We can't vote for Hillary user. She'll start World War Thr

We can't vote for Hillary user. She'll start World War Thr...

hi virgin hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


We can't vote for Hillary. She won't start World War Three.

>thinking NK will spark ww3
Same shit as always

>blowing up NK

>starting a world war

noone likes NK

I like NK.

How did North Korea get nuclear weapons... oh wait.

>Hillary actively looking to start shit with Russia
>Trump telling Kim to back the fuck off
Totally the same situation gaiz.

Fuck off Canada, we like them more than you

Russia is actively looking to start shit with us. They helped get Drumpf elected. Kim does need to back off but so does Drumpf.

eat shit mohammed, you are next

At least he started it later than she would, so I guess you've got that going for you

We never had a chance, trump seemed less likely.

It was avote for garunteed war or maybe not a war.

What can men do against such savage jewery

>implying Russia and China aren't fed up with North Korean antics and wouldn't mind seeing change

War with the Norks won't do shit
If China even aligned or helped us out or just didn't get involved it would be a massive boost in their status among other countries
The Chinese have only 1 option here that has a good outcome and despite their street shitters the higher ups know this, and they know how incompitant and outclassed their military is

no one likes you either

We can't let him get the codes


WWIII is coming regardless. Best not to have a woman in charge.

>North Korea

pick one

Domino effect

Are you a bot of some sort, or just this pathetic? I see this retarded reply everywhere now.

The point was to have Russia on our side for WW3

>Sup Forums
>voting the anti-happening candidate
Get real

Who's noone?

A woman could prevent this.

this is whar king okey doke would do

>Geopolitical tensions that have been building for decades are coming to a head due to the development of nukes in the hands of the Kim regime

>a woman could stop it with her vagina powers

How can somebody be this retarded

>guaranteed war
The effects of a well coordinated smear and disinfo campaign. What a useful puppet you are

This has probably been in the works for decades, trump was planned, we're all shills for the manchuria mani-substrates, anime will never be real, our souls are trapped here and will remain on this Earth until the universal java is updated

>Implying that north korea could stand a chance
Unless China gets involved, the Korean War shall finally arrive to a conclusion.

Im not big into trump and his policies but Im all about going over the pacific and glassing the norks


Hillary is not woman. She's a calculating political animal. An actual woman would have dumped Bill for cheating on the spot.

>Unless China gets involved
They certainly will

>unironicallu supporting Hillary's forieghn policy proposals

Just no, I refuse to believe you are real

Why do people think they won't? Russia and China do not want western powers on their border that's why they have kept the North Korean state alive for 60 years

It's why Russia has gotten involved in Ukraine, Syria and Georgia

The us and South Korea on their borders is not something they will accept

We are ok with WW3, we just didn't want Hillary in charge of it.

Noone is from Quebec.

Fuck your opnion

If Hillary Clinton started a war with North Korea all the liberals would support her. If Trump does it he is litterally Hitler.

nigga what.

Hillary literally voted to invade Iraq, pushed for the bombing of Libya, wanted to "intervene" more in Syria as secretary of state, etc. Don't play dumb. She was a hardcore interventionist neocon.

>Russia helped
Need evidence faggot. Too bad Killary couldn't massacre enough people to win the election.

Then we should call our space aliens to disable all nukes.

I definitely would have. I would have supported her air strikes against Assad but never Trump's. Republicans wouldn't support Obama when he tried.

Fuck your opinion.


So if we do nothing do you think Lil kim would use a Nuke on us? or their neighbors? Prez is doing right thing going through the UN and actually got unanimous vote for sanctions to thwart NK. Why would they need a nuke in the first place since there hasn't been war for what? 60 years? For blackmail? NK starves their people and uses their $$$ for nukes, so yeah I can trust NK to do the right thing. This is happening because no President before now had the balls to put a stop to it. No one wants a nuclear war, that includes Trump. His senpai, your senpai, all people would suffer. If there is a world war it should be the world against NK period.

There are more than two genders and he will be lucky to finish one term.

17 intelligence agencies said Russia hacked the election.

>muh 17
Fake news story
>more than 2 genders
No where except at your college

I feel as though there is no good solution to the North Korea problem. Let's see what the sanctions do.


its not a world war if its 1 country obliterating another country

unemployed corbynite muslim alert

>Nowhere except at your college

and all of Canada

What did he mean by this?
