Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island...

>Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.

you really can't argue against this

really makes u think

Read it good, jewnog.

>Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881)

dude was born in london in the 1800s so his ancestors are probably more middle eastern than yours.

in fact, they might even be more jew than yours.

and no, you ancestors were not priest in the temple of solomon.

those bloodlines were erased for there crimes.


jews are literally gifted by the Lord
you can't expect them not to control things. they are blessed and the best people for that job. you cant argue with the god


>priests in the temple of Solomon
sacrifacing goats
wow so cultured

also, a reminder that the iberian peninsula was invaded by Moors


so much for european superiority

>inb4 celtic/nordic people are the true white aryan race

being a snow thief / the "white" people that were harassed by said snow thieves doesn't make you superior

Are you a Levite or a Jew......

Lmao you don't even know your own devil religion.

Here's another question.

If Jews are gods chosen people why does god allow them to be persecuted so much? And if they are to be persecuted by their enemies then truly their enemies are serving the will of god.

Therefore by persecuting Jews we are serving god.

You need to repent Jew and follow Christ the true lord and savior.

They werent just moors, it was the umayad caliphate wich controled Egypt, Arabia, North Africa and Persia
And the ruling visigoths were in a civil war and the first muslims were invited to fight in it

>responds with holocaust denialism
le not rael jews. can't even use proper words
non sensical question about worshiping another jew


Sup Forums cannot argue with jewish superiority

yes you can you fucking retard. Only those who do not know history undervalue the celtic culture in prehistory.
Litttle hint for you brainlets - how did a culture of unenlightened savages one of the finest and most accurate astrological calendars in stonehenge?
How were the celts the only people able to forge longswords? How can we have swords studded with hundreds of tiny worked precious stones enlaid in gold filigree less than a millimeter in width?
Why were druidic practices so feared by the romans that they fixated on their destruction?
Why were druidic envoys found in the court of the babylonian kings?
Where did the tin for europes bronze weapons come from?
Why don't you have a look at julius caesar's opinions on the britons? And compare them to his thoughts on his other enemies he encountered, and the fact he LOST to the british?
Fucking WE

>If Jews are gods chosen people why does god allow them to be persecuted so much?
Are you not familiar with the concept of a crucible? Baptism by fire? Purification through persecution?

>responds with faggotism

Fuck off.

Well seeing as how this looks like it was drawn in the 80's and the Holocaust "myth" is still going strong I'd say the creator was a little bit wrong.

the simple fact is, we lived in a colder climate so the land cannot support as many people so they lived in smaller groups. They wore their wealth instead of loaning it out at interest and building out of stone is much harder when you're digging in frozen earth than fucking sand, so its easier to build out of wood, even if it doesn't last as long. Also, if you can actually fight and you've got an expensive sword, you don't need to hide behind giant stone walls. And every man becomes an asset rather than a grovelling serf.
Did you know druidic healers were famed in roman gaul? They were a religion that focused largely on nature like the native americans.


Solomon was a cuck that got BTFO for his multiculturalism.

>If Jews are gods chosen people why does god allow them to be persecuted so much?

jews were god's chosen people. key word being 'were'. God abandoned the jews because the jews literally tried to swindle their god. And jews, being jews, did what jews do best: they pretend to forget that they were abandoned by god for trying to cheat god. Their religion is pure insanity.

Fuck you hooknose devil

He's wrong though
By the time the English were in Britain, Judea was a province of the Roman empire and Anglo-Saxons were far from brutal savages.

>tfw Ashkenazi
>tfw polish and have blonde hair and blue eyes, no jew nose
>tfw I want to 1488
>Sup Forums will never trust me and I totally understand

It's a hard feeling fim flam. I like being a Jew but I hate what some Jews do in our name.

Idk if you know this, but some of the most redpilled guys are Ashkenazi. Not to mention artistd. From Bob Dylan to the guy who called it about the house market bubble collapse in Big Short. Don't give up on 1488 just cause you come from an ethnos most of us are ambivalent to, and for a good reason.


yeah kind of...although the angles came in as more of a ruling class...after the romans left roman britain survived for a time independently but it s thought the anglo saxon "invasion" was much more of an anglo saxon migration, and there was not massive changes to the genetic makeup of the population.
More likely is that the britons, who before rome had shared the celtic culture with the other northern europeans, simply regressed and accepted the new aristocracy from europe as their brethren. The rebellion of boudicca shows that the britons were still struggling under the roman yoke and wanted to return to their traditional system of celtic society- they wanted their swords back which the romans took away.
So even back in the glory days of the jews, the britons were nothing to be sniffed at.
The angles, saxons, jutes etc were distant cousins of the britons and shared similar societies, and the idea of them replacing the local britons is not backed up in the archaeological or the genetic records. They amalgamated with the locals but were fewer in number.
But yeah by the time of the angles rome was gone and britain had become one of the most innovative and advanced provinces in the empire.

We're Jews making discoveries and progressing humanity 2500 years ago like the Greeks or Roman's or were they just a collection of backward fanatical Semitic tribes slaughtering each other for muh god and calling it religion? The fact is, Jewish interactions with superior civilisations like the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans is responsible for your people's success today. If Jews kept to their own devices, you would have probably ended up like your retarded Arab cousins. Jews wouldn't be who they are today without cultural exchange with superior cultures

>yes I am a jew.
Let me stop you right there buddy. Killyourself

Ayo hol' up

Whitey wuz livin' in caves n shiet... while we wuz priests in the Temple of Solomon, taught them Greek homo's math's 'n' shiet.