What have you done today to raise awareness on White Genocide, specially the Boer Genocide happening in South Africa...

What have you done today to raise awareness on White Genocide, specially the Boer Genocide happening in South Africa, Sup Forums?

Also post aryan women in wheat fields if you fancy doing so

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>Also post aryan women in wheat fields
Say no more senpai

>Implying all whites remaining in SA are Boers...

Wow. Confirmed. You are even more of a retarded N I G G E R than the terrorist Mandela himself. I hope you're raped by a pack of Niggers, you most likely look like a pig in heat.

>tfw both right and leftie politicians here completely ignore the situation of our brothers and sisters in south-africa
>instead they argue about taking in niggers and rageheads

>implying farmers aren't Boers save for rare exceptions

I know this doesn't exactly fit what I said in the OP but I thought I'd post it anyways because it's so good


Why does that pic strike me as the kind of pic a footfag would share?

Die dag van rekenskap is hier.

Wtf I have a fetish now.
Thanks for making me more degenerate, jackasses

>it's an user pretends he's annoyed by being turned on episode

Why does that gun not have a magazine in?

training aim and gun handling I guess

Do you think Day of the rope comes? Do you want it to?

Please vote here

White genocide? Not happenning on my watch.

Both sides are controlled by the same entity.

it's a clip not a magazine.
you shot bullets out of clips and read words out of magazines.

The only whites to ever enter SA were Boers you khaki anglo.

>Boer Genocide

You mean anglo concentration camps from the beginning of the 20th century?

it will come eventually, shit will hit the fan at some point


clips and magazines are different ways of loading ammo, the magazine is closed

I mean whites being slaughtered by niggers with AK47s in their farms and forced to watch their women getting raped by them before they kill them

Alright, carry on then, weird-Greece

It's a mass extermination going on down there

If the Dutch can figure out how to transport lots of us from the US to Africa, they'd have a ton of volunteer help; most with their own equipment.

I need to find that shirt. Quick online search gives no results.
Help me anons, I need to give it to my girlfriend to make her squeal in delight.

That is incorrect. Magazines feed directly into the chamber of a a firearm. Clips feed into a magazine.

This dichotomy comes form the days when rifles had integral magazines inside them that had to be loaded with clips. Nowadays most magazines are detachable, so clips are largely obsolete.

Clip -feeds into-> Magazine -feeds into-> firing chamber

fair enough
in Spanish we just say "cargador" (loader) so the dichotomy isn't there

Your flag is once in a blue moon.

maybe the friends at stormfront.org could help with that, I took that pic from there. I doubt the t-shirt wasn't a one-off though

>>tfw both right and leftie politicians here completely ignore

>Who are Bosma and Baudet?

would the mostly cucked Nederlander population ever elect him to the highest office though?

Do you think it'll happen within your lifetime?