
So what do you think the 2018 and 2020 elections are looking like for the Democrats, Sup Forums?

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Let me take an educated guess. Either:

Michelle Obama 2020
Mark Zuckerberg 2020

Amazing, we are going to take back Congress, impeach Drumpf for treason and hang him from a tree, then we'll elect Maxine Waters in 2020 as the first female President. You bigots are all fucked.

I bet there's a leaf behind that jackass.


They are going to win more seats in midterm but not by much.

What, is universal healthcare and a non-bigoted leader terrible?

this nigga serious too. the level of dementia is beyond repair

bigoted is a relative, user. your party is bigoted against white identity and panders to colored minorities.

uh, you know that only whites can be racist right?

They'll lose the presidency again if they stay full retard. I honestly have no idea who either part is going to run, considering Trump was a total outlier. Imagine if there was no Trump, look at the last fucking candidates:

>Guac bowl merchant Jeb, please clap for the third fucking Bush
>Ted the booger eating rat fuck, an unlikable coward who STILL crawled back to Trump after the dude linked his dad to the fucking JFK assassination
>Marcosoft, I can't even think if a criticism because the smarmy fag doesn't show up to work
>Chris Christie, the camel toe'd greaseball with a heart of lard

Imagine Hilldawg coming back for round 2. Just imagine.

>he thinks Drumpf is getting another term
>he thinks Drumpf will finish the term he has
Wow, you'd think that a Canadian who elected Trudeau would be smarter than that.

Is this an RP server?

Landslide democratic victories. They will take the house if not both chambers and Pence will easily lose 2020

2018 they have a very bad field, still no message, trump economic gains more visible to average worker

Very tough, expecy failure

I don't know, there's a lot of bigoted nazis on this board that seem to be roleplaying, and those kekistan weirdos seem to roleplay in real life as well, who's the RP then?

Gee maybe its the flag

Take it off pls ;_;

A lot of Republicans will likely outright give up their seats for Democrats.

Why? Is pride for one's political association so terrifying? There you go, I'm American, unfortunately. But I will spend my dying days turning this country like the welcoming neighbors to the north. We are on a path you cannot pull us away from. You bigots will be the minority, the right wing will swing farther down to progressive values, we'll criminalize all this hateful speech, then you'll see how great all of it is.

My guess is it's a leaf behind that post.

Tch tch tch, can't you racists even use your own website correctly and update the thread before you post? What an embarrassment that you all would be that stupid.

That's right, you bigots have nothing to say and no real argument, just cry on to the next thread like the sheep that you all are. You'll all be extinct within the decade, bigotry will never return, mark my words.

It's obvious that you're here to start a fight. Not sure if you're a troll or just want attention or a debate. Either way engaging you is borderline cyberbullying since most of us only make fun of the disabled-- we don't wish to demean complete and utter retards or even show that their existence is of merit worthy a response. Consider this a kindness towards your handicap. I hope one day you can get your mental health in order. Good luck user.

Wait so are they bigotted nazis or they are role playing?
Which is it?

No, they actually won't. If you look at the seat up for grabs, the republicans can only gain seats. Couple it with the fact that leftists don't vote during midterms because they are not being fed 24 hours TV brainwashing like in primaries and the fact that republicans have already trounced the opponents during special elections even though the dems burned dozens of millions on it.

There is also the tiny, small detail here - even if Trump turned out to be Putins lost twin, the dems have nothing to offer to the voters they lost, at all.
'Well gee let's vote for leftist so that I can pay reparations and my child can be thrown out of school for hate existing.' Truly a winning strategy.

Considering your bigotry, you're the one with a disability here
Who says they can't be both?

Moderate gains for Republicans in 2018
>Dems still have no message
>Dems still have no decent candidates
>Dems still don't understand why everyone outside of major metro areas think they're intolerable, self-righteous hypocrits
>Trump has a very strong ecomony
>Trump has great job numbers
>Trump still has a lot of time to fulfill other major campaign promises, like healthcare and tax reform

2020 will depend largely depend on what happens after 2018, so making predictions now is a little pointless.

But as it stands, Republicans are in a good position for 2018. Liberals we're so BTFO by Trump's victory, they still can't form any type of coherent message. Even Democrat congressmen have admitted that the for All Trump's problems, the Democratic brand name is worse than his. Regular people fucking hate Democrats, now.

Do you think that a president with an approval rating in the low 30s can win any referendum on their performance? Nothing short of rigging will stop us from regaining the House in 2018 and we'll be back in 2020 to take the Senate and Presidency as well.


It takes a true ass to be this truly deluded lol

>he thinks we're roleplaying

I don't see any right wing death squads patrolling my streets hunting down "the eeebil socialists and blacks", so what should I think you're doing?

I hope he's fucking trolling. I can't lead myself to believe that anyone is stupid enough to believe Maxine Waters has any chance of even winning a primary.

She's confident, and the sands are changing, a real progressive is going to take the country by storm.

Holy shit your not fucking with me?

We were laughing just as you when you brought out that orange imbecile as your candidate, but underestimating how bigoted large swarths of the country was a massive mistake, and ignoring how far progressives will push will be a dire mistake that you will pay for in 2018 and then in 2020.

I'm still laughing. You still have trannies and SJWs as your platform. Good luck with that.

The 2018 senate map looks pretty rough for us. House is flippable but still unlikely. We can gain seats though. I think our situation will be better than it is currently. 2020 is very winnable thanks to Drumpf's failing presidency.

Republicans will lose a few in house but gain a ton in Senate because they only have 5 states up for grabs and dems 25

Here's the full nate bronze pill

And normal, tolerant, hardworking people will accept that. You play your cards, and we'll play ours, in the end we'll be on the right side of history.

Please PLEASE keep "playing your cards" I ask nothing more than that. Lmfao.

your pretty optimistic for a liberal user. georgia isnt blue and wont be blue neither is verginia and north carolina been red for a good long time too

fuck you will be lucky to keep illinois and oregon

You're pretty optimistic for a conservative, Texas may be blue next election.

I'll play along. What is it you like about Maxine Waters?


>ignoring how far progressives will push

Push it! We know how hard they push! It's amazing!

She's a strong independent confident progressive urban woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind and encapsulates progressive values perfectly. She would be an amazing president.


democratic party, was dat?

> She's a strong independent confident progressive urban woman

used to be people would get advocated based on their merit
Now identity politics have come

And liberals are just fucking retarted
in your mind Bruce Jenner would be a better candidate

> She's a strong independent confident progressive urban man-woman

>What makes her strong

>What makes her independent

>What makes her confident

>What makes her progressive

>What makes her urban, aside from being a nigger?

I expect a point and atleast one source in your reply

Who ever thought "you know what would be great? an ass for a mascot"?

she speaks openly against Drumpf
she advocates for a women to control her reproductive rights
the rhetoric
I think she speaks for herself
from Los Angeles

Yes I do think that. And you didn't even try to refute any of my points either, which is pretty sad desu.

I don't know why you would put so much stock in polls now, when they all proved to be completely wrong on election day, when the general consensus was that Clinton had a 99% chance of victory.

Democrats have a worse brand name than Trump. Even Democrats are beginning to admit this. The 'referendum on Trump' strategy didn't work in the presidential election, and it certainly won't work again, when Trump himself isn't even a candidate.

>strong;she speaks openly against Drumpf

Anyone can speak freely. How does this demonstrate strength?

>independent;she advocates for a women to control her reproductive rights

Aside from the gramatical error that implies the opposite of independence, that doesn't really demonstrate independence like say, living on property you own while producing the food you eat.

>confident;the rhetoric

What rhetoric, please elaborate.

>progressive;I think she speaks for herself

Is she here? I would like for you to present a case.

>urban;from Los Angeles

What part? Is she from the heart or is she one of those "Rural and suburban Retards" I hear so much about?

Additionally you have no sources so 0/5 see me after the thread.

Only this. We have all seen headlines since Trump took office resembling this "Dems Look Poised to Gain Seats in '18 by Schlomo Rothstrin of the Jew York Times." Clearly leftist propaganda with no hint of truth. They may pick up a seat or two, but they will not run the table like the right has been doing for the last 6 elections.


>bigotry is a disability
Flag checks out

What does brownie points on a right wing anime forum mean anyways? I have nothing to prove to any of you people, at the very least she has more political experience which is more than any of you can say for the cheeto. She will be an amazing choice and I don't care what any of you have to think about it.

Look up Thomas Nast

Please don't deflect the topic, what's important here is that you tell me why I should vote for her, please be serious or I'll stick with my default independent vote of Vermin Supreme.

I promise you one thing.
>If Texas votes blue, it'll run red

Then you go ahead and do that, I think I'll be fine with the other 70 million progressives who will line up to the polls to vote for Waters.

>She's an amazing choice, and I don't care what anyone else thinks!!!1!1!!

Same reason Hillary lost, sweetie. You need to care what others think in order to win an election.

Trannies. All the GOP has to do is hold the Democrats over the fires of the most ridiculous of their own regressive anti-science anti-free speech anti-family idealogy.

Last time I checked more people voted for her, which I'd say suggests that the thought resonates, but not in the broken areas where the electoral college becomes important.

> ITT Democrats who unironically believe copying Trump's pro-labor campaign bullet points will save them

Liberals get the bullet, too

The dems will lose seats in the senate. If they dont then trump is in huge trouble in 2020 because the economy must be in the toilet. Only way i can see them not losing seats in the senate.

The house they will probably win seats. They are still not especially popular outside of cities which makes it easy to gerrymander them but they will make gains. It tends to be the way this works.

2020 depends on the economy specifically in the 3 states that gave trump the presidency

if conduct like this is how you expect to get 70 million voters you have some bad news coming friend. I'm trying to help you by sharpening the proverbial blade.

Actually Donald Trump has more experience being president than she does.

And in this case I believe that means more.

My god this fucking thread it's unintentional ylyl.

Last time a checked we still used the electoral college, which means those "broken areas" matter. It doesn't matter how many people vote Democrat, if they only do it in NYC, LA, Seattle, and Chicago. USA isn't a direct democracy.

Also, Respond

>urban from Los Angeles
And she also contributed to the rhetoric that helped fan the flames of the LA riots during that time. She is literally going to take your "party" backwards. Which will be hilarious to watch considering that your party can't conceivably get anymore backwards than it is now. I'm eager to see how much worse the democrats twist their priorities.

Maxine Waters couldn't find the white house if she was in it.

Nice Digits Rwanda, Your chimpout a decade ago was legendary.

I'm an American here for work, but yeah, that shit was crazy

*dies of AIDS*

controlling the government