
ሄይ ፋጉወልስ,
የእኔም ስም ዮሀንስ ነው እናም እያንዳንዷን እጠላለሁ. ሁላችሁም የሰደደ የአህያ ምስሎችን በመመልከት ቀኑን ሙሉ በእያንዳንዱ ሰከንድ ጊዜ የሚያጠፉ ስብ, ዘገምተኛ, ምንም ህይወት የሌላቸው ናቸው. አንተ በዓለም ውስጥ ክፉ ነገር ሁሉ ነህ. በእውነቱ, ማናችንም ቢሆን የትኛዉን አሽቆቅቀዋል? ማለቴ በራስህ ሳትጨነቅ ምክንያት ሰዎችን ማዝናናት አስደሳች ነው ብዬ እገምታለሁ, ነገር ግን ሁላችንም ወደ ሙሉ አዲስ ደረጃ ይዘልቃል. ይህ ደግሞ በፌስቡክ ላይ ላሉ ስዕሎች ከመጠን በላይ የከፋ ነው.
እንግዳ አትሁኑ. በጥሩ ምርጥ ፎቶዎ ይምጡኝ. እኔ በጣም ምርጥ ነኝ. እኔ የእግር ኳስ ቡድኑ ኳስ ሆኜ ነበር, እና በእኔ የቅርጫት ቦል ቡድን ላይ ጀምር. "ጃን ጃፓናዊያንን ወደ ራቁት ሳቅ" ከማለወጣ ውጭ ምን ስፖርቶች አሉ? እኔም ቀጥታ A ን ተኛሁ, እና አስቂኝ የሆነች ትንሽ የሴት ጓደኛ አለች ((እሷም ፈታችኝ; ጥፋቱ ደግሞ የጥሬ ገንዘብ ነበር)). እናንተ ራሳችሁን ለመግደል መሞከር አለባችሁ. በማዳመጥዎ እናመሰግናለን.
ከፒክ ጋር የተያያዙት: እኔና እርሷ የእኔ

Bix nood we wuz kangs nigga shit

Hee Fergusle,
My name is John and I hate every one. They are fat, slow, and lifeless every day by looking at donkeys. You are all evil in the world. In fact, who of us is depraved? I guess it's fun to be entertained because you do not care about yourself, but we all go to a whole new level. This is far too bad for pictures on Facebook.
Do not be strange. Come with your best picture. I'm so great. I was the soccer ball team, and started on my basketball team. What sports are there other than changing japanese "To the Noodle"? I did not lie directly, and there was a little girlfriend who was funny and (she too divorced me, and it was money). You have to try to kill yourself. Thank you for listening.
Pc's related: Me and Me

fuck u dirty chinaman

I'm...I'm actually speechless on how far Sup Forums reaches...If this isn't a proxy, then my mind is completely blown right now.

nigger are these cave drawings or a language?

i have learned fus ro dah from this

>በእውነቱ, ማናችንም ቢሆን የትኛዉን አሽቆቅቀዋል? ማለቴ በራስህ ሳትጨነቅ ምክንያት ሰዎችን ማዝናናት አስደሳች ነው ብዬ እገምታለሁ, ነገር ግን ሁላችንም ወደ ሙሉ አዲስ ደረጃ ይዘልቃል.
Are you sure about that, O.P.?

>Ethiopian flag
>Aramaic language
>u dirty chinaman

Ti je një zezak i ndyrë

I don't have this uncolonized nigger flag. Thanks.

Probably somebody with a proxy having fun, lad.

Not Aramaic. Amharic. Amareenya. Get me a glass of Axumit, nigger.

based black man


Ethiopians are white.

Amharic, not Aramaic

Repeating numbers confirm!

>pic related, it´s me and my bitch

>Aramaic language
Its Amharic, not Aramaic you stupid buger eating retard

Shieet so you be saying we wuz white an shieet?

we wuz Jedi and shieeet


It was spellcheck niggers. You know what I meant. Like I give a fuck about jew spelling and shit.


NNNN-gwabe, !xobile, ooga booga ngamba, mbinga shieeet

Interesting shitpost.

I keked roach

holy fuck look at those moon runes

Wait, so you be sayin....

it's abyssinia

>burger meme