Sleeping pills

Are sleeping pills reliable?

I have terrible anxiety (documented by my psychologist, not self diagnosed), I have nothing to aim for, but in the same time I overthink and wallow in worries. I lie in bed at 0 and either fall asleep within an hour or at 5-6. If I fall asleep fast, I wake up at 4-5 and I stay up until almost the morning.

I have tried most of the methods (not using the PC before bed, not playing games, hell, even not watching TV, but they won't work), but my heart starts racing and I begin to sweat nonetheless.

However, Sup Forums has made me anxious about sleeping pills as well. Will I have to raise the dose so as to get sleepy after a while, will I have to down several pills?

Other urls found in this thread:

>taking pills for anxiety

go here

buy high quality CBD oil

3 drops under tongue before bed or any time you want

anxiety disappears

sleep like baby

no side effects

all natural

I'd sooner be dead than a stoner desu.

>cbd oil

its fucking hemp. your not gonna find THC in it.

its not psychoactive like weed. theres no side effects and its legal and healthy for you

educate yourself

this is pretty much the all around cure for most mental issues


Look it up

lol idiot

this, I take it in the morning and I'm calm and clear headed for most of the day. aside from feeling calm it dosent have any psychoactive effects.

>asking anonymous neo-nazi shutins on the internet for medical advice
Speak to a fucking doctor holy shit

No, they are not reliable. No psychotropic is.

Cancer too, right? I thought fags like you were limited to the US.


Doesn't sound biased at all.

i use sleeping pills
i started to use them when i enter in college because i got problems to sleep, they say use 1 by i use 2 because the shit doesn`t work when i only use 1, they`re usefull

and if your gonna buy CBD, i recommend doing good research

a lot companies sell shitty ones or knock offs.. you want real CBD. companies like NuLeaf, bluebird, CBDDistillery and DutchNaturalHealing offer potent CBD oils and tinctures.. some even offer pure CBD crystals.

>ask for help with anxiety
>insult those who offer you solutions

go drink bleach. in fact, don't take CBD. take all the benzos you can. eat them like candy. i hope your brain melts.

Did you get offended or what? I wasn't aggressive when you first told me about hemp, but if you kept going on about your snake oil I had to tell you that I'm not biting this.

call it snake oil if you want, i regularly take CBD. any time i have a panic attack, i put a few drops under the tongue and it disappears within 60 seconds. if taken before bed i sleep like a baby without waking.

you dont 'feel' it working either. you just notice it working. your able to do things you may not have been able to before. like socializing , focusing, etc all becomes easy. no tasks becomes worrysome. its just like the 'worry' part is shut down.

Jesus christ is the best sleeping pill. Put on some bible readings in the background and it should make you sleep like a baby.

Get an SSRI like lexapro and try melatonin first before using something stronger.

Ignore the holistic medicine soccer mom suggestions They don't fucking work.

It depends on the price most of the time. But a chronic usage of them really fucks up your biological clock.
t. a lifelong insominac

Also get xanax or klonopin for strong panic attacks. Take it only as needed and do not rely on it. Sometimes just having it in your pocket knowing that it will stop a panic attack is enough of a safety blanket to stop you from having one in the first place.

If you get addicted to it you're an idiot. I've been taking it for years as needed. Takes me over a year to go through a bottle.

You don't work

Valerian root for falling asleep and calming the mind down from thinking too fast

Ashwaganda root during the day to keep you happy and not a racehorse

Kava has benefits too, but might fuck with your liver. It's all seems like placebo, but it helped mellow me the fuck out after switching shifts all the time working in a firehouse

You aren't burning enough calories during the day. Get some fucking exercise or do something challenging you lazy fuck.

>holistic medicine
>They don't fucking work
That is where you are wrong.
Natural stuff is way better for common ills than meds. heavy meds should be used only for severe cases, such as OPs.

Valerian root seconded

You're a fucking joke, if you really had any serious problems with anxiety, like it seemed when I first read your post, you would be willing to try anything to help you. Seems you're just an ignorant fuck.

Have fun fucking up your life with sleeping pills. Oh, and have even more fun getting off them.

Fucking retard gypsies I swear to God

How much do you usually sleep a night?

get xanax. help your anxiety and give you great sleep.

Melatonin can work. The issue is that it can sometimes aggravate seasonal depression or other forms of depression.

>I lie in bed at 0

Ask your doctor for opipramol, pretty good.

If you like it natural try L-theanin from greentea, or drink it bucket wise. Always calms me the FUCK down.

For depression st johns wort is bretty gud.

yes goy, take xanax and klonopin! swallow up! these psychiatric medications will make you all better :^)

SSRIs aren't something to mess around with though. See a psychiatrist if you're thinking about them.

I go to bed at around 0 o'clock.

My anxiety doesn't really affect my daily life as it affects my sleep, so I don't have panic attacks and neither am I to socially anxious. I'll try melatonin though.

Maybe if you weren't such a faggot you might be able to sleep.

benzos and other gaba drugs are the only ones that really work, but the addiction is horrible. its not worth it
t. was a benzo addict for years, absolute hell

temazapam is best for me on this, but you can become immune so use only when you feel like utter shit

4-6 hours, sometimes I manage more than 8. But I always wake up tired anyway. This is someting you have to lrean to live with if you are chonic. It's harder, but still better than being literally dependant on meds.

also, the very first time or two, make sure you a lying down, because you will be whether you're ready or not

Just use Melatonin bruh
It's natural and completely safe, unlike jewfarm sleeping pills

U seem fine to me. Just eat more

Try melatonin.
Stay away from benzos. You may fall asleep early but you're gonna sleep for 12 hours and feel like a zombie the whole next day

Same, 4-7 usually, going to bed is a burden for me, I can't enjoy anything because I have to sleep.

Read about it, it seems too strong.

I think I'll stick to melatonin.

Dont take meds. U r probably underweight. Heed my advice

68 kg (150 lb) and 180 cm (5'11"), I'm not underweight.

did you know increasing melatonin is what marijuana does? it sends a rush of melatonin to your brain basically. thats why people use melatonin when they quit smoking weed because their brain no longer produces it on their own

melatonin doesn't work either if you are in the light. you have to be in the dark for it to take effect, and for you not to be looking at any bright screens.

ive had little success with melatonin in the past. just didnt work for me

Oh it's the weed guy! I thought you weren't on the thread anymore.

Can reading a book do? I can't sit idly in the dark for an hour until it takes effect without getting nervous.

Just eat something before bed. U dont need anything else

I don't know if this will do any good for you, but I found a way to condition myself to live with this by doing physically taxing work on a routine basis. It will be hard to get used to it at first if you naven't done so before, but keep at it. And schedules are very important, if you work irregualy just forget about it, it won't help.
Best of luck to you.

My second meal is 2 hours before bed because I also fear getting hungry while trying to fall asleep.

I try going to gym to let the anxiety go and usually if I both go to the gym and drink some rachiu (spirit) in the evening I sleep very well, otherwise I can't do it.

OP start taking herbal stuff like (valerian roots) i'm on them for 5 days 633 mg a day. And i feel calm. It's fairly cheap, if that doesn't work try l-theanine prehaps

t. severe anxiety

if you try melatonin, i suggest you take it when your in a dark environment already or have been for a decent amount of time becuase whenever you are in the dark your brain automatically starts producing it on its own to prep u for sleep.. when u do take it, just remain in the dark or it wont work its effects

i guess reading would work but youd need some type of light to see. i used to just take the melatonin, close my eyes and listen to some sleep/medidation music in bed until it takes effect and you fall asleep

but melatonin never always worked for me, was hit and miss

and btw, im not weed guy, i dont smoke weed. i just use CBD oil which is the only thing that works for my insomnia/anxiety. regular weed is terrible for my anxiety

You're better off hitting therapy as hard as possible. Sleeping pills and benzodiazepines are band aids and don't fix the underlying problem - just a vicious circle. Learn breathing exercises and meditation. A therapist can help with both and talk through other issues with you. No joke you have to go weekly for a while for it to start working though.

Do not get started on benzos they will fuck your life up. You think your anxiety is bad now you will anhero trying to get off that shit

It's worth giving a try, I have read that melatonin is kinda safe. Where do you buy the CBD oil? Do you find it on any Romanian site or is it from the one you have sent earlier in the thread?

I already go to the therapist but she isa normie nonetheless, she doesn't help.

working out or going outside for walks is a thing to consider

it bears repeating, take melatonin (i can get it cheap from romania), take cbd oil or smoke some fucking weed. 1 spliff before going to bed doesnt make you a pothead and it has almost zero side-effects.
just smoke. iesti tigan sau ce?

Then get a new therapist. Just like there are people you just get along with and others you don't- you might just be at the wrong therapist. Believe me I went to about 3 before I found the right one. I no longer need drugs to sleep - no weed, benzos or sleeping pills. Used to need one of the three daily to just get out of the house.

>just take weed
>just smoke
>just get a psychosis bro

i still have to call a therapist but one is closed untill mid august, one has really bad reviews.

theres different companies and they usually ship worldwide.. some are pure shit but some I know that have real high quality CBD... NuLeaf is one of them, DutchNaturalHealing is another... BlueBird is another... CBDDistillery..

The one I linked in my first post (NuLeaf) would be a good one to start with. they are lab tested and stuff. just be careful because some companies have poor quality ones or fake CBD claiming its real CBD but its just garbage that doesn't work.

if you wanna look into it more and aren't afraid of being on reddit, the /r/CBD community has a lot of useful information. people post their experiences, reviews etc. you can find recommendations on brands there too.

the good thing about it is that since its an oil tincture, it works within minutes after putting it under your tongue

If that doesn't work out for you try working out in open air somehow. Try running or something. And push yourself to the limit to get tired. I don't work put but do manual labour and maintenance instead, it helps.
Every moring I feel half dead, but it quickly goes away once I start moving again. It is not perfect, but is manageable.
And alcohol is not good for you, but I am in no position to lecture, as I am in the same precament as you on this.

>psychosis from weed
hahahahahahaha what a faggot you are, show us some proofs instead nigga

Do you exercise? I had bad insomnia when I wasn't getting enough exercise.

Also kava kava is what I use when I can't sleep. Otherwise reefer.

on the right side, theres a list of "vetted companies" with good potent oils.

Are there only 2 therapists that you are able to get to weekly? Give the therapist with the bad reviews a shot. Worst case you just don't go back. I recommend going to at least 4 sessions before quitting though.

this aswell. work out, run, have sex, whatever. you'll be too tired to "overthink" stuff

Pute CBD from hemp does nothing. It needs thc, although in trace or small amount (>1% is fine) to bind and actually do anything.

This 'pute cbd from industrial hemp' is literally selling water that does nothing to idiots. May as well take sugar pills.

Don't feel so stepped on your toes. A collegues son that smoked a lot of weed was hospitalized for having a psychosis from smoking weed.

>show some proofs nigga

shows how big of a manchild you are to get spoon-fed but here are some ((googled)) articles:

Archived it
>npr org/sections/health-shots/2015/03/06/390143641/pot-can-trigger-psychotic-symptoms-for-some-but-do-the-effects-last

stop breaking the rules on Sup Forums retard, bots are not allowed

Don't listen to idiots who say anything about weed or any type of serious mind altering drug. Using drugs when having mental problems is 100% a no go, no matter how good or convincing some of these people make it out to be. I have generalised anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, major depression all diagnosed by multiple physiologists because I didn't believe the findings the first time. Any drug or pharm is a complete no-go. I've tried them all, I've tried weed, shrooms, MDMA. It's all a fucking meme. The only way of truely helping your anxiety & overall mental well being is getting completely sober, eating a healthy balanced diet & trying to get in some exercise when you can, I find wondering around isolated places like woods, climbing mountains etc helps with my anxiety massively. I'm probably gonna commit in the next 5 years though, I'm just holding out for WW3 desu.

>t. guy whose never tried it

you are right in most cases though, thats why i said to choose certain brands and gave resources for him. there are companies that actually have good potent CBD with small trace amounts of THC, legal to be sold over the counter.

DHN for example adds terpines and shit in their CBD oil so you can definitely feel a tiny body buzz with them thats relaxing.

vetted companies work... theres more false companies than real ones though


Ive tried it all, low thc high cbd is what got me off vicodin for pain.
t. Guy with a fused spine and a leg missing

My single best tip for you OP is to try to be physically tired. Being mentally exhausted will just keep you awake and feed your anxiety. When the body is tired you brain follows

pharmacist here, treat the cause, not the symptom. if you can't sleep because of anxiety, try to treat the anxiety. in your case I'd try propranolol, which suppresses the adrenergic stress response for a few hours and is well-tolerated. lavander oil also has an anxiolytic effect, maybe give that a try first.

do NOT take benzodiazepine "sleeping pills", which are still prescribed by some doctors for sleeping disorders. those are highly addictive when used long term. I'm also critical of z-drugs in your case. less potent "sleeping pills" like antihistamines will probably not help much.

do you use oils or do you prefer to just smoke high CBD based herbs?

Walking also helps but I can't do it now because it's too hot and the streets are riddled with normals. I do work out, I go to the gym almost daily despite it being riddled with normals too.

Do they make you dependent or not? I will try them otherwise. Have you ever smoked real weed?

Thanks based norwegian.

I know that alcohol is not good but I could confide in you since judging by your flag and your insomnia I knew that you did it as well, Ivan...

5 years is too much for me. Since 2 winters I still postpone it, my favourite method would be getting a bottle of spirit, going to a secluded forest or field and then I will start gulping on the bottle, taking some sleeping pills and then gulping even more until I pass out in the snow. In Britain I don't know whether this would work but here the temperature gets as low as -20 so it's fine.

Well obviously there are thoughts and worries keeping you awake and when you eventually fall asleep your mind is trying to process and deal with them which lowers your quality of sleep. The emotions you experience in a dream, whether you remember what you were dreaming or not, are actually real - as in, it would be the same as if you experienced them while awake and conscious. Now obviousy there are pills and also natural remedies you can take to help you sleep, but that's just a quick and dirty fix, it's not going to help you get to the root of the problem. What you have to do is actually deal with your worries, you analyze them and come up with a plan what you can do about them. Think it all through before you try to go to sleep, don't let it linger in the back of your head.

same goes for ANY OTHER DRUG. with weed its just less likely to happen and it takes 15-20 years of smoking for a psychosis to occur. if its early after starting to smoke then you have a different problem, be it mentally or with your body

This and only this

Yeah, drugs and booze make you reactive and emotional.

this Lately i have been experiencing really bad anxiety even going to the gym, but you need to keep pushing your comfor zone, that's how you will grow stronger. Physical activity is prehaps the best solution of beating anxiety.

Usually pill form, or topicals. Have a oil vape for quick relief. I dont smoke, cant stand the smell or coughing.

no theres no dependency on CBD.

yes i've smoked real weed before but real weed increases my anxiety since high CBD low THC weed strains are rare or almost impossible to find on the street and everything is high in THC. thats why i prefer just the CBD oils.

when i take CBD oil i just forget that theres things to worry about. and i dont realize it until i think to myself "normally i am worry about stuff right now". but it just shuts that mode off. without it i wake up in the night constantly or early

when you stop taking it theres no withdrawal or side effects.. and you can take as much as you want of it, you cant overdose on it. its 100% safe

Yeah it's a long time, but even after being beaten up by my mind for over 15 years there is still some strength or "hope" in me that believes I can still beat this bollocks. I honestly want to go out in a fury of bullets & explosions in a war & atleast do something worthwhile with my life like defend my beloved country.

>I have terrible anxiety (documented by my psychologist, not self diagnosed), I have nothing to aim for, but in the same time I overthink and wallow in worries. I lie in bed at 0 and either fall asleep within an hour or at 5-6. If I fall asleep fast, I wake up at 4-5 and I stay up until almost the morning.

Try this. 2, 3 or 4 caps 20-30 minutes before bed. I presume other brands work too but this is the one I'm familiar with. It'll lower the volume of your mental ruminations ("I overthink and wallow in worries") and you'll be able to fall asleep faster.

The sleeping pills you're thinking of will probably be benzodiazepines and they're addictive.

Look into skullcap and wild lettuce. When I say wild lettuce, I specifically mean Lactuca virosa. You plant it in either the spring or fall, and it will overwinter, and then it will bolt (produce a flowering stalk.) Once it starts producing the flowering stalk, that will produce a latex. In this latex are two psychoactive substances, that if concentrated enough will knock your ass out. This does not lead to physical dependence.

Also, be weary of extracts and other shit sold online, as a lot of the people who make them are going to be fucking retards, and they won't have the substances in them, at least not in any appreciable concentrations.

Oh, and no indicas as the heavy body feeling hurts my spine. High CBD sativa strains, like charollettes web, are great.

A lot of people have probably said the same shit I am about to, but still. Most sleeping pills that actually work are benzo derivatives. You will get to sleep. It won't be good sleep. And if you get hooked on that shit for an extended period of time, have fun with your heroin-level addiction. Been there, done that. If it is anxiety related, see a reputable shrink. One that wont just palm you off with a months worth of benzos. Work until you are exhausted, get a labouring job. Or jog 10 miles before bed. It is a hell of a lot more healthy that pushing your problems aside temporarily with addictive meds. Go to a fucking good doctor. Let him know your complete history. And exercise your arse off. I had a lazy cunt of a doctor just palm me off with a huge script of benzos, and it was lovely until it was time to come off them, then you have gone from the frying pan into the fire. Have xanax if you need it for panic attacks but dont sit on a regular diet of benzos it will fuck you up.

Move to CO or CA. Lab tested oils, salves, edibles. High cbd easy to find.


The dude says he gets anxiety and you recommend weed?

Meditation and introspection with exercise will solve your problems.

yeah, i think the NuLeaf company is based in CO which is why their CBD products are very popular

or just talk to people, even if it are some niggers online or whatever. also

>take xanax

didn't you just say to stay off benzos?

I have read that melatonin stunts the teenage development. If I am 18 do I still count as a teen?
