/ourguy/ Sargon completely BTFO's Baked Alaska and the ideology of the alt right in this new debate:

/ourguy/ Sargon completely BTFO's Baked Alaska and the ideology of the alt right in this new debate:


What do you think Sup Forums? This is only among the first of the announced attacks of the skeptic community on the alt right. Who's going to win the culture war and why?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Going after the alt-right
Everytime someone goes after the alt-right, they say the words racist a lot and never make any good arguments.

>alt right
can this fucking meme die

Kys le reddit army

I'm too afraid to watch it

I want to see sargon debate andrew joyce on the holocaust

sargon looks after his wife's black son

>/ourguy/ Sargon
Blatant bait/shillpost


Doesn't he pretend to be black himself ?

yeah he claims his grandfather was black, what a tit

What is MTV paying him?

>Sargon won't talk to Jared Taylor

boogie's black son

he's too damn good

>"I don't care about the holocaust" - Sargon

This is the definition of antisemitism.

Someone who is a fat neckbeard who only sits at home talking on his computer about his opinions has never, and will never be /ourguy/.

Stop using Sup Forums as a platform to highlight your shity youtube subscriptions.

He looks like Tim Allen's friend from Home Improvement

sargon is /redditguy/

fuck off nerd

both of them are """""intelligent"""" beta orbiters.
why do people still care about them?


Yeah, that's how he got his jungle-fever wife to marry him.

>a leftist pretending to be a centrist

One of the most popular tactics. Sargon has always been full of shit.

He and Vee are so anti-communist it's laughable though, they regurgitate the most idiotic capitalist propaganda, the kind that doesn't even work in Africa anymore.

u wot m8

This. Of course Sargon chooses to debate fucking based Alaska instead of anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.


So we should only gas half of the Jews?

Watching Sargon melt down on twitter yesterday was really revealing as to what an obtuse coward he is. He asked the alt-right if the holocaust could be morally justified, and then, when they said yes, attempted to troll them by implying that because they're okay with the holocaust they should be okay with white genocide, since they agreed that genocide could be morally justified.

When people brought up that the holocaust was morally justifiable in the eyes of the alt-right because it served white interests - the interests of whites being the primary moral concern to the alt-right - he ignored them and pretended some sort of moral confusion was rampant among the alt-right.

Then I saw him this morning trying to argue that because Israel was 20% Arab, Zionism wasn't an exclusively Jewish ideology.

He won't honestly engage with us because he knows we're right and he doesn't want to have to admit it, lest he be associated with ebul nazees, so he'd rather infer some arcane moral inconsistency and shrug us off.

Zionism is not an exclusively Jewish ideology.
There are more christian evangelical zionists in the USA than there are jewish zionists in Israel

The end of this was an utter car crash.

I'm not going to watch this video

Fat people don't have opinions, I don't listen to them the same way I ignore sodomite orders

I only take the time to listen to people like the golden one because like me they care about their body and look after themselves so you can trust them to have a rational mind

Unlike self destructive and ugly tubbies like Peter Hitchens and sargon who fill their bodies with garbage and that's what they exude when they talk



Only fitizens can be white.

If you are fat you are jewish

I should've been more clear: he was arguing that Zionism was a civic nationalist ideology


Saargon "hey white people" of "on viacoms payroll" Akkad brings you the new sucka free countdown with 100% less white people.


Its objectively the opposite, not only is it a nationalist ideology its a jewish supremacist nationalist ideology.

How can he even deny this, its the very reason why so many orthodox jews are against zionism,

>You have to go back.......

I will never watch this faggot

Kys shill.

As far as Jewish politics are concerned, you could probably say the Likud party platform is "Civic Nationalist" but it operates as a tentacle of ZOG, so it's surface level features aren't so important.

I always took him for being at least a little bit smarter than that. Either he really is just an intellectually bankrupt contrarian or he's completely terrified of agreeing with the alt-right.

In any case, I'm sure attacking the alt-right brings in the clicks.

so much personal attacks in this thread instead of actual arguments... pol has truly gone to shit.

>I'm sure attacking the alt-right brings in the clicks.

I think the deportation issue at the end of their convo was the most interesting. Is there a better solution than that to recent mass-immigration?

Seems like they're pretty much agreeing with each other.

Also, captcha isn't loading in incognito mode. I wonder why that is.

Tax incentives to begin/increase families, (inherently white since niggers don't pay taxes)as well as dismantling the divorce industry and "rape culture" witch hunts.

Is this slimy rat SERIOUSLY trying to pretend that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism?

How are they civic nationalists!?

t. Registered Likud member

>Tax incentives to begin/increase families
I don't know if you're a burger or not, but Pat Buchanan has recommended, in Death of the West, arguing that it is a violation of the Civil Rights Act that women can no longer choose to stay at home with their children, as a way to bring back the family wage.

Damn it's the most annoying thing when people reference him (as a negative) but they refuse to debate him. Fucking Sargon does this all the time. At least TYT had him on the phone, even if they did nothing but try to deplatform him the whole time.

In terms of American policy, they are very much about borders, security, and the strength of the nation. It may be well impossible to separate these concepts from political Zionism, so maybe my conjecture is a bit of a reach here.

I firmly believe Buchanan helped build Trump's platform but we will not see his policies come about until year 2 or 3 probably.

Why not?

Oh look. It's THIS thread again. Sargon really scares you people, doesn't he? We're winning the culture war, and you want to turn us against each other. Keep it up with this divide and conquer bullshit though, you'll just keep getting exposed to our ideas.

>In terms of American policy, they are very much about borders, security, and the strength of the nation. It may be well impossible to separate these concepts from political Zionism, so maybe my conjecture is a bit of a reach here.
No, Zionism is just used these days either to encourage or discourage people from doing things.
The leftists say we should return to the socialism of the 50s-70s because that's what the founders of Zionism truly intended.
Conservatives pull in the exact opposite direction...

Nobody has a fucking clue what it means anymore.


Just started watching and Baked is way too scared of this topic. If he isn't confident in saying the holocaust didn't happen then he shouldn't even have come forward.

Siding with the Jews in any way is probably the best way to distance yourself from any white identity movement.

The sentiment is nice but that should have happened in the 80s, we're at the point where it's deportation or bust in Europe. In the US you might be able to do a relatively peaceful seperation because your country is huge and rich in mineral wealth and farmland, but any bit of Europe is precious.

You know you've lost an argument when you start doing

>you know this, right?

Passive aggressive fedora shit. Screams avoiding an argument.

>who's going to win the culture war

Of the Alt-Right or far-right lose, then Jews win either-way.

Jews control both neoliberalism and Marxism.

It's a stupid talking point when reaching out to normies, according to European tradition there is nothing like Erbschuld so even if we take stuff like Schindler's list at its face it doesn't justify letting our countries be overrun.

Same with reparations, it used to be you paid up after a war because the enemy could enforce it, not because you did anything wrong.

Speaking of culture war, what has Sargoy of Blackdad ever done except give Anita more and more publicity?

Baked Alaska is a faggot. He's by no means a representative of the "alt right". He's a degenerate fame seeking faggot. Fuck out of here.

>a centrist using a depiction of a jew in disguise to represent people who are actually anti-zionists that shitting on a classical liberal who shamelessly calls himself an actual zionist
Zero self-awareness.

(((they))) hire skeptics
skeptics lose credibility among their audience
to cash in the shekels they start talking shit about Sup Forums
Sup Forums memes them into obscurity
(((they))) win.investment: a few shekels they made back in ad revenue anyway.

get rich by pandering to angry video game nerds

People like Sargon and Ben Shapiro mention Jared Taylor in passing, but never get on him. This is for two reasons- one, Jared doesn't get much media attention, which is because of the second reason, which is that his points are damn hard to debate.
Jared is really to good for this world.

what a handsome man.

Jared Taylor should donate his sperm

They both need a bullet in their brains


next time use hooktoob you fucking shill