Source of those depraved "Elsa Spiderman etc." children's videos on youtube

Has anyone managed to figure out who the fuck is making these videos and who the actors are?

Everyone knows about them by now, but for all the reports on them, I've never really seen anything on who or what is producing these. Is there any expose on these things? It's not like people have had difficulty tracking down where some of these were filmed- this piece of shit was apparently filmed at 914 Undercliff Avenue in New Jersey:

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for interest

bump one last time

seriously, who the fuck is making these abominations, nobody seems to have an answer

there was a huge thread a week ago
about golden jewtube play button and MKU videos
you dont want to see those

There's a discord for this, I'm not gonna link it but there's a link to it in the /x/ threads on this (including one up now)

check out Voat this is more their thing than ours at this point.

There are different youtube channels doing this
.A french youtuber did a video about it not long ago.

Here is a thread about it on Voat.

Tacit approval from Disney really. I'm sure they are pretty aware of any ip infractions, especially ones this widesread. What does that leave u to believe???

Silence implies consent

Also, here is a flier made by a poster at Voat with expressed permission & encouragement to distribute.

Sorry I tagged the wrong person above, but this thread @ Voat discusses the investigation of who is behind the Elsa videos. I believe it was Honeybee on You Tube who tracked a Polish couple. But please read the thread. It has links in it.

Not surprised

This is a very important topic. BUMP

Watch H3H3's video on them.


Link it, i can't find it.

Dude what the fuck.
There's a pink spiderman jerking off with another spiderman humping his head.
A chick drinking beer.
How is this shit for kids?

i recognize that face

bump for this shit is WEIRD

How the fuck are there people on Sup Forums only just discovering this shit? Where have you been for the past 6 months?

What I've always wondered is what the purpose of these videos are. I highly doubt they're triggers for kids who have undergone a mind control program (like MK Ultra or Project Monarch, but the latter is heavily debated) since it would mean that a very significant amount of children have went through this type of programming. I'm talking in the hundreds of thousands, and keep in mind that some of these videos are Russian in origin so it can't just be a US thing.

Honestly, it does seem like it's a form of desensitization, but the more rational view would be to say that these videos are meant to be shocking on purpose to gain views, and by gaining views, they gain money.

where do all the (((views))) come from

Pro-tip, what rhymes with views?

look at the viewer comments on the videos, then look at their profiles....

H3H3 already covered it. At first it was failed YouTube pranksters, the Bradberry brothers. These are probably just foreign copycats trying to cash in on the trend, though Bradberry's used bots to inflate views.


It's much bigger than that.

bump. they all need to be exposed
>capitcha: pizza parma

I think they are intentionally fucking with the filters.
Here's a vid about it

where have you been the past 6 months? there have been threads about this shit daily

why do I get the feeling Pedostar's involved?

They bounce off of each other to gain views and subscribers.

You're right.

I bet the creators of it, are the same people who always shill this retarded shit on here for view.

You're not funny, you're not good, you suck, kill yourself.



Uhhh, what? That is literally what I'm saying. I've been right here witnessing the daily threads for the past 6 months. My point is that I don't understand how there are people in this thread just hearing about it all for the first time

CIA sexualising kids? Gimme those digits if I'm warm Kek

I came across one of these videos the other day.

My niece was watching cartoons on my sisters tablet and it switched to this weird 2D Paw Patrol cartoon, and I look to see what she's watching and one of the characters gets hit by a car and is lying in pool of his own blood. This is a 3 year old child watching this shit.

The video was on a channel called Super Pups TV.

Three sets of doubles. I'd say you are warm.


there we go lol, that was an honest roll too.

Praise Kek


In the future YouTube will be nothing but removed videos and these endlessly multiplying Elsa videos, like the heat death of the universe.

wew laddy

Holy shit checked.

The same people who Podesta is friends with. This is just a massive Jewish Pysop. This is what Youtube will look like by the end of the year, mark my words


This. Stop spamming this retarded shit on Sup Forums


Didn't somebody find out all of this linked to some poo in loo company?

Oh fug

But why? What does the cia get from this? What's the end game?