Welp. It's been nice shitposting with you fellas

Welp. It's been nice shitposting with you fellas.

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She'll be right, mate.

Twenty minutes my ass. That's 13,983 MPH.

more scaremongering as usual

Mach 3 is 2301.807 MPH. Even the fastest missile would take over two hours to travel this distance. North Korea doesn't have this technology.

You will be missed. We never got to take down the Jones Act.

CNN just want people to watch their program
Fear is great for getting views

their recent test had an initial velocity around 5 km/s (11000 mph)

Ballistic missiles are trans atmospheric. They aren't guided in the modern sense of the word. Soviet ICBMs could reach the continental U.S. in 30 minutes. The only reason they don't go faster is that they would achieve orbital velocity.

The tweet is real. Time to expose fake news again.

>the most liberal state gets nuke
And the problem here is?

US Minuteman II missiles could reach just about anywhere on earth in less than thirty minutes. The North Koreans can probably do it in the same amount of time, perhaps a little less. The trade-off is that they have shit accuracy and range.

While the speed seems ridiculous, keep in mind that most of the distance is covered during re-entry. Re-entry speeds are pretty darn quick, in the ballpark of 4 miles per second, which works out to around 14,400 mph. Given the time necessary to reach the apex of the trajectory, 20 minutes probably IS bullshit. More than likely it is closer to 30 minutes depending on loads of errata that no one (as far as I am aware) knows.

a beautiful ecosystem gets completely destroyed?

This is the right answer.

These types of missiles travel in space. That's why the speeds don't make sense.

user. I'm not sure I've ever read something so stupid.

There are humans right now on the ISS traveling at 4.76 miles a second.

Cruise missiles just cruise along. Ballistic missiles go ballistic. What's so hard to understand?

About damn time.
Praise KEK

Good, Hawaii is a cesspool of degeneracy

Nothing is going to happen.....they are barely able to survive....They talk a great game......now I think it may suck for japan, vietnam & south korea....

And their entire country can be decimated in 15.

I think that's a fair trade.

>#nuclearwar head
What's did she mean by this?

none, id love to see this place get nuked

its going to be quite comfy watching it burn desu senpai


how about you type like a fucking adult.

I don't get why people are worried about NK's nukes as they are

they're all in the very low kiloton range, have huge reliability issues, and no real follow-up.

I'd say that NK should be taken down now (desu should have been a lot earlier) before they develop an actually respectable arsenal.

honestly they couldnt hit Hawaii unless they got really lucky, more likely than not it would end up in the ocean

Yeah? How quickly can they leave North Korea and land in Hawaii? Ass.

Fuck off libtard with your CNN garbage.

Similar to 'lost and engine' head, but less teeth because no turbulence.

Man, that's insane speed

>20 Minutes
>NK has secretly been developing an orbital "rods from the gods program"

You need to learn what height ICBMs operate at

Ballistic missiles don't work that way. They climb hundreds of kilometers upwards for gravity assist.

My long distance half-hawaiian half-white internet girlfriend is really getting hysterical about this

>Yeah? How quickly can they leave North Korea
The shuttle can reach orbit in 8.5 minutes

>and land in Hawaii?
They don't need to land; just fall towards it and hope the heat shielding holds until they crash.


This. Cuba may actually have a 1960s USSR made nuclear payload on its shores yet we worry about North Korea's nonsense.

5 more and we can get rid of that blight called LA right?

5 more... 5 more...

>people are actually afraid of a starving shithole with technology from the 50s

the absolute fucking state of the west. I almost wish the norks could blow up anything more than a couple city blocks

please stop posting.

ICBMs travel ~13k-16k mph
i'm pretty sure we've had interceptors that do up to mach 20

LEO is 1200 miles

NK to degenerate-as-fuck hawaii is 4661 miles on that map

It's still more than an hour of travel time to Hawaii. Somebody is lying.

Just enough time for you to shower and then pucker up to kiss your ass goodbye.

Are you guys retarded? The point is that the fastest missiles are not going to make it to Hawaii from NK in twenty minutes. Therefore, since you're a fucking brainlet, NK does not have a missile that can reach Hawaii in 20 minutes.

Well get typing mate, caress and comfort those grilled spam grown thighs with your words man.

Bye, Hawaii! Yay!

Please nuke various heavily-populated Californian cities as well!

k thx

google "IRBM"

that is what NK has

>intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000–5,500 km (1,864–3,418 miles)
So they can't even hit Hawaii is what you're telling me?

Probably not.

My whole point is that you should stop moving the goalposts and focus less on what North Korea has and more on your own Wikipedia-after-you-post level of knowledge here.

They have ICBMs now which can most certainly hit hawaii

Do you have a single fact to back that up? When have they tested a missile with that kind of range?

This is what they have been testing this year.

1,200km ~ 2,000km (est)



going to the #grocerystore to buy some #items

Look at the tests.




Only a couple launches succeeded with none even breaking 1000km.

Success Fired on a lofted trajectory with apogee of 3,724.9 km (2,314.5 mi), landing 998 km (620 mi) away in the Sea of Japan near Hokkaido, with a total flight time of 47 minutes, 12 seconds.

not to be that guy but...
The norks just dispatched a buttload of submarines last week.
Like more than normal activity.
It is possible that they are armed with some sort of sea to land technology that can launch nukes.
It is also possible that they can pull up near a city and kamikaze nuke the place.
Just sayin

Unlikely but I'm hopeful. Good riddance, California.

>he doesn't realize that the California refugees will bring their Marxism with them to every other state

This is the same state thay gave us Obama's fake birth certificate, fucked with the travel ban, and harbors mark kikerberg. Sink that bitch, 49 states is enough.


Not if they are dead

Start w San Fran pls

>Guam is actually going to tip over

You all forget that these missiles go into space

They have to get to mach 33 to enter orbit, icbm dont fly in the atmosphere

they're fired at high trajectories because they're tests and would be fired at much lower trajectories if they were aiming for hawaii

Miniuteman flew at mach 23. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGM-30_Minuteman

Count your blessings. We got to be the US without being targeted by nukes or anyone really. We almost don't exist.

Wrong, icbm go into space to reach max speed

Heavy urban areas will be vaporized instantly by a 2 mile in diameter fireball.
90% of those within 2-5 mile range will suffer 500 rem radiation dose and will die within 2 weeks.
Within 5-8 miles, 20 psi overpressure air blast will crush concrete buildings and any other structure, near 100% fatality rate.
From 8-20 miles, 4.6 psi overpressure air blast will still cause most buildings to collapse. Near 100% injury rate, many fatalities.
From 20-70 miles, any exposed skin will suffer 3rd degree burns, everything flammable will catch on fire.

I don't think there will be too many commies left as they tend to reside in the urban areas.

lul wasting on of their shit nukes on guam. right. SK should have moved Seoul a long time ago so we can just flatten NK without losing so many sk lives.


>implying a diesel powered 30 year old sub can pass though the most sophisticated underwater detection system that has ever been created.

Considering it got fucked multiple times in the war and was heavily destroyed, not a crazy idea. Surely would have taken about as much work as rebuilding the city did. Aint hindsight a bitch.

They would still go into space but just be fired at a more optimal trajectory to travel farther, the point is that the tests were fired essintially "straight up" to not further piss off the US with a test

This shit smells. It's a pretense for war. I don't mind, though.

>implying NK will ever do anything

top fucking kek, it's like no one even bothers trying to remember history anymore. People have the attention span of a fucking squirrel

>implying Hawaii is worth saving
I wouldn't mind losing it for a happening. Imagine the tiki torch memes and shit, it would be great

CNN loves the high drama, fuck, they almost could be on Sup Forums

okay the real question is how many of you will voluntary defend your country and join the army against a war on north korea? my country will most likely not give a shit and just watch the carnage

Are you in Hawaii? If only MODS didn't suck ass and put in state flags

>nuclear fallout spreads to wherever the fuck you live in Burgerland
>live a horrible life and/or die

Hillary made a call to Lil'Kim to help divert attention from her impending doom.

We have so many missile defenses, it really makes me wonder why anyone is afraid/

its full of brown people. doin' us a favor, boys.


How many times will you people fall for the MSM propaganda when it comes to war?

hes right though nothing is going to happen. i know, secretly we all want to see it but noeth korea isnt going to nuke anything come on. They're dogs who have barked for a long ass time and will continue to do so. Perhaps its more vivid given that the US has been at war with them in the past, but nothing will happen I guarantee it.

And it would take us 15 minutes to turn NK into ashes.


Also just realized:
>20 minutes

LOL. Didn't know Kimmy had nukes that could travel at 10-20 times the speed of sound.

The more I read that post the more erect I become.


And yet I can't get a pizza delivered in that same time frame.

>the missile knows where it is at all times

well that's enough Sup Forums for today, i can't believe i actually end up arguing with people as fucking dumb as you

You're missing the biggest threat of all.
What if the nuke hits yellowstone?