I Will Not Tolerate This Behavior!

>We will not use the word gay in a negative way!

What did you do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


I never used the word gay in a negative way.

I'm sorry Mrs. Goldberg, I won't do it again.

Start using faggot

Sure. Don't get all queer on me.

Muh toleration is so gay

are you infringing on my freedom of speech?

/pol was the kid who getting called faggot and just had to take it. so any answers you get ITT are going to be lies

I still remember getting in trouble for saying faggot in middle school. If those goddamn cunts hadn't pissed me off back then maybe I wouldn't enjoy saying it so much now.

haha jokes on you
im gay

Ask her when as a female schoolteacher shes going to plunge that finger into my angus and massage my brostate. Does she want me to stay back after class?


Watch this:



Even mine?

Start calling them Australian instead.

>Say "Okay." while thinking "You can't make me think or feel anything, you stupid fucking cunt."

>Become part of a silent majority, join the good old boys club, skirt affirmative action laws and purposely avoid granting business opportunities to these people that I am not allowed to criticize

>20 years later, straight white males are still on stop and no one knows why




you are fucking gay!

I thank you for being an /ally/

to the roof now! no i'm not muslim neither christian, but i agree that t you abomination must be erased

Absolutely devious.

But for real tho, thanks to my public school brainwashing I would never have thought to do this until about 2-3 years ago. They really didn't think this whole "bashing white males at every turn" thing through, did, they?

When I was in school being called gay was the worst thing you could be called. Now everybody is a filthy faggot. So suck a cock you freak.


I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ruined the word for happy. I will call the sodomites faggots from now on.

Leviticus 20:18

>What did you do Sup Forums?
This sort of thing never happened back then. My God I still haven't met an out an open faggot to this day, and I graduated over 15 years ago. Well, I take that back, my friend got his ass pinched at a Journey concert in Denver by a drag queen around 4 years ago.

"im gay"

what is that picture?

>likes to gently caress man-meat
>people want to kill him for it

Feels bad man, I just want to live

I said g'hey, not gay. It's a HOMOphone.

>kid gets called a gay fag
>girls dont wanna go out with him and call him a gay fag
>kid isnt a gay fag and cant take people thinking he is one
>kills self

Nah my man. I now know that society cannot learn to love me. The only thing I can do is validate their reasons to hate me.

I will become the greedy, power gripping capitalist. I will live in the neighborhood that the cops are told to keep safe. Their children will serve my children.

They will have to smile and fake kindness while I treat them like shit, just like they did to me when I was young. This hatred is old, and deep, and it will never end.

Keep your head down until you no longer have a reason to.

Grab her by the pussy

Tell her I am muslim and watch her brain shut down.

"Well I gotta admit that sounds pretty fucking gay"

I don't know what happened to that young man, but it was me, class clown

Bad word?! It's a bad thing.

Mom. I'm not a faggot and you just have to accept that.



Really gets that old noodle going.

why is it considered negative to use the word? How is being called gay an insult to anyone?

>You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.


We just started saying "Seattle" instead of "gay" (rural Washington here), seemed to work as a good substitute

If gays can't get over being called gay there is something they can do

that's jewish!

that's so nigger!

that's about as gay as obama's asshole!

that's so gay, it would take a fireman to get your mouth off the penis!

>believing in fairy tales
burn bibles not gay couples.
>b-b-b-b-but god is real!
"""""""""""""""""""""""""god"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" was never real, christcuck piece of shit.

>wait until black kid isn't looking and gently nibble on her fingertip
she looks like she'd be into it

Use Jewish ancestry to have parents claim teacher and school as anti-Semites and call it anudda holocaust.



Daily reminder that there is zero actual evidence outside accounts by Christians that Jesus of Nazareth was a real, historical person.

>I used gay as a "bad word" before I even knew what it meant.
>Thought it was just a synonym for lame.
>Didn't know what that meant either.
>Eventually learned avout homosexuality.
>Took a long time before i really came to connect the two concepts.

>Me: That's gay
>(((Them))): OMG you horrible child
>Me: Fuck... right... you know what I mean though...
They did not.

Certainly didn't help that this all happened around the age where I found sex hilarous. Basically take a child who giggles like a shithead because "you said penis" then compound it with all the comedic value of watching someone try to cram a square peg into a circle hole.


Sodoms made up the word "gay"
>Can't use it unless under their own conditions
wtf i love tolerance now

Hey guys, why not promote this shit for minorities? I mean look if faggotry is so good at harming whites why not expand it to mainly be for minorities. Demand more gay POC be represented.

I was at boy scout camp probably around 1997ish or so and me and another boy there were referring to gays as faggots. I'm not sure of the exact context or details. One of the leaders came up to us and said we shouldn't use it that way and faggots were just bundles of sticks. I said "Let's throw some faggots in the fire!" and everyone had a good laugh and it was not mentioned again.

gays are faggots though

I once got caught calling one of the actors on stage a faggot during a school play. Teachers freaked out and sent me the vp who made me write an apology letter. Oddly enough, they didn't seem to notice or care about all the jokes I was making about having the perfect vantage point to shoot up the auditorium though

Stay on your own board get away from us you sick sinner

>zero actual evidence outside accounts by Christians

Haha yeah user none except for the accounts of Josephus, Tacitus, Mara bar Sarapion, Suetonius, the Talmud, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, Phlegon, Celsus, Lucian, Trajan, Epictetus, Numenius, Claudius Galenus and pretty much every mainstream historian out there. You sure showed those fundies, didn't ya?

Why do homos always try to destroy society?

fake and gay


Either weren't direct references to a Jesus of Nazareth or were later forgeries by Christians.

The Talmud mentions NOTHING about Jesus. That is a shitty hoax.

2/10 because you got replies


Here we come to the common distortion that references in the talmud to Balaam are really veiled references to Jesus. As we shall soon see, Balaam is not a talmudic codeword for Jesus. Therefore, the passage above is referring solely to Balaam and not to Jesus. Besides this fact, read the passage closely and you will see that Rav Papa is offering a parable that explains R. Yochanan's statement. It is impossible to read R. Yochanan's statement as referring to Jesus and Rav Papa's as referring to Jesus' mother.

R. Yochanan is saying that Balaam had tremendous potential and started out as a true prophet of G-d. However, he turned to evil and in the end of his life became a sorcerer (i.e. user of black magic). This tradition regarding Balaam's descent was also recorded in the Tanchuma [Balak, 5] and in Yalkut Shimoni [Numbers, 771].

Similarly, Balaam started out as a man with prophecy (like a prince or ruler). He was capable of seeing the future and even manipulating it through his curses and blessings. However, when he lost that gift when G-d removed his prophecy, Balaam still wanted to see the future, even resorting to such pale comparisons as sorcery and black magic (like a carpenter).

This passage has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus and there is certainly no insult implied towards Mary.

Cf. R. Meir HaLevi Abulafia, Yad Ramah, Sanhedrin ad. loc.; Ephraim Urbach, "Rabbinic Exegesis About Gentile Prophets And The Balaam Passage" (Hebrew), Tarbitz (25:1956), p. 284 n. 56.

You really are fucking retarded, are you?

>weren't direct references to a Jesus of Nazareth

Josephus mentions Jesus by name three times in the Antiquities of the Jews. Tacitus discusses Jesus' execution in Annals. Suetonius refers to Jesus and his followers in Lives of the Twelve Caesars.

>were later forgeries by Christians

Literally nobody is claiming that except for you.

>The Talmud



Flavius Josephus is a highly respected and much-quoted Romano-Jewish historian. The early Christians were zealous readers of his work.

A native of Judea, living in the 1st century AD, Josephus was actually governor of Galilee for a time (prior to the war of 70 AD) – the very province in which Jesus allegedly did his wonders. Though not born until 37 AD and therefore not a contemporary witness to any Jesus-character, Josephus at one point even lived in Cana, the very city in which Christ is said to have wrought his first miracle.

Josephus's two major tomes are History of The Jewish War and The Antiquities of the Jews. In these complementary works, the former written in the 70s, the latter in the 90s AD, Josephus mentions every noted personage of Palestine and describes every important event which occurred there during the first seventy years of the Christian era.

At face value, Josephus appears to be the answer to the Christian apologist's dreams.

In a single paragraph (the so-called Testimonium Flavianum) Josephus confirms every salient aspect of the Christ-myth:

No you gurgling retard the Talmud refers to Jesus as Yeshu, Yeshu ha-Notzri and ben Stada.

1. Jesus's existence 2. his 'more than human' status 3. his miracle working 4. his teaching 5. his ministry among the Jews and the Gentiles 6. his Messiahship 7. his condemnation by the Jewish priests 8. his sentence by Pilate 9. his death on the cross 10. the devotion of his followers 11. his resurrection on the 3rd day 12. his post-death appearance 13. his fulfillment of divine prophecy 14. the successful continuance of the Christians.

In just 127 words Josephus confirms everything – now that is a miracle!

Not a single writer before the 4th century – not Justin, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Cyprian, Arnobius, etc. – in all their defences against pagan hostility, makes a single reference to Josephus’ wondrous words.

The third century Church 'Father' Origen, for example, spent half his life and a quarter of a million words contending against the pagan writer Celsus. Origen drew on all sorts of proofs and witnesses to his arguments in his fierce defence of Christianity. He quotes from Josephus extensively. Yet even he makes no reference to this 'golden paragraph' from Josephus, which would have been the ultimate rebuttal. In fact, Origen actually said that Josephus was "not believing in Jesus as the Christ."

Origen did not quote the 'golden paragraph' because this paragraph had not yet been written.

It was absent from early copies of the works of Josephus and did not appear in Origen's third century version of Josephus, referenced in his Contra Celsum.

I went to a 95% white school, at one point our liberal english teacher decided to drop the n bomb in class to get us to stop calling each other faggots. Only problem was there was the only black kid who was pretty chill in our class, I remember most of our heads turning towards him to see how he reacted since obviously we didn't care about people saying the word nigger.

Anyways we kept on calling each other faggots.


Talmud Shabbat 104b, Sanhedrin 67a

It is taught: R. Eliezer told the sages: Did not Ben Stada bring witchcraft with him from Egypt in a cut that was on his skin? They said to him: He was a fool and you cannot bring proof from a fool.

Ben Stada is Ben Pandira.

R. Chisda said: The husband was Stada and the lover was Pandira.

[No,] the husband was Pappos Ben Yehudah and the mother was Stada.

[No,] the mother was Miriam the women's hairdresser [and was called Stada]. As we say in Pumbedita: She has turned away [Stat Da] from her husband.

What we see from here is that there was a man named Ben Stada who was considered to be a practicer of black magic. His mother was named Miriam and also called Stada. His father was named Pappos Ben Yehudah. Miriam (Stada) had an affair with Pandira from which Ben Stada was born.

Some historians claim that Ben Stada, also known as Ben Pandira, was Jesus. His mother's name was Miriam which is similar to Mary. Additionally, Miriam was called a women's hairdresser, "megadla nashaia" [for this translation, see R. Meir Halevi Abulafia, Yad Rama, Sanhedrin ad. loc.]. The phrase "Miriam megadla nashaia" sounds similar to Mary Magdalene, a well-known New Testament figure.

1. Mary Magdalene was not Jesus' mother. Neither was Mary a hairdresser.
2. Jesus' step-father was Joseph. Ben Stada's step-father was Pappos Ben Yehudah.
3. Pappos Ben Yehudah is a known figure from other places in talmudic literature. The Mechilta Beshalach (Vayehi ch. 6) has him discussing Torah with Rabbi Akiva and Talmud Berachot 61b has Pappos Ben Yehudah being captured and killed by Romans along with Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva lived during the second half of the first century and the first half of the second century. He died in the year 134. If Pappos Ben Yehudah was a contemporary of Rabbi Akiva's, he must have been born well after Jesus' death and certainly could not be his father.

Ok then answer me this; Jesus and his followers were hated by the Romans and they did everything in their power to squash them. So then why did all of these elite Romans write detailed accounts of his presence rather than just dismiss him as a myth and end their troubles like that?

>Middle school
>Have group of friends
>Call each other gay all the time
>Tell friend he's gay during class
>He calls me gay
>Have a lol
>Some cunt tells teacher
>Teacher pulls me aside along with friend
>Taken to part of school I've never been to
>Talk to a lady I've never seen before
>"Do you boys know what that word means"
>"So why do you say it?"
>Teachers look baffled
>"Well...We're calling your parents"
>Get home
>"user why'd you call your friend gay"
>"Um...Don't do it anymore?"

>why did all of these elite Romans write detailed accounts of his presence

never reallly said gay in school

would usually pressure teachers in discussions in more serious ways. Such as asking if they supported Israel and if so, how could they stand by a nation that actively discriminates and persecuted muslims while proclaiming tolerance.


Should have thought about that before you chose to be gay, I guess.

>Be me
>Call friend's actions gay
>Hallway rando girl
>"That's offensive you know!"
>But I am gay
>She looks confused and angry
>Walks off
>Being gay has some perks boys

Grease up my fingers and proceed to finger fuck her fat fart box; slowly, at first, adding more fingers and speed until I'm basically shadowboxing in her colon. Use the other hand to rustle her jimmy until she squirts an unending stream of girlcum/piss all over the floor. Remove hand from anus, and use her tongue as a handtowel to clean it off. Grab her by the hair and smear her face in her own cum/piss pooling on the floor below her. Force her to slurp the mess off the floor, put my toes in her mouth for added difficulty. As she's bent down, face first in the muck and the mire I wheel around behind her still gaping anus and pull it open with my fingers and spit in it. I then take out the 5 pound bag of ice that I picked up from the liquor store earlier in the day, as well as a beer. I fit as much ice in her bung as possible, while still leaving room for the standard size 12 fluid ounce can that I've been saving. At no point do I deign this slag the dignity of being allowed to be penetrated by any penis, let alone my own. The bitch is a rectal refrigerator at best, a floozie coozie, a bung bucket, an anal icebox. When the beer is finally cold, I pull it out of her with 0 fanfare. By this time she knows not to linger. She knows that when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.

There's two Marys. The mother and the one who followed him around. Magdalene was the one who followed him around.

The 90s were a simpler time


A witty back and forth a la The History Boys.

That's gay

Still not proof that the Talmud referred to Jesus of Nazareth.


No but you said something about Mary Magladene not being Jesus' mother. Like yeah no shit sherlock.

Never happened to me. I was in grade school during the 80s.

Imagine a world without

It didnt work. Rainbows.

Zyklon B.