Sup Forumsiticamente scorretti: gas the NGO edition

Africa is Europe future:

How we deal with these leftist cucks lads?

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Helicopter rides(Free of course)

second for best friends

fuck, if you're this early with threads I don't even want to know what your gf thinks of you in bed



I'm from Generazione Identitaria, the madmen who are trying to expose and stop NGOs trafficking. AMA

how's it going so far?

Ok guys, who here would browse other chans in order to discuss Sup Forums related issues in italian and not be banned for doing so?

Do you support only online or do you actually meet people?


percentage of men and women in the movement? (contrary of sub-humans MTGTOW or some nerd retards i'm convinced if you dont gain women support a political movement/idea will never have a chance to succeed in modern times)

>i'm convinced if you dont gain women support a political movement/idea will never have a chance to succeed in modern times
i belive this too

It's going well, if you search the fb page "defend europe" you can see all the updates and videos
Our mates on board don't write to us anything because they have their phones checked (we are sure about that)
They post only on the official page

What do you mean exactly?

how many "headquarters" do you have? I mean, you have a sort of squads for every nation or it's everybody does stuff for everyone anywhere in europe?

iPhones usually aren't packed with backdoors of any agency and telegram has a good end to end encryption, use them instead.

Actually girls has their own movement called "le identitarie" which works in parallel with us. For example in milan there are about 10/15 males and 5 females

Do you go to meetings with other members or you only give support via donations/online recruiting?

Sadly we still do not have any headquarters, maybe in the future. For example in france, in lyon, they have a pub, a gym and their headquarter all very close to each other

Why they're separated from men?

to discuss women related issues I guess

About defend europe: we made some public events to promote the mission and we sent 2 of us (the boat had few places and ther are people from different national detachment)
Usually we organise little protest actions and we promote our ideas about identity, tradition and the proposal of remigration
You should check our website, you will find more informations

will do, thank you.
hope your number will grow.

Write to the facebook page, if possible they will organise a meeting. Where are you from?

south italy

There's half a shitstorm going on on Salvini's page with terroni crying that they won't vote for him now that he said he wants to take away Saviano's secret services protection

As far as i know in the south we have a detachment only in sicily. Be careful to avoid Azione Identitaria, they are literally eretics expelled from us (i know they are doing something in calabria)

saviano must be hanged

It is true that north Italy got cucked because identitarians from the north made some retarded scission over religious things? Hope its a joke or nordcuck memes are fucking reals.

Considering he's a jew an oven seems more appropriate

I have no idea

They are 15/20 people in emilia romagna and they are on full autism. Just ignore them


So memes are real...

bologna is changing....slowly,but changing...
for the better

>it's another germanics claim romans wuz aryans and modern day italians are merely arabs episode

they should start by getting rid of all the antifa scum infilatrated everywhere, especialy in the university.

Is he?

probably not but he deserve the gas chamber anyway.
Its not we're like autistic burgers who have to label everyone a jew to (dream of) get rid of them.

>Nasce a Napoli, figlio del medico di Frattamaggiore Luigi Saviano e di Miriam Haftar, ebrea di origine sefardita

>a jew


so the fact that saviano is against Salvini mustm be a sign that we need to vote Salvini?

Non sapevo fosse ebreo, adesso capisco perchè ha spacciato un romanzo per una inchiesta giornalistica che ha portato solo discredito a Napoli. Meanwhile quando al posto di fare finta che Gomorra era una inchiesta giornalistica lo hanno trasformato in un serial tv ha avuto lo stesso successo dei Sopranos. Peccato si sono dimenticati di dire che la versione precedente (l'inchiesta giornalistica) era una balla.
Kike level over 9000.

I dont understand what problem you talk about, or you just want to finde someone to speak italian with? If so dont go to Sup Forums the people there are usually from Sup Forums .

your boat used undocumented migrants as crew, you are only pathetic ex sbirri trying to be cool but you actually work for shady economic interests.
how does it feel to be a rebel while siding with police and judges?
what a bunch of cucks

gas yourself.

the PD mayor today kicked out two centri sociali.
italian Sup Forums loves PD and Minniti isn't it?
I miss the good old Giannino times, not this identitarian bullshit

Thanks, I did have some suspect for his stance on the ngos

>be generation identitaire
>say you want to save europe
>use undocumented migrants as crew to work on your identitarian boat

what a bunch of pathetic cucks

Persino nel nostro paese dove praticamente non ci sono ebrei si sono infiltrati in tutti i rami dell'informazione

Giannino is gone. Now its crypto fascism or death.

Ma infatti, la più potente famiglia industriale "italiana" è ebrea

La degenerazione di Lapo doveva per forza avere una origine...

Non era una lista completa, ce ne sono molti altri di sicuro ma è comunque notevole
>guarda il tg di mentana
>prosegui con un talk politico di Parenzo
>cambia canale e trovi Islam Italia di Lerner
>cambia canale e trovi Saviano che parla

so enjoy your cryptocuckism

you guys are missing the point, the problem in italian media is not jews but romans and calabrese people.
they are everywhere, they control everything

Vabbe dai non stiamo inguaiati come gli americani.

si si,era solo per citarne un grosso

Qual e' la vostra posizione (informale) sulla questione ebraica?

>romans and calabrese people are the problem of Italy

please explain your conspiracy theory (sono sicuro sarà divertentissima)

renzi bows to catanzaro

Make Italy Catholic Again

kek,questi arabi hanno già fatto questo lavoro

Se sono furbi ti diranno che sono amici di Israele e degli Ebrei (anche se non lo sono). Se sono ritardati...alt right (confido sul fatto che gli italiani sono più intelligenti tra gli europei figurati tra i burgers)

Romans control the media, all the media centers are Rome-centered (Milan too but the whole circus is romacentric.
Calabrese people control Rome so here it is my theory.

Sono d'accordo con te, il "marketing" giusto e' quello.

Il motivo per cui chiedo e' perche' sono veramente curioso di capire ideologicamente quali sono i loro valori. La "nuova destra" francese da cui vengono ha spesso avuto frazioni e conflitti ideologici con correnti 1488 - ma loro mi danno l'idea di essere piu' 1488 che De Benoist-iani (anche se con ottimo marketing).

Wtf i love islam now
>Maurizio Molinari
Avrei dovuto immaginarlo con tutti quegli articoli pro rifugiati in prima pagina su La Stampa

Per la cronaca, anche de benedetti (padrone tra le altre di Repubblica e L'Espresso) è ebreo

oltre al marketing e ai media compiacenti, hanno tanti amici fra giudici, forze dell'ordine e sbirrame vario, come sempre capita ai movimenti fascisteggianti in italia.

>0.05% della popolazione
>controlla tutti i giornali più importanti e diversi telegiornali
Niente di sospetto goyim

fino a ieri conoscevo solo parenzo,e non ci pensavo nemmeno agli ebrei italiani.
non ero nemmeno così tanto antisemita.
poi scopri queste cose....

>costruire il proprio credo politico grazie a Sup Forums

signori, ecco a voi un idiota!

su pol ci vengo solo per shitpostare e le mie idee non le tocca nessuno eccetto me stesso.
so benissimo che gli ebrei non sono il "nemico finale".
ho solo espresso la mia sorpesa riguardo a tutti questi ebrei in posizioni di spicco.

I know what you're saying, but these are literally the black lives matter arguments.

>More black people are killed than whites, so it means they're out to get them due to systemic racism.
>Almost no CEOs or high ranking officials are black in the US, so it means there is a white supremacist conspiracy against them.
>Jews are significantly overrepresented in positions of authority and power, so it means there's a (((conspiracy))).

Ma il problema è che non devi chiedere questo genere di cose. Quando GI sarà al potere (o un partito simpatetico alle loro idee) allora cominceremo a spostare la overton window ancora più a destra. Un passo alla volta. Adesso è completamente inutile mettere in mezzo gli ebrei: facciamo slo la figura di americani ritardati.

gli ebrei italiani sono pochi perché sono stati sterminati.
quesi pochi erano generalmente più ricchi e istruiti, e hanno creato forti legami per sopravvivere in un ambiente ostile.
I figli e i nipoti dei sopravvissuti hanno studiato e sono diventati professionisti, alcuni in posizioni apicali.
non c'è nessun complotto

I'm just having fun to be honest, but come one, you have to admit it's pretty odd that you find this situation in every country

Vai via grillino di merda.

>gli ebrei italiani sono pochi perché sono stati sterminati.
fake news,really few jews died in italy during the holocaut

>It is estimated that about 7.500 Italian Jews perished in the Holocaust. Italy's pre-war jewish population was 58.500 (46.500 by jewish religion and 12.000 converted or non-jewish sons of mixed marriages).

from jewpedia

Erano pochi anche prima eh, comunque hai ragione, sono una comunità ben istruita e generalmente intelligente che tende ad agire come una grande famiglia allargata

I agree, it's odd. I'm just saying that the great jewish conspiracy is an argument which I find lacking, that is all. I can think of many easier ones that would make Ockham's razor happy.

Look, jews will definitely help each other out and will be nepotistic, they have a strong concept of ingroup vs. outgroup for cultural reasons, which was reinforced by their history.

Couple that with the fact that ashkenazis are likely the highest IQ ethnic group out there.

jews are being used as a "shield" by higher forces,so people like us stop at the jew tag.

This is something I do believe as well

OK, I'll bite, chi sono le "higher forces"?

the dudes that run the world??

fammi un piacerino, leggi il libro che ha dato vita a 'sta puttanata, in 20 minuti sei appo tanto ripete il nulla ad infinito

the wealthy exploiters of the working class
Translated and archived. The Muslim propaganda.

Che libro?

so media, politicians and le imprenditeurs?

The guys who run the world are jewish


quello del crucco, mark williger credo. Parola di scout non dice un cazzo se non ripetere siamo la generazione identitaria e adesso spacchiamo tutto #yolo

What are they?


Eccolo. Letto qualche pagina ma cominciamo male.

E' ke non kapisci, è skritto smplc per redpillare i ggiovani

That mascot has a special place in my heart