Wow, why am I not surprised that such an ugly pencil necked stick insect would have problems with women...

Wow, why am I not surprised that such an ugly pencil necked stick insect would have problems with women? Problems enough to write his little autistic memo. Not surprising you're all sucking his dick, since you're losers with women too.

Other urls found in this thread:

>dmg ctrl
fuck goolag

Just admit you're a loser with women and that's why you hate them. Stop with this pseudo intellectual veneer and grow a pair of balls big enough to admit the truth.

>dat honker

yeah he's a nerd, this world is full of nerds, bill gates looked like him too

you're using technology he made, anglo

all nerds like him want to do is code but google retards have to stick him with "team members" that are low IQ retard women that care more about their feelings

this is the ONE JOB where nerds like him excel, and you want to replace him with black women. think about that.

I've never had trouble with the ladies,
but i've always had lady troubles.

Bleeding every month and mood swings?

I've seen a british flag poster making 100% bait posts written in the same style about the google memo author before.

It's the same guy trolling or being an actual retard. Everything written in the memo is backed up scientific evidence. no couner argument provided.


It was not an autistic memo. It was well researched and factual and all top scientists in the field agree. He cited peer reviewed material if you actually did read it.

That dont work so well here little faggot. And for the record, Im a chad so have been laid so many times I dont even know how many.

This is the first thread I've made on this subject, you fat manlet autist.

calm down nigger


Only pussy you've been inside is your mother's you fat fucking loser.

Terrible bait irregular smile/10. It's sad to accept the diminished quality of British wit and Australian shitposting

Ugly men need safe spaces away from women.

Corporations are private and have the right to do whatever they want. Unless they are evil lefty companies that trigger me and my friends in my safe space

You got two options 1: your assessment is correct and I am btfo in shame or 2: I am what I say I am and then I feel nothing but amused humor.

Of course now I am assuming that you are projecting and have some sexual inadequacy.

Now with regards to the memo. Do you have any peer reviewed scientific counter points?

Here are some assessments by 4 academics in the field for you to have a look at:

Keep pushing your luck, you aren't going to like the backlash OP.

I bet in a few months we will be seeing the result of the projected path of this memo be proven true.

You finished yet? If all you can do is throw insults around you won't handle a second of real debate against people with well grounded points compared to you.

is this shopped? he looks 2d

Exactly. If the opposite happened, the women was fired for whining about men, these neckbeards would be making that argument and feeling better about themselves.

They're extremely passive aggressive towards women and feel like they're getting back at all the women that humiliated and rejected them when something bad happens to a woman.

Niggers do that to whitey.

>real debate
>my biased reductionist arguments and graphs I saved on my computer

Imagine being such a socially inept nerd that you write down some thoughts in good faith without really understanding the context. And you end up brewing a shitstorm that takes down one of the largest companies in the world.


How is the memo passive agressive?

Or, or the issue is about how leftists are science deniers who blacklist people with different views, the same leftists who control one of the largest companies that affects the rights of people worldwide.
Obvious bait is still obvious

so you hate large companies that are science deniers and affect people worldwide? funny I don't hear you talk about Exxon then

This, this by far is perhaps one of the biggest beyond the career fuck you's ever established.


It is passive aggressive, but I wasn't talking about the memo. I was talking about the average autist on here.
Oh fucking come off it lad. You know that would happen if some company fired a woman for being a feminist or whatever. The autists here would be wanking off to that.

damn op, if i didn't know any better i'd say you were projecting

OP, please don't comment about this guy until you have read the memo he wrote.

This thread isn't about exxon user, don't be retarded.


>It is passive aggressive
Yes, how?

What I'm saying is 95% correct at least. Men that have no issues with women don't whine and moan about them everyday to the sociopathic level most of you do.

It's an expression of his frustration with women stemming from his inadequacy with women and jealousy related to seeing their advancement.

*whataboutism intensifies*

I'm not defending them user, stick to the topic at hand.


>autists wanking off
I didn't say you don't make a valid point. But your posts are clearly bait, which I also don't mind

I'm more interested in how can you proclaim your biological superiority to women while being such a tiny ass worm that most of them will be able to beat you up.
Faggot should at least have gotten into shape before publishing it, he couldn't not have known that they would find him and post his anorexic ass all over the web

>It's an expression of his frustration with women stemming from his inadequacy with women and jealousy related to seeing their advancement.

Yes, you've made clear you think that but you still haven't explained WHAT HE'S SAYING that makes you believe this, which is what I'm requesting.

what is the topic exactly? a bunch of neets complaining about a private company?

private corporations can hire and fire whoever they want and nothing you retards say will change this

Then according to your logic, any woman or colored person who complains about diversity policies at work are equally passive aggressive and harbor feelings of inadequacy

>Or, or the issue is about how leftists are science deniers who blacklist people with different views, the same leftists who control one of the largest companies that affects the rights of people worldwide.

He is not going to provide it. He is just a micropenis nigger manlet that is also lonely so he has come here to vent.

>It's an expression of his frustration with women stemming from his inadequacy with women and jealousy related to seeing their advancement.

How do you know this, are you a mind reader? I read the memo, all it does is attempt to explain why a gender gap exists through a biological explanation.

Sounds like OP has some serious issues with men. Time to talk to HR?

if rightists are so smart and pro science why don't they create their own company to compete then? are they dumb?

Brits worshipped Jimmy Savile for 30 years even when most of them knew he was fucking children. Every time one of you fucked-up-teeth alcoholic inbreds talks about anything related to sex I am reminded of how sick the citizens of your country had to be to have switched on your televisions every night to be entertained by a known creepy ass sex predator.

>The nerds are revolting (I'll say!)

This couldn't be any funnier when you consider the warring parties: the enraged horde of PoC, white cat ladies and jews v the amazing athiest brigade.

Whoever wins, who cares?

That's called biological reductionism and you're not going to get an answer anywhere near the truth solely with that. Genes turn on and off in relation to environmental inputs and outputs. Humans are shared by a reciprocal relationship between the biological and the social.

Humans are shaped*

> ITT shills trying to burry the McMaster leak story on infowars

I stopped reading at 'reductionism'. You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded, mate.

This is the redpill. If you're an inferior male, your statements will be ridiculed and humiliated no matter how intelligent they are. If someone who looked like that male model math teacher who went viral had written it, he would've been promoted and the female staff would've personally campaigned to make him the majority shareholder.

hmm, attacking his looks instead of his arguments, pathetic but predictable

Not an argument sweetie.

no, even women and trans people get thrown under the bus when they don't conform to their masters wishes

Stop projecting this isnt a cinema

where yours then to mine 'sweetie'

It's not pathetic, it's a very primal type of argument. They're basically saying "he's genetic waste so his opinions are irrelevant". The equivalent of calling certain type of feminists ugly dykes instead of refuting their posts.

>Humans are shared by a reciprocal relationship between the biological and the social


His arguments are subconsciously (and possibly consciously) motivated by his life experience with women, which is highly influenced by him looking like an ugly jew that no woman wants to fuck.

>That's called biological reductionism

I get the impression that you slap the word "reductionism" on the end of any argument that you don't like.

Biological arguments are valid regardless of whether or not you attach the word reductionism to the end of it. Construction jobs are mostly men. The NBA is mostly black men. There are valid biological arguments why this is the case. I don't see why biology can't also be a factor to explain the tech industry, unless you believe in a magic soul where all humans have identical cognitive function and abilities free from the influences of evolution.

This user is correct, despite any contrary outlying situations

Ad hominems are not arguments, stop attacking his appearance, shit thread OP

No they're not valid. Solely biological arguments are nonsense and completely at odds with science. Biological determinism is out of date sweetie. You should read about this field of science called genetics

>stating a truism about motivation that applies to every person

>You should read about this field of science called genetics

A racist field. Doing wonders for your credibility here. Between this and talking like a faggot with big words you are just jumping off the deep end. Go back to /r9k/, dungeon master.

Nobody is truly rational, user.

He's in the 6.0 range, not bad to looking at all!

>Biological determinism was in his memo
So you didnt even read the memo you came to talk about. Bahahahahahahahahaha. This is fun.

Seems like you got very upset that I BTFO'd you before. Now you're following me around like a bad smell.

Wouldn't say he's ugly, definitely not a normal look though.

I don't see any arguments as to why he's wrong.

Why are you so mad?

Fuck OP, he's a bloated British kike/nigger lover. What a sad fucking country that has become. Google Goy is clearly autistic but he's also clearly a good, gentle dude. He's not some misogynist. He wouldn't harm a fly. My problem in all of this is why are our most intelligent going to work for dikes and kikes at Google rather than doing valuable research? The one thing that government has ever done well is throw money at scientists. The public sector is much better for R&D than private. Companies figure out applications and how to screw people out of as much money as possible, but the meat and potatoes happens in labs whose lights are kept on by public dollars. I'm sick of all these bright people wasting their lives at places like Google.

Research doesn't pay much and nothing may come of doing it. It doesn't have prestige either.

>what I say is 95% correct
>provides no sources to back claim up
>uses social shaming and or virgin shaming when pressed on them
Hey jew whatcha up to?

I've seen stupid shit like this written about people whom later it got out had a decent looking wife and kids, truth is you don't know enough to reach those conclusions and you know you are reaching more than a faggot playing the rusty trombone

>research doesn't pay much
It would under the reich. Most government employees are paid on the high end of market value plus pension packages, and they do nothing but red tape work. It's a complete waste of money. For a fraction of that you could pay scientists to get us to the stars. It's fucking dumb. Hell, just abolishing the DoE and giving that 50 billion to scientists would pay huge dividends. And there are several other bureaus that accomplish absolutely nothing

Ive had more pussy at 29 than most men get in their lifetime and I strongly believe from my own experience everything in this memorandum is true. Now, what cunts never fully understand is the meaning of the word ''average''. There are many many exceptions to the rule: the most clever and capable person I know happends to be a savant PhD at 19yo woman.

it can be primal and pathetic at the same time, in a setting where we have moved away from the primal and try to nurture our intellect and what took us away from the primitive then going back to the primitive is pathetic, you failed as a advanced human being is what it says about you.

>It would under my magical LARP reich

yeah but it dosnt now you dumb faggot. I work as a consultant for stats because research pays so shit in my actual field. Wages are pretty similar around the developed world too.

Humans are never separated from the primal. It's what drives us. All the fancy arguments and ideas are just a big curtain and behind the curtain there's a huge fucking lion.

every day my hate for the british grows

Oh really? I read a objectively correct text based on facts that seemed to fit with the experience of more or less every person in my life to various degrees, seems like you are only pretending to have read it if not you would know that you are wrong and that he is very objective and fact oriented.

And even if we pretend like you are 100% right. Are you trying to say that we should disregard facts and reality because his motivation might have been somewhat related to his looks? seriously?

>it doesn't now
That's clearly my whole point. Look in the mirror to find the faggot

>biological is not relevant in the work place fro explaning differences between the mean
>anyone that disagrees with me is a fat autistic virgin

later on

>Humans are never separated from the primal

You are one messed up nigger bong with a micro penis

being completely separated from something is very different from having moved away from it.

Are you denying that society have had any kind of progress or change when it comes to this?


Low quality bait OP. Saged

Completely agree.

Actually he's cute and has an exotic roman emperor type look about him

This kid really does look like Sup Forums, I'm honestly not surprised. Probably has a kekistan flag on his wall at home.


You nailed it though: it's all red tape. Public funding of research is one of the most inefficient allocations of resources imaginable. Plus muh affirmative action is rampant in government.

all the twitter harpies bitching about men being better coders need a dose or reality. it's basically one big orgy of cuntfusion at the moment not understanding the memo

He was definitely on the Soy.

Not an argument.

>Biological determinism
His memo isn't based in biological determinism.

>Solely biological arguments are nonsense and completely at odds with science.
>You should read about this field of science called genetics
There are both biological and social influences; the main complaint on this board is that the leftists seem to reject all biological explanations. This is magical thinking. I don't know whether you are arguing against me or for me when you suggest genetics, which is a biological property.

Are they free to not employ stupid niggers, poofter, muslims, mentally ill perverts and stupid and fucking useless women? No? Okay, so I'd like to see people not get fired for stating facts.