Better than you

Why is is that Asians are better than whites in most ways?

>They are smarter
>They have better jobs on average
>Much more bad ass
>Much more disciplined
>Everything else

Other urls found in this thread:

Stay focused, do good in school, parents give a shit, push hard to achieve.


better drivers....

high genotypic iq mostly. also, migrants are probably smarter than average (so if the chinese mean IQ is say 105 then migrants average 110 or more)

You dopes realize this dude is the one friendzoning her right?

A girl doesn't just call their male friend a "babe" unless he's getting it in and keeping her on a tight leash.

Your argument:
>No Asians aren't better! This one guy got friend zoned! When has this ever happen to whites?

Asians come from the same Neaderthal genetic stock as whites, and are also distant from Negroids.

They're literally a different race of the same white gene, hence why they actually have civilizations and intelligence unlike niggers.

>inb4 somebody posts a picture of a chink eating a whale and says they're worse than niggers

because you're comparing upper class immigrants to a general population

>go to Koreatown
>see after-school learning centers on every block

The difference is cultural. It's exactly that simple.

>much more bad ass

Asians are a lot of things, badass is not one of them. They have dirty oily skin and waste their money on expensive BMW cars to compensate for the small penises and stature.

>inb4 somebody posts a picture of a chink eating a whale and says they're worse than niggers

well, now you mention it...

Asians are biocomputers that whites use to build things.

>kung fu
>samurai masters
>Higher population, so they get more pussy
Even if you don't think the above 3 things aren't cool, some people would disagree

Somehow can't grasp the field of Medicine called "Dentistry".

We have everything... except a soul.
>Tfw We are the hivemind

Don't you niggers have Sun Tzu?

>sun tzu meme
literally "delay and decieve" and pretending its great tactical genius
wow very impressive lying

>comparing immigrants that have been cherry picked out of a country with a billion citizens to average Americans

lol I bet you think Indians and Nigerians are intellectuals as well.

why are they better at killing themselves more than we are? or shitting at the streets?

Man, if anything culture makes the difference, just compare south korea with bangladesh, or india and china. Also educational system and a shit load of other factors...
That looks so satisfying, also you do know where beef comes from sweetie?