Why is russia so poor?

for a superpower, why is their GDP so minuscule? what keeps them down from exploding like china?

honest thoughts, shills fuck off

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still recovering from communism

First off, they aren't a superpower

Russia is the second most powerful country in the world twat

hereditary failures of character and lack of social trust due to racial chaos. corruption and dishonesty worse than in sub-saharan africa.

there isn't a single non poor slavic country, they're backwards and alcoholic

>t. 1960

Ran basically by a mafia made up from former KGB agents and their friends, negro-tier corruption and mentality

>corruption and dishonesty worse than in sub-saharan africa.

do you think it could be reformed?

says the pole lol, thats like a nigger calling an indian poor and stupid

are their leaders not patriots? why don't they want to see russia successful and thriving?

The Polish economy is strong, and the Balkan countries are performing well too.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 2.0 when?

eh amerimutts and their 90 IQ memes

correction: Baltic countries

I'm half somali half finnish therefor superior to you

t. Andrzej Nowakowski

Because a succesful and thriving russia would mean they would be jailed/killed for robbing the country blind and being corrupt.
They throw some pseudo-nationalism/patriotism so the dumb masses don't think how Putin and his friends got 100 million dollar mansions and private jets from 10k dollar a year salaries

>half mongol half nigger
nigga you better be joking

Shitty monetary policy, primarily.

I can already hear the fucking goldfags and other economic illiterates shrieking, but look at every other advanced state, then rank them by debt-to-GDP ratio. See the pattern?

They still have a shit load of communist in key positions. And they are still infected with the old corruption that was neccassary to make a Marxist regime function in the first place.

Most of what was Lithuania then is now Belaruss, it's now just a small meme country

Russia is not a superpower, are you still living the Cold War?

somalis are caucasian therefor I'm hapa


We are not a superpower
But to answer your question, massive setback that was the 90s, insane corruption, non-diverse economy, shitty geography, higher ups being appointed for loyalty over competence

I don't have a drop of Polish or Lithuanian blood in my body.

They were instrumental in fighting off the Turks in Vienna, and they had one of the most democratic political systems of their day. The Swedes, Russians, and Germans wore them down over time though.

They're a suppressed and corrupt kleptocracy. For any business arrangement halfway complex you need both trust and creativity without mortal far of being reprimanded.

Russia is fucking hostile.

With a life expectancy that rivals such International powerhouses as fucking Indonesia.

Russia is an abject shithole, you cunt.

Gdp ppp is what matters. 3,8 trillion $.

China is only rich because they got 1 billion people to give manufacturers cheap workers.

Yes, but it would take years. The main problem for us now is that our whole law system was created by communist retards, who made our very Constitution impossible to read for anyone, who doesn't have a law degree.
Needless to say, 80% of our laws are dysfunctional and need reform. It is literally impossible to do anything in Russia without breaking some weird law.
Most ridiculous thing is though, our laws are controlling corruption too much. If you are working in any governmental organization, your life and your work is bureaucratic hell, far worse than anything you would find in UK. It is literally impossible to change anything, as your hands are tied, so all you have left to do is just steal money or suffer without any gains.
But we have hope, I guess. It'll take 5-10 years, but we might be quite prosperous by then.

Of course not, this government is built on it, nothing save for a calamity of epic proportions would reform it or any government in the future

>polish economy is strong
i have no reaction image to use for this, jesus you are retarded, we don't have any fucking industry, we dont even produce enough food to feed ourselves, we live only because handouds, and lately we dont really have democracy because our govermental overlord can just decide we can't vote anyomre if they want to.

Not true. Russia is a shithole if you're poor. But it's the same as if you were born in the ghetto in states, lol. It's just that we have more ghettos.
On the other side, it is way easier to get out of there. You just need to move to Moscow and not be braindead and in a couple of years of work you'll work enough to travel abroad regularly.

Russia is quite fair. If you're a poor brainlet, you will be a poor brainlet. If you're a rich idiot, you'll lose your riches. If you have intelligence, you'll have gains if you apply it correctly. If you live in a shithole in Russia - your fault, not the states.

>we dont even produce enough food to feed ourselves
You niggers can always eat your apples

>But we have hope, I guess. It'll take 5-10 years, but we might be quite prosperous by then.
Lel I'm sure putin or other of his communist cronies that make of billions leeching of the countries will perform reforms. Nothing short of a Majdan-like revolution will change anything.
The Ukies are fucked now but still they're doing at least most of the needed reforms and nailing down on the corruption

a few billionaires a lot of mafia, corruption in gov't, scary mafia, a lot of scary mafia, a lot of really bad corruption in gov't and the serfs are back.

Prior to 1991, the economy was centrally planned (duh communism). The government controlled investment, production, distribution, etc. When the government collapsed, there was literally a standstill where nothing happened.

After the USSR dissolved, Yeltsen attempted "shock therapy," where he essentially turned over all the government assets over to privatization. It went very poorly. Effects are still being felt today.

>and nailing down on the corruption
Literally as corrupt as Russia

What does (((economy))) measure anyway? Do they have a weak military? Low on food? Low on housing?

Oligarchs running the country after the wall fell for their own benefit as a personal fiefdom. They aren't nationalists that were elected, just people that seized power left in the vacuum.

Yes, it was since the fall of the USSR. What I'm saying is that now there are actually attempts to at least lower the corruption levels.
In russia there's no way in hell putin and his mafia friends would allow that

>Nailing down the corruption
>While having the most rampant corruption they ever had in the past 20 years
Cool story, bro, please, tell me more.

Putin and co. will have to perform reforms, or in a few years they all will be hanging from the walls of Kremlin. Rulers who piss off our countrymen have a tendency to die quite maliciously, alongside their kids as well. They know that quite well themselves, so they will, for sure.

Neo-feudal society: the elite few are very rich, the rest are dirt poor and their wages are barely sufficient enough to keep them fed.

>After the USSR dissolved, Yeltsen attempted "shock therapy," where he essentially turned over all the government assets over to privatization. It went very poorly. Effects are still being felt today.
The thing it wasn't privatized but "privatized" where most of it went to incompetent friends of those in power for pennies. And doing business in a place like russia is almost impossible without cohorts with the corrupt power

Not enough export

Diversity of income sources, growing middle class, strong small and medium business, ability to accomplish the yearly budget without significantly raising taxes and cutting social programs, transparency, etc.


Due its geography, Russia has to invest into security instead of economy.

>Rulers who piss off our countrymen have a tendency to die quite maliciously, alongside their kids as well. They know that quite well themselves, so they will, for sure.
Sisyan, get real. Nothing happened when your 90s hero (((Nemtsov))) got killed right under the walls of Kremlin. Nothing happened when your sect leader Sisyan got blinded. The opposition in Russia is even more pathetic than Putin and his friends.

>The thing it wasn't privatized but "privatized"
More like (((privatized)))

>the elite few are very rich, the rest are dirt poor and their wages are barely sufficient enough to keep them fed.

that's true here as well


Main reason why Russia as a whole will never be rich, at least not with current technology, is because of the sheer size of the country and the fact that the Far East is a gigantic millstone Western Russia (where most economic activity happens) has to carry infinitely.
The Far East cannot even fucking hope to ever grow enough food themselves to sustain the miniscule population that lives there.
The upkeep for infrastructure is a pure nightmare, therefore infrastructure of a high standard can only exist in larger cities, everything in between is often rotting away. (it is not rare that there are hundreds of miles between individual cities)
Moscow has basically to pay an enormous amount of taxpayers money just to maintain civilisation in the Far East, let alone develop it.
If Russia gave up all of the Far East, which means 75% of its territory, Russia would be a rich industrial nation.
But it also would open them up to be threatened from all sides, so that's never going to happen.

I just finished reading "Basic Economics". According to Sowell Russia is pretty much the most corrupt country in the world. He has a whole chapter dedicated to the effects of corruption on drawing away investment. So there´s that.

Putin and his cronies siphoning billions

Well, the russians wanted to live like americans after the fall of communism :^)

Simple, banking cartel controls their money.

GDP has nothing to do with wealth. GDP != how much stuff you can buy.

If you live in new york and make like 5000$, you can still only rent a small appartment. Buy your GDP is high.

If you live in some shithole and make like 1000$, you can probably rent a whole house and have a big family, however your GDP seems to be small.

GDP is only a ((illusion))



That's why your average life expectancy is a decade less than every first world developed country.

Not because you have a fucking terrible average quality of life. But because your country has an enormous population of "brainlets" and "idiots".

And I'll be honest, I ironically think your post makes for compelling evidence.

>But it also would open them up to be threatened from all sides, so that's never going to happen.
The Urals dude
But that would also mean giving up a shitload of natural resources and sea/ocean access, so that it indeed not happening

>talking about idiots and irony
>reddit spacing

The one technology that might allow Russians to significantly raise living standards is transportation.
That's the greatest issue they have that costs them the most money.
Somehow solve transportation for Russia and you'll be the richest man in the world if you play it clever.
In the Far East they can't even fucking build bridges in many places because the rivers freeze in winter and then in summer everything becomes a muddy swamp.
Imagine you have the upkeep many thousands of miles of transportation lines in these conditions.


This was the dumbest thing I've read on here for a very long time, congratulations. The ruble lives or dies by the amount and price of the oil flowing from the Far East

Well, you commie bastard, it turn out we would fucking starve if we tried to, also why do you think we want to sell them to you, apples are disgusting, fit only to plebs of your caliber.

Western Russia is a plain that is very easily crossed by armies because of lack of natural barriers.
If you have nothing to fall back on you'd have to sacrifice every damn time someone invades a quarter of your population to make up for it.
That is obviously a bad idea for Russia. With the Far East you can at least evacuate behind the Urals, regroup and reconquer.

Life expectancy has fuck all to do with power status until they're dying at acceptable fighting age

Their current level of global influence isn't great enough to fit the definition of a superpower

>Shit, I can't argue against that poster's point.
>Better try and discredit him by pointing out he uses linespaces to break up text. A formatting style which, despite making things easier to read, is actually not supported by reddit.

Throw enough shit in defiance of a fact and somethings gotta stick, right?

We can thank communism for the current state of things

Almost all the gas/oil sold to Europe comes from the Western half of Russia.
The Eastern part is a no mans land to this day with a few exceptions.

They have too few people.

It is poor, because it is being constantly attacked by the west, via hot and cold war methods. repelling invasions is resource intensive.

I know, I'm just disagreeing with "threatened from all sides". The East wouldn't be a problem, the mountains are the best wall.
During WW2 they managed to evacuate as many factories as the could over the Urals to save them so they would be supporting the war effort from a safe place.

Everyone sees what they want to see in what they read. So it's only typical of american to see that some other nation in the world is more stupid than theirs, although there was nothing in what I wrote that would suggest that. But ok, I'll come down to your level.
No, it's not because of that. Yes, life on average is shit, woopdy-fucking-doo. But people evolve because of it. They become better. Because they wanna have a good life too, and if you want it, you have to evolve. Sink or swim, as simple as that.
I honestly believe it should be like that in the rest of the world, kek. The type of people I see in western Europe and States makes me sick. At least our brainlets are somewhat concious of the fact that they are brainlets, because they're poor. In richer countries idiots are happy to stay idiots and to never educate themselves. Life in the west is too simple, I'm not even saying that ironically. I wouldn't want to be born in the country where every nigger can have a decent life while being a fucking brainlet. Because there is no need for a nigger to evolve there. And that is why there is so much black crime in your country. Why would they want to stop being niggers if there was no good reason for that?
We have niggers in Russia and we have pretty much zero nigger crime, wanna know why? Because niggers have to evolve there. In Russia, people evolve or die and that is fair.

Like I said, the conditions for maintaining civilisation are very harsh there.
Canada is the second largest country by territory in the world (in similar conditions), yet they only have a population that is a tenth of the size of the much smaller USA.
Both Russia and Canada have massive territories that are not inhabitable in a self sustaining way.
In some places they maintain civilisation by burning amazing amounts of tax payers money, or they cluster around places with mild climate (thanks to warm ocean streams), but there are limits to how much you can grow the population in these conditions.

Russia has been at war with the Khazars for around a millennium. At the beginning of this century, millions of Russians were murdered in an ill-advised lefty coup and the country is still kind of messed up from all of that.

Not to mention that apparently everything is their fault and it's really important for every Western government to fuck with them.

This is basic shit OP, learn to hate Russia or gtfo

+5 shekels

Can anyone give me some advice on working in Russia? I have a BsC from NZ. Rather work in Russia than sit on my ass in Ukraine

*last century, gettin old

Right? Like when they had all those sanctions thrown on them by the US for defensively invading Crimea to protect their naval ba- sorry- Crimeans from being genocided or something.

Or when the US froze the overseas assets of the Russian kleptocr- sorry- bureaucrats.

Fuck off, we are full.

>what keeps them down from exploding like china?
Lack of capitalism and faggot mafia thugs (literally) ruling country .

Depends what subject area. Anything to do with finance or programming will bring you shitloads of money, user. As long as you work in Moscow.
St. Petersburg is alright, although salaries are way lower. But city as a whole is more fun and cheaper to live in than Moscow.
Any other cities - visit if you want. Do not stay to work there though, unless you work in oil industry.

No no, you are very welcome

The USA is a Megapower
Russia is a superpower
The entire EU put together is a majorpower
China is a major power
India, Pakistan, Turkey are each a power
Nobody else has got shit.

>learn to hate Russia or gtfo

people like you are the problem

all the money goes to oligarchs

he is correct, you fucking moron

>Russia is shit if you're poor, good if you're rich

You can say that about literally every single country in the world

«A Яussian man haяnesses the horяe slowly, but яides fast.»
-- Bismarck

All elites are necessarily kleptocrats. You really should be saying they don't hide or pretend as much as western elites. But then again you're probably a shill repeating NATO party line nonsense. MUH CRIMEA lol

You supported the Ukrainian maidan revolution but you don't support Donbas and Crimea independence. You don't care about democracy or peoples choice. You just care that 'your man' is in power. CCN and Fox indoctrinated you to think that you are the good guys (goys).

t. cockhole

They have the 30th largest GDP which is pathetic for having such a massive population.

Or that time they found out the US State Department was trafficking children and cut off adoption to America. Those cunts must pay.

>So it's only typical of american to see that some other nation in the world is more stupid than theirs, although there was nothing in what I wrote that would suggest that.

I am sorry? Your response to Russia's horrendous life expectancy was:
>Russia is quite fair. If you're a poor brainlet, you will be a poor brainlet. If you're a rich idiot, you'll lose your riches.

Suggesting that people die en masse at an inordinately young age compared to western countries because they are, and I quote, "poor brainlets" or "tich idiots".

Don't you dare try and recast the argument you duplicitous fuck. Don't you have other threads you need to be shilling for your country's dictator anyway?

Not even close. American poor are way better off. Russian poor rival the 3rd world

>what keeps them down from exploding like china?
They still have a higher gdp per capita than China.