White boy general

Post things that /whiteboys/ like: Ill start with cats.


Angry momma cat about to birth her brood of white offspring





Derp forgot pic





All cat bois are gays and traps. All white gay bois loves BBC and arab dick


Fuck niggers.

Mmmm afterbirth my favorite white food

stop being a faggot


niggers and chinks are nawt human

Panties and thigh high socks

damn thats not even close to discplining a cat

he proly made it terrified and it would shit and piss everywhere

I'll end with ponies.

Are the poor boys sad about it? For this reason you are betas.

dead niggers, what human wouldn't like that?

I still think Starlight>Twilight

Ur a faggot. Kill urself goof

Cry moar, white bois. You will never be a real man

i want to cum inside Rainbow Dash



r u sayin we wuz cat hurdez n sheeit

Take your black ass back to shithole africa nigger. No one wants blacks around anyway. Id rather suck a jews dick than be friends with a black "man"

How do you starve a nigger?

Put his food stamps in his workboots

Fucking useless ass hiv having fucking coon toons

crossdressing :3

love the bait . tastes good

Spotted the kike

Who cares what whitebois like, it's 2017.

aerosol can, air conditioning, automotive airbag, airplane, airship, alphabet, American sign language, animation (films), answering machine, amusement park, aspartame, aspirin, assembly line, astrolabe, AstroTurf, audiotape, ATMs, automobile, asphalt pavement, prepared baby food, flat-bottomed paper bag, Bakelite, ball bearing, balloon, adhesive bandage, bar code, barbed wire, barometer, battery, bicycle, blood bank, home freezer, blow dryer, atomic energy applications, Braille system, bra, bread slicing machine, button, buttonhole, calculator, calculus, Gregorian calendar, flee collar, camcorder, camera, movie camera, tin can, can opener, candle, canning, carbon-14 dating, cardboard and corrugated, cash register, cat litter, mail-order catalog, cellophane, cement, concrete, cereal flakes, chewing gum, chocolate candy, chronometer, pendulum clock, quartz clock, cloning, drip coffee, Styrofoam decaf coffee, coins, compact disc (CD), computed tomography (CT scan, CAT scan), digital computer, laptop computer, network television, adhesive labels, personal computer, reinforced concrete, latex comdum, geometry, contact lenses, oral contraceptives, hybrid corn, bologna, White Out, grocery coupon, crayons, cream separator, credit card, crossword puzzle, DDT, defibulator, dentures, metal detector, smoke alarm, artificial diamond, disposable diaper, DVD, dishwasher, DNA fingerprinting, doughnut, revolving door, drinking fountain, movie theaters, dry cleaning, fabric elastic, bottle caps, cigarettes, electric chair, electrocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram, e-mail, subway, passenger elevator, encyclopedia, air brakes, internal combustion engine, jet engine, liquid-fueled rocket engine, steam engine, escalator, eyeglasses, fax, fiber optics, fiberglass, paper envelopes, photographic film, dynamite, adhesive glue, steel suspension bridge, Venetian blinds, portable flashlight battery, baggies, multiple vitamin, vacuum flask, food processor, freeze-dried foods,

bright colors ^^

Soon I'll post traps with BBC

oxygen tank, frozen foods, magic markers, antifreeze, transistor radio, Fresnel lens, fuel cell, genetic engineering, tissue paper dress pattern, Gieger counter, "drive-through" window, glass, safety glass, greeting card, guillotine, electric guitar, chain saw, wire coat hanger, helicopter, holography, hypodermic syringe, fluoridation in vitro fertilization, ink, insulin extraction and preparation, integrated circuit, Internet, electric iron, food irradiation, jeans, JELLO-O, jukebox, Kevlar, Kool-Aid, laser, laundromat, gas-powered lawn mower, Lego, incandescent light bulb, fluorescent ligh bulb, ligh-emitting diode (LED), linoleum, tube lipstick, FedEx and UPS, liquid crystal display (LCD), lock and key, flip-top cans, chlorofluorocarbon (Freon), locomotive, longbow, GPS technology, soda pop, loudspeaker, voice mail, modern hang gliders, electric fence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), margarine, friction matches, metric system, microphone, microscope, microwave oven and other applications, wet suit, American baseball, Google, weed eater, miniature golf, golf, glass mirror, guided missile, supermarkets, musket, mobile home, electrical tape, electric wire, paper money, refrigerated trucks, Monopoly board game, Morse code, heart transplant, electric motor, outboard motor, motorcycle, computer mouse, books (codex), Muzak, nail, necktie, neon light, compressed rubber, nuclear reactor, nylon, oil lamp, oil well, tinfoil, nail clippers, pacemaker, paper clip, paper towel, modern parachute, concentrated fruit drinks, parking meter, hearing aid, particle accelerator, mustard (ancient Rome) pasteurization, modern universities, central community electric utilities, ballpoint pen, pencil, periodic table, plastic, snerf balls, personal watercraft (motor boat), petroleum jelly, plastic garbage bag, phonograph, photocopying, photography, Wikipedia, bluegrass music, WD-40, instant photography, digital photography, human genome sequencing, alternating current applications,

astro turf, direct current applications, Play Doh, steel plow, pocket watch, polyethylene, King James Bible, polygraph, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Post-It Notes, potato chips, movable type, Prozac, radar, radio, car radio, symphony orchestra, rayon, naval jelly, modern psychology and psychoanalysis electric razor, safety razor, mechanical reaper, LP records, refrigerator, TV remote control, hot dog, respirator, Frisbee, catsup, revolver, Richter scale, assault rifle, republic, roller coaster, Big Bird and Sesame St. characters, vulcanized rubber, basketball, American football, rubber band, Facebook, saccharin, cattle prod, Teflon, riding saddle, safety pin, vacuum tubes, wax paper, flares, communication satellite, saxophone Scotch tape, car seat belt, sewing machine, anthropology, Mars and moon land rover, shoelaces, silicone, skateboard, ice skates, roller skates, tooth paste, snow ski, steel-frame skyscraper, slot machine, snowmobile, soap, discount stores, carbonated soft drinks, sonar, postage stamps, windshield wipers, pickle, alternate speed windshield wipers, stapler, water treatment, steamboat, mass-produced steel, polyester, stainless steel, stereophonic sound recording, cloud seeding, stethoscope stock ticker, stock market, stocks, electric stove, gas stove, drinking straw, submarine, sunglasses, sunscreen, supermarket, music synthesizer, drywall, synthetic skin, military tank, tea bag, teddy bear, Teflon, telegraph, telephone, mobile telephone, telescope, television, thermometer, thermostat, threshing machine, pneumatic tire, rubber processing, tissue paper, toilet paper, flush toilet, tractor, transistor, traffic lights, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, vaccination, electric vacuum cleaner, Velcro, video game, video recorder, videotape, virtual reality, vision correction laser, electric washing machine, wheel, wheelchair, windmill, rickshaw, Wold Wide Web, digital wristwatch, X-ray, Zamboni, zipper, corn syrup, man on the moon, etc.


>You will never be a real man
Beats never being human, doesn't it?

why do your cats live in home depot packing boxes?

pure aryan are black african humongoloids

>Wh*Te bois
>enslaved pathetic niggers
>beta shit

>tortured cats
>alpha shit

lol, wut?


wee iz man cos we beet up n torchur kittn LOL


>no camping

You guys are pathetic and effeminate

Having black men jizz on their faces and being grateful it matches the color of their skin so it doesnt show

Because we're not subhuman psychopaths? Fun fact: All serial killers start by killing animals.

I do love me a casserole.


Hey guys Sup Forums used to be nothing but posts like these. Grow up.


I'm the guy that does pic related with the cats.
Basically I just hit them in the head until dead, good chance if you see a photo like my work in pic related it's my kill.

What happens in your video is what should happen to 99.9% of black lives.

why do you post this? What is your problem? You think you are tough or something?

Getting a Siberian kitty soon. Can confirm.

Oh really, you are a tough guy. Why don't you leave your real name tough guy?

This webm from the nigger hate threads but it makes me laugh a little.


Reply to me when you learn basic english
Its boy with Y

I don't have any love for cats, so this doesn't affect me

This, if you can do this without needing to eat the animal, you are fucked. Nothing short of a rope on a tree will fix you.

I wanna try this now.

I know you think you are a great troll and what not, the reality is that you are a sad loser who is afraid to post his real name and stands behind his claims. So the only option you have in your sad life is to larp as an animal abuser"

if you like to kill things, why don't you start killing muslims while they are walking down dark allyways?

Stop being a pussy and join the fight, or be a nigger like pic related and at least do a kickflip

We really love costumes.

Drop us your kikebook, youre so alpha we want to keep up with all your awesome videos

Anyone got a larger version?


The correct response is white MAN to the nigger

Guys wanna help dox this guy? Who knows the easiest way to do so? I will pay $1000 for his real name.

Have a based doggo

>Soon I'll post traps with BBC
just post it dude, no need to preemptively tease us little white bois with cats getting slaughtered, I want innocent traps getting violated now!

t. white black nationalist

I got 100$ for the bounty, we can do this. Bounty currently set at 1100$

lets go hunting user

Wew, calm down Sup Forums is a board of peace, anyway forgot the pic, geesh moralfags.
I have a bunch of work anonymously eat my cock niggers.

If by real man you mean a sub 80 IQ Untermensch then yes id rather stay white you nigger

Wew lad, I've just been chilling laid back resting, dropping comments as I read, didn't expect to get to this much salt.
Be a moral fag somewhere else.

Guys, let's do it. We need to stand up to this scum. We should not allow this kind of people among us here on /pol. Joke is one thing, animal abuse is another. Let's do this, his name surname and report to police for animal abuse. People like this should not be free.

cat deserved it, literally the most disrespectful animal in the world.

Use the correct form there is in basic english, white MAN or boy
Learn basic english
The BOI meme ended in 2015

Fellow Whites (because they don't emit a strong odor 24/7)

Dogs are more based
With them you can rip Tyrones dick off

Actually I remember another one like this, no not the cage one, any nigger hate thread people have it?

Sorry, Mexicanbro, you don't know because you're a spic.

White boi is not a meme, it's an acknowledgement that my race is in fact, inferior to the black race.

CMON LADS, bounty is on. Let's show this guy that this behavior will NOT be tolerated here. He who is killing animals will tomorrow hurt your child. He claimed to kill animals for fun, name surname -> police. Let him explain to them.

I want to unironically join a PrivateContracter group that hunts down the Hezbollahboo aboogaboo nigger terrorists in Africa.

>Remind me again who created western civilization

And its Spainard for you White Trash

I agree, fuck niggers, they deserve death especially when they're so inhumane. Dogs know affection aswell, unlike cats.

All the animal abusers in this thread are insecure little crybabies that try to act edgy because girls wouldn't dance with them at dances.

>inb4 "dances were gay u faggot"
Shut up, you know you went

very sad thread, needs spiderman

Bahahaha I just reversesearched my work and I guesz the image went VIRAL ahhhhhhh you'll never find me faggot.

Western Civilization was created by humanity, Europe was always a racial cesspool (north african immigration, eastern invasions, etc.)
People who invented Western Civilization are actually from all over the world, because they mixed with the Europeans.

>killing mammal rats is same as children
Nice slipslopslope, have any proof?

Then why did african tribes traded with whites, we traded them pigs and blades and they gave us niggers