Why the cabal haven't killed trump yet like they did on kenedy?

Why the cabal haven't killed trump yet like they did on kenedy?

It's not for lack of effort. Why do you think Trump has surrounded himself by people like Kelly and Mattis? If anything happens to him, the people will revolt against the government and ((((they)))) know that.

much more delicate political atmosphere.

Especially with the average American realizing the CIA killed Kennedy at this point. It would be much harder to make an assassination go smoothly, its one of the few things that could trigger some form of civil war led by rogue military generals.
90% of the military are Trump supporters, especially the "old white males" who are high ranking.

+ he has blackwater mercs for protection and killing him would kick off civil war. which deepstate would lose.

We would fight for Trump and avenge his death

The reasons listed above, but also the pizzagate deadmans switch.

Interesting thread. is north korean trumps cuban missile crisis

Because Trump has his own army.

Because Trump being President is the only reason we haven't killed them all yet. We already won the timeline, only the purge remains.

Trump is the best thing to happen to the NWO in decades. Everyone thinks he's /their guy/ while he does everything they want, and puts more Jews into positions of power than any previous president.

Charles Krauthammer warned of the foolishness of the impending coup. The top brass in the military will be surprised at the defection rates I think. Even in the upper-mid leadership. It won't be for Trump really, but for the country.

This never occurred to me but makes a lot of sense.

Trump is part of the cabal.

Because Trump has a more hardline backing than Kennedy ever did.

>and puts more Jews into positions of power than any previous president.

Bill still has him beat.

This assumes a monolithic jewish conspiracy which isn't the case. Its only near monolithic.

Rewatch the Red Dinner and watch them squirm

>pol still thinks being a jew == sionists

They're probably gonna do it soon

>implying pres kennedy wasn't a genocidal, anti-white criminal

>didnt get rich not being friends with jews
>surrounded by jews
>hasnt been shot
>mfw pol used to know your votes dont fucking matter
>can we just start killing people already

If Trump is assassinated it may mean actual civil war

>Everyone thinks he's /their guy/ while he does everything they want,

like what, specifically?

if you're too vague you should kill yourself

>implying pres kennedy wasn't a genocidal, anti-white criminal

>also internet + everyone has cellphones

That don't have the same control over the population like they used to.

Trump was not in their plan. Hell, OBAMA was not in their plan, Hillary was set to win 2008. Obama took to social media before they understood it, and had the charisma to simply overpower their plotting. But Obama was corruptible, so they didn't have to Nixon him.

Trump was a complete error. That's why the MSM turned so hysterical. He came in like a nightmare to them- his life was too public for real dirt, and uncorruptable. They keep testing the waters on killing him, and even the little hints cause crazy sparks. They're afraid of outright losing control.

Their gameplan is to divide and conquer, minimize damage, and wait for him to exit.