What's wrong with hypergamy

I constantly see Sup Forumsacks complaining about how "shallow and gold-digging" women are.
Well what's wrong with women having high standards? Why should a pretty woman choose an average looking dude when she can have a good looking one? And of course your wealth matters, men with money are seen as successful (and women love success). Not to mention the fact that entrepreneurs are usually very confident which in itself is a huge plus.
Basically I think the best looking women should breed with the best looking successful men, and hypergamy ensures it
Am I wrong for thinking that, pol?

Nothing is wrong with it. But you must accept ita existence to make good choices in the world. The trend is to mask it and deny it. The new goal is to explain it so it doesn't ruin men's lives due to our own false idealisms.

The ancients knew it for 1000s of years. It was codified in their stories and religions and traditions. We have nothing as extensive to guide us now. Which is why we are now recreating the canon. Rollo probably does the best because he nearly explains and does not prescribe.


Institutions such as family, marriage, etc. are the basis of society. If you erode that, your society will fall apart.

I hate every second of this but I have to agree with communist on this one
I'm gonna take a shower now cause it feels filthy

I change my flags all the time. It's not an expression of my political views.

Your pic looks like a female who thinks she's a man.

I still gonna go shower, feels yucky ucky sticky bleh

Alain Delon is basically a sex symbol, whatcha talking about
Soviet grannies love him

This. It's not that "Oh Stacy broke up with me for Chad", it's "Stacy cheated on me with Chad even though we're married" and "Stacy divorced me once I brought it up, taking everything due to the rigged family courts, and now has financially ruined me and made my kids 1000 times more likely to be degenerates as they live with Chad now and I can never see them again."

>Chad mates with 12 women
>finally settles with 1
>11 kids (potentially more if twins) have no dad
>Kids raised by single mother
>Get fucked in the head
>Commit crimes, kill themselves since no strong father figure in their lives

Nothing, inherently...

I want me and ALL my friends to be getting laid.... but when all the men around you start sucking up to women and hurting me to pander to them of course I'm going to start fucking their girls and swindling them in business.

The "family" meme is fucking retarded. If you think a family can only be sanctioned by the state or the cuck cult you are a boot licking loser.

That is /r9kpol/ whining. Women will always be more attracted to more successful men. Success and good genetics are universally attractive. That's why these same useless neckbeards are dreaming about a tall aryan gf, not a 2/10 landwhale piss stain which is their female equivalent. It's easier to bitch and moan and give up control than to work on bettering. yourself. It's the voice of their weakness.

Sjw-net got to you /r9k/friendo

Does saying retarded things about one of the chaddiest chads of all time make you feel better? :^)

You are faggot who thinks somewhat that he is manly. Delon is pretty based.

Well, let's do a thought experiment:
> hypergamy accepted
> most women go in chad's harem
> betas have no reason to engage in building society without children to secure the future for or waifus to support
> chad has no reason to engage in building society because he's balls deep in pussy already
> no males engage in building society
> society collapses
That answer your question?
Women's wombs are the glue that ties the present to the future. If the glue refuses to touch most of the components of society, it all comes tumbling down

most men who complain about hypergamy are talking about women you blow up long term relationships (marriage) so they can have a one night stand with a cad, and then use the state to force the former husband to give up his wealth to finance her fucking men who will not provide for her. i.e. cuckoldry.

*who blow up

Tell this to your reddit friends instead


Beta males accept worthless women.

The problem isn't women's high standards. The problem is that even if a man meets her standards today, there is nothing stopping her from moving her standards up later on. This creates instability in any relationship she has including marriage and family.

Trips don't lie. And Chad, the dried up whore's boyfriend, will molest/rape any daughters you have with her.

It is almost always the single mom's boyfriend who rapes the children (either him or the creepy weird uncle). That's why I have no respect for mothers who date. Both her and her boyfriend must be gassed.

Women are stupid if they do not get hitched early. They think because they are HOT when young they will stay that way. Women age like milk, best when fresh.

Your error lies in the fact that women's sexual instinct hasn't been updated since the paleolithic era

reminder that the author of this shit is an eunuch pajeet

Would you enjoy being married to a woman that cheats on you?
Would you enjoy being married with a woman that has slept with fifty men, which may also expose you to STDs?
Most importantly, would you have a child with this woman?

When junior sees mom bringing home 3 different guys a week, he will have 4 different fathers in his head. When junior sees mom and dad fighting all the time because of it, he won't understand. When divorce happens, he suffers more than the parents.

If you're a waste of life and don't plan on living a monogamous life or understanding that your child will be the biggest obligation of your life, even over your own wife, you need to move back to africa and crawl under a rock.

Nothing is wrong with it, I fully accept and support Womens true nature. It was supressed because of "traditionalism" but thankfully thats dead now.

The only problem with it is that as a result of letting Women be free to choose (which is a good thing) you have an oversupply of Men whom aren't getting any and are starting to get irritated.
I'm not sure what to do about those betas since they make up most of the Male population, but if there is a way for them to accept that only the top 20% of Men should procreate then that would be ideal.
Unfortunetly however, history has proven that it isn't the case, betas will get more and more upset as time goes on. Perhaps acutally legalizing and supporting sex robot development is the solution?

>implying hypergamy selects in favor of civilizing characteristics
It results in meat heads, and groid tier offspring. Africa is rampantly hypergamous, if hypergamy is eugenic, then nignogs should be synthesizing antibiotics telepathically by now.

t. beta in denial

Don't worry, mate. Eventually sex robots and artificial wombs will give you all the love and family these souless harpies deny you.

Nothing, just don't complain when you're in your 30's and are still waiting for prince charming.