Would you date a conservative black woman, Sup Forums?

Would you date a conservative black woman, Sup Forums?

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As long as I don't make any half nigglets

look at their communities. have you lost your mind?

being pet of good looking nigress that steals my seed on daily basis is my fetish

the middle woman is wearing a 'girl love' pedo necklace... we should look into her


No, not a liberal one either. goes without saying but here's why: youtu.be/CHjpmxxyow4

That's like asking if you would fuck a moderately intelligent gorilla.

I would wife Stacey Dash in a heartbeat.

Same goes for Katrina Pierson.

regression the mean

if you know what that is youll be obliged to answer No

I have jungle fever bad

Omarosa is fine as fuck, but obviously is a major bitch and career woman so no I wouldn't date her.

Stacey Dash posed nude so she's a whore.

Katrina Pierson, that's wife material. Would colonize.


No. If it's brown, flush it down.


what if the gorilla's hot though?

I have before and I potential would again. Right now I'm dating a Japanese girl. With the state of modern white women (partially due to feminism) a man looking for a potential wife can't afford to rule out non-white women with good values and character. There is just too much disgusting white trash these days. Too few marriagable white women.

Fuck but not breed

no, they're literally a different species and I don't believe in bestiality

that's exactly what you should be doing them and raising them in a stable family with good values. Eventually we can totally breed out any racial distinction until we are all a nice shade of beige

my initial response is clearly no to everyone there except MAYBE stacey dash, since she has european features and doesnt actually look like a sheboon. she just looks like a white girl with brown skin.

yes and I have. But at that point you don't even see them as black. They are just like normal white girls.

>i can't find good white women so i'll resort to fucking animals so i can make literally retarded subhuman babies


>Muh feminism

Dont believe the haranguing about every white woman being a neo feminist. Most white women voted for trump so that should give you hope, you probably looked in all the wrong places user

>oh god it's those fucking threads again

Guarantee you majority of these negresses are fuckin white men. That's the only reason why a negresses would be conservative, it's to trap a white beta cucks into breeding them. Many negresses what their offspring to be fathered by a white man.

This is definately true. If they are on the far end of either spectrum, they are most definately getting BLEACHED. Just look at even the sjw twitter bitches

another characterisation

There is a fine-ass black chick that works at the weed dispenser in my town. Might try to fug.


anyone else have zero empathy for niggers
i don't think i'd lose a second of sleep for gassing millions of these subhumans

I would unironically impregnate a sexy conservative black girl.

Question to americanbros:

How popular is MTV?

I rememberthat the tv-channel MTV was popular in the early 2000s and they were promoting all these degenerate music videos and thug culture.

But how is it today? Is it still "in"?

If your hwhite you have to put 0 effort, but be cautious user.


Not at all, look at their youtube channel likes and dislikes, pretty shit. But as a broadcaster its still around, without music, and terrible ratings. Its basically at Home shopping network level of ratings

I've been married twice. Not only will I not get married again, I will not date, nor even do I want a woman in my house or as a part of my life.
Anyone can use my relationship as a motivational tool, so there's nothing there fore me.
Might as well pay for sex, at least it's real.
>gaslight him about it
Sigh, oh well, life sucks then someone hits your kid with a car.

Italian/German, look German. Should I do it?


I cannot express how much I like to hear that.

Ive fugged two black chicks, once they got my number they would always be wanting sum fucc. Even when I would be an asshole leading them on and showing little to no interest. I stopped texting one completely for three months, then texted her a few weeks back, asking if she wanted to hook up, and she got straight to business lmao.

But be careful of them trying to net you in. Be careful of disease, and brother Jamal once he gets out of prison. They also might try to store your semen and their mouth and shove it in their puss when your not looking. They wanted lightskinned babies that bad. One chick I was with did that, and I never saw her again. It scared the shit out of me. Apparently Im not the only white guy they do that to either

only if she btfos roasties

>blaming everything on muh feminism as an excuse for allowing your race to go extinct

only katrina

>that pic
the video where trump bangs hillary is great and hilarious

How many men has she been with?
What is her IQ?

date? no

fuck? yes

No. I want white children.

>that webm

Oh my

>doesn't want to colonize a savage

>not even posting the percentage of black teen girls with stds because it would make them look bad

Octoroon or bust

I'm more into extermination :^) but to each his own.

I already am Sup Forums and it feels so right
I'm divorced and will never remarry tho

Cutter that that ugly jewish converted, Trump whore


People like you are cringey as fuck.
>I hate white women, therefore I date qt 3.14 oriental women because they hold (((Traditional Values))). Atleast thats what pol told me XD.
Ive talked to/dated many of white girls, they're not all femenazi turbo sluts that Sup Forums makes them out to be.

Omarosa. She's the only nigger I can think of that I would absolutely smash.

But i will say that the sex was pretty good, they both always brought up raceplay bed wench slave shit

You think she and Corey smashed in the back of the van?



Date? Yes. Marry? Hell no.
Reminder: Women can't be redpilled. They always follow the trendy.

Hmm..interesting choice of icepop..and color,you could say their "bleachfull thinking"

I will say this:

I lost my virginity to a mixed black woman, went in raw because I was a moron and thought the condom was not letting me get hard, one moth later I got diagnosed with HPV.

Luckily this shit never came back since I treated it early.

Yet, some years later I managed to hook up and guck another woman, it was the best sex I ever had, she rode me until my dick was sore.

So, date or marry them? Nope.
Fuck? Only if there are any condoms around, otherwise GTFO

I hope Shadbase sees that webm !


What can I say OP jungle fever runs in the family