Why do liberals hate science and facts so much?

Why do liberals hate science and facts so much?

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Science doesn't equal truth.
Science isn't perfect, the scientific method is.



NeoLiberalism and Modern Marxism has postmodernism as its foundation which claims that reality is subjective which is antithetical to the scientific method.


Oh science and philosophy and culture all have to go. Because liberalism is about Marxist commie brainwashing.
Reality is subjective to the desires of the propaganda.
The current society must be broken in every way possible. White society. This means science, philosophy, art, all of it.
Then rebuilt into the world slave state.

>stop equating "science" to truth
>climate "science" is settled
Do these people even listen to themselves?

>developed through colonization

Hate speech detected.

Obviously not. They just do as kikes say.

Psychology as a field can't follow the scientific method.

>evolutionary psychology

can confirm science is not the problem here

It can, and it does. I have a degree in psychology. It's not science that's the problem, it's faggot liberals twisting perception

>liberals hate science
>conservatives do not

When did the switch happen?

I swear I was thinking this morning how I feel like I'm living in bizarro world.
Did I die?
Alt Timeline split?
I'm in a coma atm?

Interesting timeline nonetheless

Do they ever prove any of this?

Do pigs fly user? Well, there's your answer.

The fuck are you talking about. They fucking worship science.


After the right stopped trying to die on "intelligent design" hill and the young areligious right figured out that you could troll the fuck out of lefties who literally believe evolution stopped at the neck.

Do they even know what any of those words mean?

Didn't these leftist fucks do a march for science recently?

Well, they're correct in this instance... Science is not the be all and end all that some claim it to be.


>remove all of the successful people because they're white
t. (((white)))

Was it Slate specifically, or just smoe people who happen to be on that side of the line? If it wasn't Slate, or people they support/are supported by, then there is no contradiction. They are different people after all.

>lefties who literally believe evolution stopped at the neck.
There's got to be some huge resentment growing that's about to blow at some point. Scientists know it's true, and it's got to really bug them.

>hurr they're not a monolith
Because so many of them have given consideration to the biological differences raised in the memo. Slate is a total fringe example. Not indicative of the sentiment on the left at all.

Kill yourself /leftypol/ faggot.

for the love of Mike

if science isnt true, then what about climate change?

So the infallibility we should instead rely upon is that of the cultural commentators whose job it is to tell us what science is "fake"?

There is nothing wrong with this headline. Go back to redit retards

>When did the switch happen?
When it cames to race and gender differences, which is what the whole article is about.

Oh, is that what "decolonize x" means? Deemphasize / suppress any contribution to the field made by white people?

>science for the people
You mean Lysenkoism?

that and flooding the field with non-whites that just take up space to rub it in.

>words have meaning
E-except for when those words are controversial

If you can't accept the fact that I'm an asexual werecat then your bigoted white man science needs to be destroyed.

Sick. I guess science is just going to stop until the regime collapses then. Pic related


>proving that a system of proofs is evil


it's a parroting of judaic/marxist methodology

Science is good to remove God from our lives
Science is good when it proves we're all just animals

Science is evil when it doesn't fit the jewish narrative

>all psychology is behavioral psychology


Or it would have been, if I'd attached it

Because biologyfags are shitting on their 'transgender' agenda.

Science SHOULD be associated with truth. It's psychology that simply shouldn't be associated with science.

>climate models
Pick one


I don't know, man. It's like they've been cast under spell.

>climate models
>more like, god lottery
People need to stop thinking models are that accurate

Came to post this, pop was right yet again

>Over a decade of Leftists under Bush paint conservatives as anti-science.
>Now this.

The Left has gone full-circle.


No, they have always been like this, they just do a good job of memory holing anytime they do this.



Pretty much.

The 'spirit' of what (((Weinstein)))'s literal headline says isn't actually wrong. Taking an interpretation of the data shouldn't be regarded as truth.

But that doesn't mean shoehorning one's own interpretation in to spite the underlying data.

>Theory can (and often has) impact practice
fucking parallelism, get it right you mongo

It's almost like every major group pushing subversive material is headed by a Jew almost as if the Jews are conspiring to undermine everyone else

The scientific method can only validate the scientific method. Things which fall outside of it it cannot handle.

Lets say ghosts are real. I'm not saying they are but lets say they are. They defy every test possible under scientific conditions and yet clearly exist. At that point you need to find a way to prove with science that ghosts exist, but any time you try to run a test they simply refuse to spawn and leave you high and dry.

It's a silly example but a valid one.

>stop equating truth with truth


>neutrality aids the oppressor

Did they play their hand at last?

if you feel like reading their "argument"

It’s 2017, and people are still debating whether or not women are intellectually inferior to men, and whether we are entitled to a workplace that isn’t toxic to people simply based on their gender and sex. The Google employee memo about the apparent harms of diversity policies in Silicon Valley is both a shocking news story for the general public and for many women and gender minorities—especially of color—working in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine, a banal sign of normalcy.

At least science is helping us make progress, right? Science is sold to us as an almost holy, objective pursuit: a pure endeavor, a way of pursuing truth and only truth. As a high school senior planning to study physics and astronomy in college, I was thoroughly convinced that solving quantum gravity would trickle down to improved human relations. Of course, I was adorably naïve about both the difficulty that quantum gravity presented us (we’ve made little progress in the 18 years since I started university) and about the relationship between science and humanity’s various imperfections.

My education as a scientist did little to disabuse me of this simple view of science as a great unifier, as an objective means of distilling information. When skeptical members of my family argued that physics was dangerous because of nuclear weapons, I pointed out that it wasn’t science that was the problem but rather how people used it. But nowhere is it more evident that this perspective is flawed than when we consider the uses and abuses of evolutionary biology and its sibling, evolutionary psychology.

It is impossible to consider this field of science without grappling with the flaws of the institution—and of the deification—of science itself. For example: It was argued to me this week that the Google memo failed to constitute hostile behavior because it cited peer-reviewed articles that suggest women have different brains. The well-known scientist who made this comment to me is both a woman and someone who knows quite well that “peer-reviewed” and “correct” are not interchangeable terms. This brings us to the question that many have grappled with this week. It’s 2017, and to some extent scientific literature still supports a patriarchal view that ranks a man’s intellect above a woman’s.

It’s easy to end up in an endless loop of using our prodigious scientific skills to carefully debunk the shoddy science that props up this argument. This is important and valuable work, but it’s also worth considering why this loop exists at all. Science’s greatest myth is that it doesn’t encode bias and is always self-correcting. In fact, science has often made its living from encoding and justifying bias, and refusing to do anything about the fact that the data says something’s wrong.

Most saliently in the context of the Google memo, our scientific educations almost never talk about the invention of whiteness and the invention of race in tandem with the early scientific method which placed a high value on taxonomies—which unsurprisingly and almost certainly not coincidentally supported prevailing social views. The standard history of science that is taught to budding scientists is that during the Enlightenment, Europe went from the dark ages to, well, being enlightened by a more progressive mindset characterized by objective “science.” It is the rare scientific education that includes a simultaneous conversation about the rise of violent, imperialist globalization during the same time period. Very few curricula acknowledge that some European scientific “discoveries” were in fact collations of borrowed indigenous knowledge. And far too many universally call technology progress while failing to acknowledge that it has left us in a dangerously warmed climate.

Much of the science that resulted from this system, conducted primarily by white men, is what helped teach us that women were the inferior sex. Racial taxonomies conveniently confirmed that enslaving African people was a perfectly reasonable behavior since, as Thomas Jefferson put it, black people were “inferior to the whites in the endowments of body and mind.” Of course, this apparent inferiority never stopped Jefferson from repeatedly raping his wife’s half-sister, Sally Hemings, herself a product of rape. Jefferson is remembered as a great thinker, but when one reads his writing about race, it becomes immediately evident that rather than being much of a scientist, he was a biased white supremacist who hid behind science as a shield.

Unless they cite a study, then it is an undeniable fact.

The problem is that science was just the shield he needed in the 18th century, and unfortunately, it seems that it continues to function that way today. In other words, pseudoscience has always been a core feature of post-Enlightenment scientific knowledge and it remains that way because scientists refuse to integrate contemporary science, technology, and society studies research into university curricula. And so too many of us get out of school and end up in a world where we are suddenly forced to grapple with the reality of how science, in practice, is not as objective as we hoped. Enough of us have heard a man, sometimes the president of our college, sometimes our research adviser, express the view that women’s brains “just work differently” and “aren’t suited to technical skills” the way men’s are. Nonbinary people don’t exist, and transgender people are de-normalized in these narratives. Women of color listen to white women normalize Europe as the birthplace of scientific intelligence while telling us that our curly hair isn’t professional-looking. Senior men who we would hope could be mentors turn out to be our sexual harassers, and with some frequency, senior women tell us to suck it up and lean in, rather than helping us.

Last month, a study of women in astronomy and planetary science led by University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign professor Kathryn Clancy found that women of color especially suffer from hostile working environments. In June, I contributed to a Nature Astronomy feature on gender discrimination in astronomy. As someone on Twitter reminded me last week when I posted a new paper on particle physics, because the authors of the paper are women, based on the results of one featured study in that Nature Astronomy issue, we can expect 10 percent fewer citations.

No but his point is that Science, on both sides, shouldn't be taken as a kind of religion.

Science as a collection of findings gets a lot of flak for switching position but that's its biggest strength: when something is proven wrong, it can change. Compared to religious or political orders, Science is absolutely something that can be looked at as objective and willing to change.

I'll say this, as a Physicist by education: while it is important to understand Science as a adapting truth, it is also important to make decisions based on what is understood to be most likely at that moment.

(((Zimmerman) Fuck here we go again

They use a double double standard.
If the right uses science they cbash it.
when they use pseudo science, then everyone is a denier if they disagree.

A typical scientific papoer (like the ones I wrote) has a "conclusions" section, with typical statement like: "based on this data we found, this is what we think is the most probable conclusion". But most leftists have never wrote or read a real scientific paper. thye think a guardian article is a scientific paper.

because liberals are not leftists. they are right wing capitalists. a hallmark of right wing politics is ideology. science is the opposite of ideology. leftists are the least idealistic, especially with the use of dialectic materialism

Google bro would argue that we ought to consider the possibility that white women and racial minorities simply produce lower-quality work, which is why we struggle to be recognized as competent knowledge producers. It’s time to turn the tables on this debate. Rather than leaning in and trying endlessly to prove our humanity and value, people like him should have to prove that our inferiority is the problem. Eliminate structural biases in education, health care, housing, and salaries that favor white men and see if we fail. Run the experiment. Be a scientist about it.

The Trump administration is garbage but I find it funny that leftists believe they can lower themselves into that muck and believe they can come back out the moment they don't need it anymore

>conflating liberalism and marxism, which are basically opposites of each other

someone has never read "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" by Lenin.


lol the stupidity

liberals are right of center laissez faire capitalists who use identity politics to divide people along lines of alienated labor.... the OPPOSITE of marxism

you're fucking retarded

read here:

>Not for corporate or military interests
I wonder if he's aware that the US military, especially the Navy is one of the biggest researchers of "global warming"

dont fuckin dare you experimenting with society. I will experiment with your children, Mengele style. You fuckin people are total cancer. Play with your fathers dick, not with all of us.

This. Post-modernism is inherently and explicitly anti-science. Hell, it's anti-truth which is what makes this headline so strange. Why should a postmodernist care about whether science is the same as truth when actual objective truth cannot exist?

But, what do you expect from a rag like slate. They can't even be consistent in their inconsistency.

>Get excited because the headline sounds like someone attacking materialism/scientism
>Just a liberal complaining about how science proves niggers are dumb.

>using the 19th century definition liberalism in an attempt to discredit the conflation of post-modern liberalism as the term is understood with Marxism

Durrr Trudeau is the head of the LIBERAL party is he /our guy/ yet?

Can I get the link/archive?

>words have meaning
>but only the meaning I say they have

>liberals are right of center laissez faire capitalists
Not in America these days. It means something else here.

I literally copy and pasted the whole thing out for you, you ingrate. Spend four seconds googling it if you're so eager to see it with the original webpage design.

>hurr Sup Forums is not one person

They are NOT monolithic, and to think they are is lazy as fuck thinking and sets you on the road to disasterous fuckups.

> American higher education
What course is it anyway?


It seems to boil town to

>"ignore facts, belive whatever you're told by who or what you find the most charismatic"

Which more simply means

FEELZ > reals

If we build society based on prioritising truth and facts we get Western Civilisation, if we build one on "follow Ug, he funny!" you get disintegration.

business ethics

This. Its liberal shit unless it addresses its own flaws as a study, especially confounding variables. Psychology has its uses but should still be taken with a grain of salt.

This, so disappointed

Jor-El wasn't even being "censored"
It was just that nobody believed him. By the time they did it was too late to do anything about it.

The way I see it is post modernism doesn't dispute that objective facts exist it's just Human's interpretation and perspective on objective facts are inherently biased.
Small but significant difference.

Hurt feelings: the essay

Watch it Big Guy

>implying there is anything wrong with materialism/scientism

better pray to your jew on a stick/nature spirit/alien warlord or whatever the fuck you believe in


There is a lot wrong with it. It's literal dogma.

Reality has a well known conservative bias.