So, uh...

So, uh, how likely is it that the US gets totally decimated by North Korea and half of the mainland becomes an unlivable Chernobyl situation?

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Less than 5 % chance

>how likely is it that the US gets totally decimated by North Korea

High. A war would be a meatgrinder to make Vietnam look like a children's sandbox.

>half of the mainland becomes an unlivable Chernobyl situation
None, they can't reach the mainland.


best prepared nation in the world.
Thank You Ronald Reagan.


Starving Norks would flip the moment we start the food aid

They'd only hit the west coast, and it's all liberals there anyway. It would be an acceptable loss.

Low, since norks have at their highest 12 nuclear warheads.

>totally decimated by North Korea
never will happen.
north korea is new cold war threat.
they don't even have bombs.

So why haven't you taken the Orthodox pill yet user? The once and final real true pill?

-100000 % chance

I say there's a 0% chance the USA gets 10% of it's pop killed by nukes


atleast you guys aren't raping kids, i guess its a step up from catholics.

They barely have food why would you think they could do anything serious to the US?

Same odds as Kim unleashing the skeleton army he has secretly been cultivating to overrun the Earth.

Anyone else alright will the government having foreknowledge of this and allowing it to use as grounds for a full scale invasion of North Korea?

we don't worship idols and culture.
we are the melting pot of freedom.

California will perish
Oregon, too
The summer moon is coming
You know what they'll do

absolute certainty

revelation 18

They have a handful of fission weapons. Assuming by some miracle they all manage to hit the target and aren't intercepted they'd be able to take out one city at best.

Sadly this is how deplorables see it. That's why they don't mind war with DPRK.

If Tillerson and Mattis say sleep safe and comfy, Americanons, then I sleep safe and comfy.

North Korea will never attack the United States or its allies, because they don't have the backing of China anymore and they don't want to have the entire free world coming at them. They especially will not target anyone with nukes, because then their entire country will be glass before the ashes are even cold.

It depends if we actually have secret tech that never gets used.
If there really is advanced stuff sitting somewhere, it wouldn't be the time to save it.

NK can't do shit.

If you listen to your MSM, as much as chance TRUMP had of becoming POTUS (1%)

So you're telling me there's a chance.

yeah guys, they dont even have ICBM's! 50

heres another passage on babylon falling

after the nuke they all come from the north
and clean up the spoils

if we don't act rashly, not likely

Less then 1% but there is a high probability of an imminent calamity.

The real danger is that Russia could be triggered to join in the nuclear exchange.

are you literally retarded? we've sent literally billions in aid to NK. it never reaches the people

Because its all a lie, that good feeling is just your brain being fooled. Any other bullshit that's as well written would catch you too.

Im not seeing the US taking a nuclear first strike.

You could just let them take Guam and subsequently California before making a move.

1 post by this ID.

Not likely

This would imply two things that may theoretically be possible, but there is no concrete evidence of.

>North Korea has substantially more long range missiles than we previously estimated
>They're somehow more advanced than standard Russian and Chinese missiles and can get past our SAM systems

From what we understand, almost all their missiles are Chinese surplus bought years ago that they've barely gotten to work and lack any kind of real accuracy. In order for them to hit us accurately and for them to be more advanced, that would imply that their missiles were reverse engineered, improved, and covertly mass produced. A possibility, sure, but definitely unlikely. If they do actually have something concrete to back up their threats then we're pretty fucked.

No, but if NK did it, there's still a danger. Any nuclear strike risks triggering a global nuclear exchange. For a time, the US would have automatically attacked Russia if the US got hit, no matter where it came from. That's because Russia could have been behind it, and because Russia might take advantage of the weakened state of the US to preemptively attack. And the US might have automatically attacked Russia if Russia got hit because they might have followed the same reasoning. It's safer now with subs since there's more time to assess the situation, but still. Some of them might fire due to miscommunication. If they determine that the US has been hit, they need to receive orders to NOT fire.

I love your country! There's a band there that comes to the US to play at my uncle's party every year.

Which one and what genre? Trinidad is a bit of a melting pot of everything

report this thread
>1 post by this ID

this site is gone.

I was just busy reading all the replies. Is it bad etiquette to only post once?

Yeah, in your own thread

LOL you started the discussion nigganewfag

Oh, sorry. I'm a lot more of a lurker.

>North Korea

North Korea doesnt have the balls

>how likely is it that the US gets totally decimated by North Korea and half of the mainland becomes an unlivable Chernobyl situation?


there is no way they have enough nukes to do that. not enough material. not enough ICBMs.

Yeah, it would suck if they hit us with one or two, but that's about it.

It's simple math and common sense, OP.

>inb4 hurr we don't believe polls or science durr

there is a chance that a Jupiter breaks its orbit and crashes into the earth tomorrow and causes the planet to explode

it will when infantry pour into their country

Literally 0%

Assuming they're even capable of reaching the mainland, they won't even get a chance to detonate.

I rhyme on Sup Forums
to gather (you)s
my gaping hole
fisted by Jews

Actually no.
For Jupiter to travel that distance in such a short amount of time it would be breaking lightspeed.

They probably would only have 3 or 4 Missiles ready in the next 6 months, if even one launched and we saw it, chances are, ours a faster, more accurate, and more reliable. the second a nuclear strike against the mainland happens, a ten fold retaliation occurs. we also have a decent chance to shoot it down. decent in relative terms at least. our alaska based ABM system is in a perfect position for intercept.

>pic related, the USA is on the horse

Who the fuck would challenge someone with an assault rifle when all they have is a slingshot?

North Korea is either getting "The most retarded nation in the world" award in the next few months (or years) or they're just talking shit and won't do anything.

I think the Star Wars program more than likely turned out a laser like the navy unveiled last year. its very possible we have very advanced missile defense systems.

only if Deep Shit does a false flag nuke like the traitor fake government they are

Deep Shit need to be surveiled to find out what they're up to

To be fair they'll probably just try and raise the stakes until we pay them. Which the president won't allow if he has a choice. Then they're kinda stuck with their dicks in their hands.

America has never won a war on its own.


>Civil War

extremely so

Yes they can hit the mainland, quit with your bullshit.

But... they don't have a lot of nuclear material. They can't have enough to wipe out the entire mainland, nor can they reach the entire mainland.

the problem is, will china defend them or not? I mean, will Jews make us go after the Chinese too? Probably not since they work with world banking and the petrol dollar.

Forget the nukes, this post gave me super cancer. I'll be dead by morning.

shit. looks like i'm moving somewhere more fucking redneck than my current home


Man, nuclear explosions are beautiful

So unlikely that you're an embarrassment to the species for asking.

Are you fucking stupid?

Even at it's furthest distance (588M kms), Jupiter would only have to travel 6.8M m/s. Speed of light is 299.8 m/s.

Jupiter would only have to travel 1/44th the speed of light to hit Earth in 24 hours.

And base don timezone, ti could travel almost half that and still hit "tomorrow".

So get fucked with your stupidity; you are off by well over an order of magnitude.

*299.8M m/s

Less than 0.0001% chance
So basically
You're more likely to die from being gangraped by clowns than by a nork nuke

And you're an idiot

The chances are so remote OP that, in addition to you being a faggot, you also look like a fucking moron for even making this thread.

If history has taught us anything, it should be to never underestimate your enemies. NK can do some serious harm with enough nukes, which is why we should shut that shit down, right now.

Tell me about the upper left and upper right image (superimposed USA map)?


the united states has a bunch of nuclear power plants. 1 nuke + n power plant = forced buttsecs and dirty talks

going to make some popcorn and get comfy

super troll or super stupid.

Do we not have missile defense systems designed to shoot down ICBMs to ensure they never reach our coast?
Feels like this would be something they would have done during the cold war.

Our missile defense systems have a 40% success rate during PLANNED testing. The success rate during a surprise attack would be less than half of that.