Why Doesn't Japan Do A Preemptive Strike Against NK?


Think about it. Japan is the most justified in Nuking or completely destroying NK. They have the planes, they have the capability, and they're probably the ones most in danger.

They are the most in danger, therefore their actions will be the most excusable. Same goes for SK but they will never do it because they're too close for comfort.

Also, Japan has been nuked in the past. It's their turn now.

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Because you are a stupid fat shut-in that doesn't realise that SK would rather be punched in the face by NK than (((helped))) by Japan.


>implying Japan needs their permission

When you're life is in danger, you do what's necessary. You don't wait for the guy getting beat up to ask for help, knowing that you're next in line. You jump right in.

Their constitution forbids offensive wars

Fuck off E-4 faggot. Go catch some bullets.

Japans military and the capability to use it is pitiful thanks to US sanctions, so not going to happen/

Because they don't have a fucking military you retard.

Not possible because of this and also because Japan doesn't have nukes.

what if they got special permission to use it with American oversight? They're already running drills with US bombers, as stated in the link

I've said this for years, we should let Japan off the leash and take care of Korea and China for us.

They're a warrior people in their hearts, the fact we neutered them has caused them to have a lot of fucked up issues. Letting them become warriors again would be grand.

KYS now...wish wish hopeless hoper.

Remember what happened last time they tried a preemptive attack?

But they do. It isn't particularly impressive and likely can't do shit on its own, but they have one.


America isn't stopping them from using their own military in an offensive war you dingus, their own constitution is.

>I've said this for years

I am sure the walls and your imaginary friends were very inspired.

Using what? Do you think Japan has nuclear weapons? If they worked with American it would just be an American attack.
Also it's against the law for Japan to attack anyone, but this might change soon.

for fucks sake.

1)japan's constitution doesn't allow it

2)japan has no nukes and america is not going to 'give' them one with PLA arming and codes.

3)japan has no aircraft to deliver said weapon

4)it would be political suicide for any party in japan to authorize a nuclear strike

5) the world would sanction japan for using striking with nuclear weapons first

what province did you get your education in? for fucks sake man.

Because Japan still has a pacifist constitution. They want to change it but it requires majority approval in a referendum.

Japan literally cannot initiate a war, only self-defense or to defend allies. Japan now has like one hand tied behind its back and could spend a lot more on defense after a constitutional change.

>what province did you get your education in? for fucks sake man.

It's an obvious burger shill.

Surely in situations like these their constitution would be amended?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, the Japanese have a Self Defense force, meaning if a country like NK ever tried to threaten them like they're doing now, they could theoretically, legally hit them...

Seems like that legalese could be worked around.

Honestly some random African country should nuke NK (with foreign supplied icbms and stuff). NK wouldnt know where to retaliate!

Obviously you're a shut-in.

they dont have nukes

The constitution is written in such a way that it's debatable whether Japan is even allowed to defend themselves

Japan's self defense force is formidable and one of the best in the world while having a lower budget (percentage) than other big countries.

With the rising influence and threats of China, Japan will renounce its pacifism and rearm to some degree to counter China.

Tehre are nukes stored in or near Japan by America that would be used when necessary.

Japan is the unsinkable aircraft carrier to attack Korea, China if necessary.

All China and Norht Korea have done is speed up the process of Japan to change their constitution. So the CCP's actions will backfire.

That's not how it works. And even if it did, Japan has nothing to gain from sparking the next global war just because the littlest dictatorship that could is throwing another tantrum.

No one wants to be the one who signed the death warrant of hundreds of thousands (Seoul) in a single day. Though what could be even worse, and it's never mentioned, is if NK has threatened to kill their own citizens in mass if attacked.

Japan has no nukes, they actively promote nuclear dearmament.

Japan does not possess nuclear weapons, and by the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, are not allowed to obtain them.

>why doesn't the only country ever to have live through nuclear holocausts use its tiny conventional military to attack its nuclear armed neighbor that is backed by a massive nuclear armed neighboring country with one of the world's largest military forces

whats with the archive bs? is it just autism?

Because international relations doesn't work like that you fucking autist. Read a god damn book.

Because China will chimp out

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Because the Samurai fears the Mountain Gook Nuke.

1. Japan doesn't like war.
2. Seoul would be destroyed.
3. No/little spoils vs cost
4. Literally no reason because the media lies about North Korea.

>in mass

Die...you fucking gullible illiterate retard.

Canada is really putting up a fight for the title. I wonder how australia and turkey will react.

>the media lies about North Korea.
yes, their's does.

Can be, yes, I suppose, in the sense that there are ways to amend the Japanese constitution. Will be, no.

The (nationalist-leaning) governing party's been trying for years to amend the constitution to allow "collective self-defense" (i.e. helping allies in defensive wars) and failing because Japan knows what war is and very few people there want to die for America. Even sending people to UN peacekeeping missions is controversial. It's a pacifist country, not a bunch of US-tier crazy warmongers.

Also there's the legacy of the Imperial period, NK is insanely anti-Japanese - probably even more than they're anti-American - and neither South Korea nor China would be all that much happier about Japanese troops invading other countries in Asia.

ours lies even more. pure propaganda.

>wanting a french phrase for what would change the entire meaning of the sentence

hurr use commas

Why would japan nuke one of its colonies?

Because both China AND South Korea would immediately come to their aid. Think of the situation like a trailer park drama.

>NK is like the drunk abusive trailer trash husband who regularly beats on SK and screams obscenities at the neighbors
>SK is the battered wife who takes the beatings and keeps hoping that NK will sober up and change his ways.
>China is the corrupt good ol boy deputy who turns a blind eye to NK's antics. Basically enables NK's bad behavior but will occasionally toss him in jail when he steps too far outta line.
>Japan is like the registered sex offender who everybody hates. Claims to be 100% rehabilitated but no one trusts him.
>US is the liberal social worker who checks up on both Japan and SK but is not particularly liked because while her presence does prevent NK from going too far, she's also the one that put Japan in the trailer park.

You're ignorant. Really, really ignorant. Like, does not know how to use Wikipedia ignorant. What the fuck do they teach leafs in the school?

>Also, Japan has been nuked in the past. It's their turn now.

Japan Self DEFENSE Force

Japan ever actively initiating the conflict will get shittons of first world nations on their ass about it, because part of their knee bending post WW2 was the whole 'hey no attacking only defending' stuff. Unless NK actively attacks Japan in some way they can't do shit.

There's a chance that DPRK civilians will accept a US hearts and minds campaign unlike the middle east. There's not a chance in hell they'll accept JSDF troops on their soil. Fucking hell ROK will have chimp outs on the streets too.

I have these........in mass. You fat fucking slob.

>in mass... (quantities)

America (and Australia) NEED a new land invasion to keep this carcass of a system alive


Do it. But don't be surprised when we kick your ass in round 2. We are a snake in the glass.

a shekel for the good goy

Dummy. Fuck off community college.


>Japanese constitution prohibit war.
>Japanese constitution prohibit military.
>Japanese government decided Japan won't touch nuclear in any way.
>All the Japanese elementary schooler memorize this as one of the most important things.
>MSM always say we must protect this to prevent Japan to commit war crime again.

>We are a snake in the glass.
I don't know if you are a proxy friend, or just on a US base, but I fuckin lol'd.

1. Pacifist constitution

2. The korean population in Japan has a lot of NK sympathizers who might commit terrorist attacks in retaliation

3. North Korea can hit Japan even without nuclear weapons

4. This would be like Germany launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Israel, do you not understand history to see the historical ramifications of Japan killing like a million koreans?

Thank god your country is not as foolish as Germany to actually believe this. The Japanese military is the 7th best in the entire world, despite the national guilt bullshit.

yes goy communism is the way of the future

While Europe is highly offended by this, America does not want weak allies and are grateful for an ally like Japan.

>why doesn't Greece retake Constantinople

Japan renounced war after the states dropped the citybusters on them.

They don't have an army any more, they have a national defence force. Ostensibly the same thing, but it will never be used in an offensive capacity.

Hey Australia, I love you guys, but I was told you were better informed then burger education. Find Japan and Australia on this list.

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Legally, though, the JSDF is a police force, not a military.

It's a distinction without a difference once an actual shooting war starts, but the legal framework is an (intentional) impediment to a Japanese first strike.

Yes, correct you are.

Thought for more context, the government of Abe, which while controversial still enjoys popular support, has every intention to repeal that legal distinction. And all their polling shows majority support to kill the pacifist constitution. There is also a large amount of support for building a nuclear arsenal of their own.

The Japanese government has played submissive internationally, but unlike Germany, has never taken pacifism seriously. Their culture accepts punishment for surrender as natural, but not as a sinner seeking absolution.