Is Sup Forums ever going to be decent again? Has the Trump campaign irreversibly ruined this place forever?

Is Sup Forums ever going to be decent again? Has the Trump campaign irreversibly ruined this place forever?

we weathered the stormnigger infection, we will weather the reddit infection.

some dumbfucks think its a good idea to meme pewdiepie into our movement and we wound up getting spammed by kids and their shit ass fads

The zimmerman trial and dorner affair were the real tipping point into leddit lite

>imblying pol is currently bad

Sounds like we have an autistic cuck here

It will

First stormfags, now redditors. Sup Forums is a hellhole & it's hilarious how the newfags don't even care

Sup Forums used to be a place to discuss ideas, and theory. Now it is a place to discuss current events. I miss the old Sup Forums.

>Has the Trump campaign irreversibly ruined this place forever?

I'm seeing significantly less r*ddit around lately. I figured they realized we were never going to be impressed with their pet BASED black people and returned to their civicuck joy-joy feelings hugbox.

Sup r/the_donald!

>implying Sup Forums was ever decent


i really like meme ball

>cuck trying to imply other people are ledditeurs

It still is more or less


Pol hasn't gotten bad dumbasses - pol culture has just become mainstream

> autists don't know how to wield power


I know how to fix it.
BDS anti-Israel meme thread.
>from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free

>snek flag
You're part of the problem, you europoor/shitskin. Reveal your true self.

Also, the /nupol/ fags have been assimilating post-election. Remember right after the election when all the civic nationalist faggots got in an uproar about how people here were unironic national socialists? Remember all the discussions about ethnic vs civic nationalism? Well that came and went, and all the redditcucks who came here either assimilated or left, and we then reached consensus again. And that's just an example. Things are getting noticeably better post-election.

yes its changed forever, expect the new plebicucks to adapt in 5 years minimum, by then the culture will have completely changed and be more shittified but at least its not what it is today

>flaghider accusing anyone of anything

When trump is out they might finally leave. It will probably never go back to a libertarian sided board again. The main problem it's too many old people left. To the pro Donald/Israel/conservative crowd here WE are the newfags

nu/pol/ existed long before that. Zimmerman trial was probably the start. HWNDU brought most of the Kekistani horde.

the kekistan shit was a deliberate psyop by sargon and that other faggot (I forget his name, the one with the nosering) to try to ruin pepe/kek for us.

Overall, the problem with the donaldfags is dying down.

Rule of thumb is to assume anyone not using their real flag is either a leaf, swedecuck, jew, or some sort of shitskin.

Attacking memeballs is so /leftypol/ concern trolling that it hurts.

fuck off jew, Sup Forums had way more natsocs than libertarians at any point

Putting more trash in a trash dump only makes it a bigger trash dump. Embrace the filth.

Sup Forums's been shit ever since it gave its self a label

How dare you trying to defile the zimzam trial threads.

In my opinion since day 1 pol was in constant downward spiral with the few highlights in between (sandy hoax, zimmerman trial, boston bombing etc.). The nail in the coffin was when moot pulled the plug like the faggot he is.

Sup Forums went to shit about a year before Trump even declared, so I doubt it


Sup Forums was always shit, WN-oriented and especially atlanticist communities are generally stupid as fuck, just compare something like thephora or salo to stormfront or ironmarch or whatever.


Schlomo, your nose is showing

Agendafags are what ruined Sup Forums desu

speak for yourself, and take off that fascist flag while you're at it, as you clearly don't understand fascism.

It's funny because your Donald is extremely pro Israel. You are wrong anyways there used to be daily ron Paul threads on here and daily threads against the military industrial complex. Sup Forums existed before 2015

You're a newfag


>Pro Israel
So? It's funny because you thought that would be an impacting surprise. What a bombshell!

You are obviously new if you think Sup Forums was ever unironically natsoc. Sup Forums spread the word on individual liberties and small government

>I'm a fashy goy! XDDDDDD
>Kikes lawl
>our movement
>The best day of my life was when I came out to my parents as a National Socialist

I know there are many who are unironic about it (that's the fun), pointing out the Don is for the Jew, is pretty old news at this point. Lost the motivation of the discussion right there.

Future historians will be likely to conclude from Hitler's success that only the great man makes history, by firing the masses with "his idea." National Socialist propaganda was indeed built upon this "Führer ideology." The mechanism of their success was unknown to the propagandists of National Socialism, nor did they dare to comprehend the historical soil of the National Socialist movement. Quite in keeping with this, the National Socialist, Wilhelm Stapel, wrote in his CHRISTENTUM UND NATIONALSOZIALISMUS: "Because National Socialism is an elementary movement, it cannot be countered with arguments. Arguments could only be effective
if the movement had grown by arguments." Speeches in National Socialist meetings were indeed characterized by very clever manipulations of the emotions of the mass individuals and by strict avoidance of objective
argumentation. Hitler, in MEIN KAMPF, emphasized repeatedly that the only correct mass-psychological technique was that of avoiding arguments and of keeping the "big final goal" before the masses. The true nature
of the "final goal" after the seizure of power is demonstrated by Italian fascism. Similarly, Göring's edicts against middle-class economic organizations, the failure of the "second revolution" to materialize, the failure to keep the promises of Socialist measures, etc., all these clearly showed the reactionary function of fascism. How little Hitler himself knew the mechanism of his successes is shown by the following statement:

"This broadness of outline from which we must never depart, in combination with steady, consistent emphasis, allows our final success to mature. And then, to our amazement, we shall see what tremendous results such perseverance leads to—results that are almost beyond our understanding.

>(MEIN KAMPF, p. 185)*

Me too. I've been here for years and the memeballs don't bother me at all.

>have to cuck the board with reddit and twitter immigrants to spread our message
>message gets diluted and cucked because of redditors overwhelming the native userbase

If you can't see what's wrong with this...

you are retarded, redpilling is a process
you're telling me that the first day you came here you became a Nazi?
i used to support obama, and now i'm full Fascist.
stop embarrassing yourself kike.

>Hitler's success
They should rather look at Mussolini, Franco, Salazar or Perón...

>le redpill xDDDD

neck yourself redditor. the average redditor here thinks being "redpilled" is watching and regurgitating the opinions of e-celebs on youtube. Sup Forums is ruined.

>caring about spreading ideology
you are the cancer that ruined Sup Forums

The problem is, you fags who are so upset about nu/pol/ never owned Sup Forums in the first place. This place has always been a revolving door of normies, racists, jews, foreigners and basement dwellers. It was never as good as you make it seem.

>Not using filters

Yeah because individualism is a corner Stone of the fascism. I mean it's not like the symbol is about being stronger together.

>Is Sup Forums ever going to be decent again?
This is a legit question

Has the Trump campaign irreversibly ruined this place forever?


Project chanology 2.0 it was bound to fucking happen

>i used to support obama, and now i'm full Fascist.
You were a cunt then and a cunt now

>we then reached consensus again
Fuck off, you dont speak for anyone faggot

These are the kind of people you guys openly accept on here, because of that literally every other board laughs at you for it.

It's hilarious. Not only is your god emperor plumpkin never going to make it through his first term. But you ruined the only thing you faggots hold dear to get him there. This is what I came back to Sup Forums for after nearly a decade away. You showed your hand really, you're all newfags.

why i'm not surprised that the country that allowed 1400 white british girls to be raped and tortured for years is against fascism
really Tick tock my clocks

Dear american Kike, your shilling is weak, we will win this, fuck off.