So I think its pretty clear to state now that Donald Trump has the maturity of Joffrey Lannister...

So I think its pretty clear to state now that Donald Trump has the maturity of Joffrey Lannister, the honor and respect for women of Walder Frey, and a grip on reality like that of Mad King Aerys Targaryen. Hopefully the outcome of each of those fictional characters from Game of Thrones matches reality with life imitating art sooner rather than later before Trump has us have to deal with a nuclear winter coming.

>im a lame fuck
>here is my pop culture understanding of the world
Go back to redit, you huge faggoty cunt. Youre not wanted here.


you do realize that this is not reddit

Once all of Trump's time travel wankery gets disclosed after his death a few decades from now, you'll realize how deeply misinformed your opinion of the man truly was.

Gr8 b8. what you said reminds me of harry Potter or The star war

You're a memetic fossil.

>taking the bait

wow user great insight, maybe you should do this again but with harry potter analogies!

>memetic fossil
This is a good phrase

This is the most reddarted post ever

It's pretty clear that Trump has balls like an alpha leader. he's not a bought and sold career politician beta.

He's not doing it for hte money, he's as billionaire.

Trump has the balls to protect allies like South Korea and Japan and against the evil communist regime of North Korea (puppet of China).

Shitlary and Obumber would just follow orders of globalist masters (Soros, Kissenger Rothchild).

>so I think it's pretty clear to state now that I'm a simple minded twat who can only see the world around me through the lense of (((pop))) culture


Hahaha holy shit this is how stupid drumpf supporters actually are

How can you get baited this easily

>TL;DR I am retarded reditor fag whose entire world view is filtered through pop-culture
So I think it is pretty clear now that you have the testosterone levels of George Takei, the intelligence of Katy Perry and a grip on reality like that of Jaden Smith

You are a fucking retard who has to define reality by poorly fleshed out TV characters, which is why you are a complete failure.

Donald Trump, first of his name, is the rightful heir to the throne! Hes going to make the wall 700 feet higher and make the white walkers pay for it!


This whole thing with Trump and Barron is just like when Vader and Luke fought together and secured the spice.

nuclear winter isnt a thing op. it was hippie nonsense

that was the goal. I love making the stupid dance like the пoлeзныe дypaки they actually are. prove me right trumpster fire lovers prove me right

this is the faggiest thread I've ever seen. The next one will be Harry Potter.