they were like 10ish and got double the boy pucci and really fucked them up.