Increasing acid attacks

>Increasing acid attacks
>Increasing in violent crime
>Increasing Single motherhood
>Increasing childhood obesity
>75% of young people voted to remain
>Jeremy Corbyn for pm in 2022
>Working class are all scum
>Binge drinking capital of Europe
>Smallest house space in Europe
>Barely above America in PISA
>Just American lapdog
>Football hooligans
>None white rape gangs aided by police

Other urls found in this thread:


i had a lot of fun in london. i rode those big red buses all over the city. that female robot voice announcing the destinations every minute was unnerving though.


just put all your monies into crypto, grab a beer and laugh at societies colapse

i've lived in 4 countries, including UK (mostly Scotland, which is better than England probably)

I know the UK has a serious self-critical obsession in the media, which is good. but it's a million times better than America at least, you can walk places and ride a bike. it's really so much safer than america. quickly becoming America Jr though. I associate this also with the population change a lot and UK people being idiots who watch tele too much

eg in 1800
UK - 10 million
US - 5 million

UK - 38 million
US - 80 million

UK - 60 million
US - 300 million

I like UK (Scottish) healthcare more than DE/NE healthcare, because it's totally free and finances never come into it. I like how big a house I can live in in the UK, compared to the Mediterranean or NL. You still have the relaxed northern european culture but with a bunch of antisocial morons fuelled by American media

it's not too late

Since this is a thread about the ongoing blackening of europe, i hope it's fine that i post a strawpoll in here

Do you think, and do you want Day of the Rope to happen?

Please vote here

you may have seen me post this already, and i don't mean to spam, but i would like at least over 100 votes.

Look at it this way if corbyn wins then the country will implode within a year and we can just hit the reset button once the leftists and Muslims have killed each other, while with the Torries in charge it's a slow spreading cancer that will take years for the country to cure

>you can walk places and ride a bike.
You can do that in America. If it's the lack of sidewalks and public transportation you're bitching about you're probably a poor fag and can't afford a decent car and dirt cheap gas.

Go to a Latin american country
white guys are treated as kings
fucking backwards racism

Until the cartels take your children and hold them for ransom

>Working class are all scum
Fuck off toff cunt, bet you just couldn't handle the banter

I always viewed the most archetypical english as the working class and football hooligans. I hope nothing happens to them, they're fucking hysterical

The UK has the perfect constitutional conditions for a facist takeover really. There are practically no contraints on parliament's lawmaking power so someone could pass an enabling Act style Act tomorrow if they had the votes in the commons.

"I'm an Englishman."

"The Present Is a Foreign Country."

just don't look for trouble and don't be a rich guy you will be okay


>non-white rape gangs aided by police

You can't just say that and not explain your shit.

literally helping destroy the world and causing a future refugee crisis when you drive a mile to the supermarket to pick up your groceries retard

not your fault though, it's a society full of idiots who know only about their stupid car tradition and don't care about public space (because they don't know about it)

source: had a car, lived in USA

You've got to realise one thing. The elite (jews especially) not only wants you dead, they want you tortured and raped if possible before your life is ended.
The reason why they want it is very simple. They are fighting a war against the people (in the classical sense of the "Volk") for a people bound by a common culture are opposed to their globalist agenda of a central world government.
It is no mere coincidence that they choose the word "Populism" as the bogeyman they are fighting.
So, once you realise that they are fighting the people and everything that binds them together it is also easier to understand that policies aimed to fight this, by nature, will inevitably cause masses of natives or locals to die or be maimed in horrible ways.
Young girls being the primary target of the elites is not a coincidence either.
Young women are those who bear the next generation and thus perpetuate the existing culture.
The elite uses all kinds of strategies to limit the amount of well adjusted, physically and mentally fit children these girls will bear in the future.
One way they do it is through promotion of degeneracy within underage girls (age 6+) in particular being targeted by it ("wrist icicle, dick bicycle")
The other way they do it is through unleashing and protecting rape gangs an these girls.
There's no doubt that tens of thousands of white girls have been destroyed this way to agree, that effectively made it impossible for them to ever have their own family.
You must be blind to not be able to see it. These rapist literally get away with slaps on the wrist in many cases. A single anal rape of an underage girl by some Muslim immigrant is often not even punished anymore.
And if so, the judge will only sentence them to 2 months of public service. A white rapist on the other hand will be easily sentenced to 10 years or more.
That tells you all you need to know about it.

There was a thread a couple of hours ago in which an user posted a police report of sorts regarding "Asian" men grooming and raping 12-13 y/o white girls in different cities in the UK. The ones that were caught were given a 3 year sentence (they can get out in 1.5 years) whilst the rest of the group got away with no sentence whatsoever. There was also a report of some dads finding out about their daughters getting raped who went to confront the "Asian" men, only to be arrested by the police for harassment and racism.

Truth be told, the police knows about most cases of rape yet they do nothing either out of fear of getting accused of racism, or because they downright are hand-in-hand with the pakis themselves. The same report showed that there were a number of Police members (pakis themselves) that participated in the rapes, alongside local politicians.

where the absolute fuck have you been
pull your head out of your arse

F-fuck this world.
Britain, we will avenge you. With God as my witness we will fight alongside you and reclaim the glory of your nation.
Shoulder to shoulder, we must fight until we both are dust.

Did you only just notice?

Why does Portugal have the ISIS flag?

Only because muslims call literally every boy Mohammed, whereas Brits have a diverse range of boy names to choose from

Agreed with everything you said. I temporarily work here and it's not at all as good as it used to be. The car culture is fucking cancer that infects every part of city planning.

Now, the biggest problem with the UK is it's full of defeatists. America has go getters, the UK has far too many people who won't try anything despite having a huge social safety net behind them if they fail.

Extreme alarmists are worse than people who think global warming is a scam

Damn bro. Im american and i feel for you. Those videos are fucking inspirational. Reminds me of how i am and where i come from. I hope i help europe fight against it at some point. I dont think whats happening is right. Military fag here.