Former Google Employee: ‘There Are Efforts to Demote Anything Non-PC from Search Results’

>Emmett concurs with our source. “A number of friends have privately confirmed this to me. I know there are efforts to demote anything non-PC, anti-Communist and anti-Islamic terror from search results. To what extent that has been successful, I don’t know.”

>Emmett says he personally witnessed efforts from leftists within Google to bias YouTube’s algorithms to push anti-PC content off the platform’s “related videos” recommendations.

>“I have read internal mailing list e-mail from SJWs absolutely incensed that there’d be, say, a Sargon of Akkad video appearing as a video related to one of their favorite SJW vloggers. This is what happens when you have unbiased algorithms, which at the time, was true. I don’t have to tell you that, in that e-mail, the SJW was quite literally asking that the ‘related videos’ function be perverted so that such a thing would stop happening.”

>According to Emmett, the greatest threat is that ordinary users of Google and its related services won’t even be able to detect the censorship.

>“The software could just astroturf your Related Videos section, and you would be none the wiser. Sure, if you know what to look for, perhaps you’d notice. But the vast majority of the viewership would never ever know. That’s the whole point of such a disinformation program, right? If you can tell it’s disinformation, you would never ever believe it.”

>In Emmett’s view, it’s “only a matter of time” before Google begins to bias its search results against the Trump movement, Republicans, and right-leaning politicians.

>“I don’t have to tell you that there was an internal meltdown at Google when the election was over. The hysteria has only ever reached a higher level once. That was throughout this weekend, thanks to the #GoogleManifesto scandal.”

Other urls found in this thread:

It has already happened.


>According to Emmett, Google is “leaking people with integrity” who are “tired of having to cope with these corrupt ideologies and the people who proselytize them, support them, and punish people who disagree with them.”

>“Who remains in charge, after that slow but certain evaporative cooling of beliefs? You do the math.”

>Concurring with James Demore’s manifesto, Emmett speaks of a culture of fear at the company. He says that even speaking out against Democrat politicians is unwise for a Googler.

>“Whether you dislike a Democratic party candidate, or have reservations about how Google ‘looks twice’ at the applications of certain candidates from privileged (“underrepresented”) minorities, or support free speech … if it’s something the SJWs don’t want to hear about, be very, very careful about opening your mouth to anyone.”

>Emmett recalls one case in which a Google employee was actually punched for making a post that offended someone. Far from helping the Google employees who face left-wing harassment, Emmett alleges that the company’s Human Resources department assists them.

ill just leave this here

>“Everybody knows it’s a quick trip to H.R. if you dare say anything against the ‘anti-social’ order. Or sometimes you get punched. I know at least one engineer did get punched in retaliation for something he posted.”

>Predictably, Emmett confirms that racist and sexist incidents against white or male employees at Google are not taken seriously.

>“I remember Colm Buckley (of #GoogleManifesto infamy) dismissing a well-written post by a colleague of mine, with the single sentence “Isn’t it nice to be white.” I also remember him being condescending to an employee who posted an innocuous message of skepticism about social justice. I should note that the employee Colm condescended to was eventually forced out of the company. ”

>“I remember Peter Goett entirely unironically posting a reply to a list with over 10,000 Googlers: “congratulations on your white penis.” To my understanding, had someone posted “black vagina”, that person would have been summarily fired. Also to my understanding, Goett appears to have received no punishment.”

>Emmett says the corruption at Google goes all the way to senior management.

>Bias in support of these discriminatory and hostile behaviors goes pretty much all the way up, management’s just clever enough not to add to the fire (often) but just to let the lower ranks make it happen.”

>“You have to remember these people are quite intelligent.”

Cultural marxism isn't rea---

Jfc Google is filled with Googles.

Switching to duckduckgo.

Duck duck go is owned by a kike. Use brave instead

Too bumpy.


Jewgle, Jewbook, and Jewsoft have advertisers all around the world to answer to. Keeping non-PC rhetoric around alienates entire non-white audiences. You haven't figured this out yet? That's what you get in a truly free market.

check out JP interviewing the jew that got fires for his anti-sexism memo. its very related to this

Era of Data Scam social media is ending
Kill youthoughtcrimetube's dominance & kill facecensorfuck's dominance
should be Trump's #1 tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless overnight replacement with a meshed together network of competing platforms so they're not lone data scam platforms hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube, meshbook and meshtweet so that youtube & facebook for example would just be one company of 10 or so healthily competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts and can interact with them even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam assault of the public square & ideas. currently the data scam model of social media only allows one set of companies to profit from the data of humanity that they don't even own and had no role in creating. they are using this data hostage approach to censor humanity and make people read/watch leftwing. Zuckerfuck himself is using his platform to make people vote him into office with fake PR so he can protect his data scam into the future. holding world's data hostage to shill for yourself

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers, or your family and their friends using facebook nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a big group of generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrimetube

Sup Forums should start implementing parallel institutions like recoding the basics of facefuck, thoughtcrimetube, goolag and others because we can get them inserted into the mesh networks. we can do better than their institutions and then blacklist SJWs

humanity owns it's own data, not Zuckerfuck data scam enterprises. pic is a network topology of the competing company products that would all operate on meshbook together seamlessly like you wouldn't even necessarily know what platform the friends you're interacting with are using

just making facefuck competitors or campaigns to switch from it won't solve anything because they still hold most of the world's data hostage and can leverage it to stop people leaving. break it up with law to end the scam and reintroduce healthy competition

they would all be essentially clones of facefuck so people can choose the company who's interface, practices and owners they like the best

there should probably be laws against manipulating the public mind with your platform too (including political censorship) to apply to the big 3 networks, youtube, facebook, twitter


I don't understand. What's their end game? A bunch of nerdy white guys have had their company flourish under capitalism. Why do they try so hard to go against our system?

This is how the Ministry of Truth happens in America.

The First Amendment means sites can't just be banned by the government, but Kikebook and Jewgle account for almost all the online advertising and can financially drive people and companies they don't like out of business and manipulate information more and more.

As long as it's outside parties making the calls on what is or isn't thoughtcrime they're protected from charges of censorship.

Google, FB, and the MSM will conspire together to "protect" "us" from "fake news" and "alt-right" ideas. You will be blocked or obstructed as much as possible from viewing anything but the CNN version of events.

European governments censor openly, corporate America will try to put the nail in the coffin of the free flow of information.


>As a woman who’s worked in academia and within STEM, I didn’t find the memo offensive or sexist in the least. I found it to be a well thought out document, asking for greater tolerance for differences in opinion, and treating people as individuals instead of based on group membership.

Within the field of neuroscience, sex differences between women and men—when it comes to brain structure and function and associated differences in personality and occupational preferences—are understood to be true, because the evidence for them (thousands of studies) is strong. This is not information that’s considered controversial or up for debate; if you tried to argue otherwise, or for purely social influences, you’d be laughed at.

Sex researchers recognize that these differences are not inherently supportive of sexism or stratifying opportunities based on sex. It is only because a group of individuals have chosen to interpret them that way, and to subsequently deny the science around them, that we have to have this conversation at a public level. Some of these ideas have been published in neuroscientific journals—despite having faulty study methodology—because they’ve been deemed socially pleasing and “progressive.” As a result, there’s so much misinformation out there now that people genuinely don’t know what to believe.

Hope in humanity: Restored

Time to brek up those antitrust laws an break up Jewgle and kikebook

i used to be nice to stem geeks because i felt sorry for them. that's going to change.

>implying we didnt already know this

even googles exemployees are retarded




Lee Jussim is a professor of social psychology at Rutgers University
Since earning his bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. in personality psychology from the University of Michigan David P. Schmitt
Geoffrey Miller is an evolutionary psychology professor at University of New Mexico.
Debra W Soh is a Toronto based science writer who has a PhD in sexual neuroscience from the University of York.

kek these lackluster idiots

they made false flag memes and are going to do false flag attacks on SJWs like Sarkeesian to ram through their censorship of youtube and defame the internet/anti SJWs

ddg is a search engine, brave is a browser though

I betcha the source is Mootikins

this ties into elsagate which was brewed to control what is and isn't on the internet. they don't care that they fucked up kid's minds in the process

What is to be done Sup Forums?

We should start a google is for homos campaign.

For real tho who is this jizz genie?

i'm all for free speech, but we also are in a free market - google should be able to do whatever the fuck it wants, the problem is that people think google has some right to a monopoly.

protip: make your own fucking search engine and whatever the fuck else google makes - then you can hire only white males all you like

i fully support most of what pol says but this is stupid as fuk

fat tbqh

We have to migrate to a different search engine, AND create a different video site. TRP had an exit strategy when rumors of reddit going full retard came out. We've really dropped the ball on this one pol!

This is obviously significant as it can be spread like the plauge among the bluepilled normies. We already knew it, but we finally have it coming out of the mouth of someone who isn't "a bunch of alt right neo nazis"

Fuck off this is a war and people like you only weaken us, the company was started by non SJWs and only changed recently.

oh and to add to this, ask yourself if a bakery should have the right to refuse to print some pro homo bullshit on a cake

then ask yourself if youtube has the right to refuse right wing youtubers

literaly poo infested shithole

I mean yeah, but bro we gotta start somewhere.

Because they feel invincible and they can give more nerdy white guys enough money to tolerate abuse for long enough.

Low test bro. I'd breed this braphop.

the absence of the White Caucasian from the bigger picture results in depopulation(specifically the ultimate LARP'rs who called themselves "Christian". Their entire motivation has gone from creating the wild, fantastic, majestic and glorious; to completely nihilistic, suicidal behaviors like unfettered immigration, psychopathic altruism and cuckoldry... all to hopefully get through the Pearly-gates on the technicality that despite all of the mistakes they made in life, the magic sky wizard will see that he "supported the chosen flock unconditionally and to his own fault" resulting in a personal fluffy cloud and a set of wings. the only thing missing from modern Christianity/Protestantism is a cult leader telling us all to "drink the kool aid and die with dignity"

This shouldn't even be needed for what is basic common knowledge and biology.

The entire scientific community should come out and state the obvious, not 4 scientists who are probably scared that they'll lose their job because of this.

Imagine how far we've strayed from truth when saying something so axiomatic as "men and women are biologically different" gets you fired, and you need fucking scientists, biologists, sexologists and psychologists just to support the point.

Poland is incredibly Catholic and very nationalist.

They overlooked important issues, because of linear indoctrination.

"Thus, Hitler's success could by no means be explained by his reactionary role in the history of capitalism, forhad this role been openly admitted in the propaganda, it would have had the opposite effect from that which was intended. Investigation of Hitler's mass-psychological success must start from the fact that a Führer or the advocate of an idea can succeed only if his ideology or program is concordant with the average structure of the mass individual. This leads to the further question, What historical and sociological situation created this mass structure? With that, the problem of mass-psychology is no longer one of metaphysics but of actual social life.

Only if a Führer structure is concordant with the structure of the average mass individual can a "Führer" make history. Whether he makes history in a lasting sense or merely temporarily depends only on whether his program is in the direction of the progressive social process or against it. It is misleading to explain Hitler's success by National Socialist demagogy, the "obfuscation of the masses" or such meaningless terms as "Nazi psychosis." For
the question is precisely why the masses were accessible to demagogy, obfuscation and a psychotic situation. The answer to this question requires an exact knowledge of what goes on in the masses. To say that the Hitler movement had a reactionary function is insufficient. For the mass success of the NSDAP seems to be at variance with this reactionary function. Millions of people affirmed their own subjugation. This contradiction cannot be explained on a political or economic basis, but only mass-psychologically."

Activists got homosexuality off the DSM, so they'll probably attempt to change the scientific consensus next.

has Sup Forums seriously never heard of Mojeek? Google is redundant anyway.

Every search engine provides the aame set of results with respect to "American inventors". Do some research before you get your panties in the knot and mocked by SJWs for your hysteria.

Blacks show up because they're associated with African America, are less well known and are often researched by the phrase African American inventors whereas Edison and Graham Bell are well known and searched for by name.


Hello am 48 year old man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "conter stirk" and i want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil server and I am Global Elite 2. pls no copy pasterino my story.

nothing, its what happens when a bunch of animals are bored and unfulfilled to death and have nothing to fear, they start their own problems which are now your problem

fuck google. i'm moving to something else for good. only thing i'll use is (((youtube))) and that's just for shtf gun videos.

well that's one in a row. HOORAY! seriously, it might be a "thing" specific to the US; where the nihilism runs so deep that the best of the best finance, fight and die in endless wars for all but their own nation while calling it "Patriotism". at the end of the day, maybe Poland has benefited from seeing what the rest fot he West cannot see for themselves.

>muh free market

Spotted the shill or redditor.

Do you really think giant multinational corporations like Facebook, Google, PayPal, Disney, Apple that have more power than some individual states should censor anything and do whatever they want without backlash?

Would you say the same thing if they banned any liberal on Twitter who uses the word "racism", "diversity", "LGBT" or "tolerance"?

Anyone can see the double standards where they try to control the flow of information to billions of people and you expect no one to call them out or doing anything about it. Monopolies need to be kept in check.

The same 6 multinational corporations own 90%+ of the media in the US and they destroy and buy out any potential competition and use whatever sabotage they can to prevent anyone else from risng up. "Free market" is a myth, especially in Europe.

No, I can't say I have? How is it?

Lads, we are witnessing corporatism in action.

Brave and Yandex kill the Google.

Brave doesn't have ads by default. If you want to earn revenue and have the revenue transferred to websites you hand choose, use Brave.

You could literally have all your money go to the Daily Stormer or Breitbart. It's perfect for the right.

Yandex is based in Russia. Uncucked and not controlled by the "totalitarian" right wing Russian government.

>listening to trap "music"
>suddenly some little faggot pops up in the next video looking like a Justin Bieber wannabe
it's actually pretty obvious they are fucking with the recommends and shieet

Trump should force Google to open source their search engine, then we can start the Sup Forums search engine.

I noticed this, it suddenly got way harder to google shit like "black crime rates" without just getting a billion pozzed as fuck shitlib articles about how unfair it is how often niggers are arrested

Its crazy, you can't find any red pilled shit anywhere near as easily anymore, I fucking hate google

Article removed

Do you even know how to google? Oh wait... just noticed the flag.

Reminder that because they have hidden reality, all their positions become invalid and false, since the truth is hidden.

>leftist claims X Y or Z

Now you just dismiss them and say "Well, the evidence showing youre wrong has been covered up, so your opinions are worthless" then link the google article. Tell them the truth is behind a censorship algorithm.The truth does not fear investigation, but marxist objective truth deniers sure do. Anything left of gas all jews is now an invalid political position, because jews blocked the truth and their world view is based on not-truth.

>George Washington

See each other.

Normies don't make the difference

[first name] wright

this. why do your people kill the internet

Right wing you-tubers are not a protected class.

smells like common core related bullshit

Then we make them one.

>>In Emmett’s view, it’s “only a matter of time” before Google begins to bias its search results against the Trump movement, Republicans, and right-leaning politicians.
>>“I don’t have to tell you that there was an internal meltdown at Google when the election was over. The hysteria has only ever reached a higher level once. That was throughout this weekend, thanks to the #GoogleManifesto scandal.”


"thicc" is a jewish trick to make you attracted to fat women and normalize unhealthy living


Ive been saying Google was fudging searches for awhile now. Since at least 2007 when they started allowing companies to pay to promote their sites and be put into the first line of search hits. Theyre fucking scum.

Just wondering, but what is the world after jews finally get their throne?

What. The. FUCK.

what alternatives to google do I have?

There are far more based Christian nations: Russia, Hungary, Slovakia. It seems like the more Christian nations tend to be based.


Also worth noting that Steve Bannon talked long before this about treating Google or Facebook as utilities.

It's a good opportunity to get the thing going.

Yea, no tweaking the search results at Google. See here for generic search for "American leaders"...

LOL, What a joke.

Damn right. Lets get some Trump Teddy Roosevelt memes going. Trustbusters baby!

in other news water is wet. If you weren't aware Google is one of the spear tips of this agenda then you're not aware at all

How can I contact Breitbart to let them know the following?


Best way to hit them in the bank:
Every day search for lawyers. Click the links. Also call up those lawyers and say a bunch of kids from Sup Forums are wasting their money.

youtubes related videos is completely different to what it used to be. I'd surf through music sometimes and it used to be very diverse now it's 90% the same band



#teachthecontroversy #meninearlyteaching

I literally googled "Sup Forums pol" after reinstalling windows last week and the link wouldn't come up.

Everytime I google Sup Forums, I get links to ADL approved (((anti racist de-brainwashing))) websites. This has-been happening for atleast 3 years

>to bias YouTube’s algorithms to push anti-PC content off the platform’s “related videos” recommendations.
Is this why I'm always fucking recommended John Oliver?

Well the rehab sites make sense (this is 4 chan after all), but the anti-racist sites are b.s.

I love the search prompt after you search for this.

This is a private company in the year 2017

so the difference is Christian v. Evangelist? still, ya' gotta admit that there is a complete lack of Westerners/Christians/Protestants/Catholics in the streets by the millions; at a minimum in silent protest. Either it is anecdotal to think so, or we are seeing the reemergence of Babylon, or a repeat of recent history (Berlin ~1930/Weimar Republic/Total Nihilism)

surprisingly redpilled however.
They like to really trash the mudslimes for example

But what is the first name?

Here is Brave Browser image results (using Bing Search) for "American Leaders." Unbelievable.

As of right now, only Yandex. Once Trump nationalizes the Google engine, then everyone can run their own personal search engines.

That's why you use Yandex you Google shill.

That has nothing to do with Brave.