Why exactly do you hate globalism?

Why exactly do you hate globalism?

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Kikes, and other non-whites.

You aren't represented by your own government.....

Because the only benefit I get is SOME cheaper goods.

My job prospects are lower.
My income level is lower.
My housing prices are higher.
My rights are being eroded.
Free trade deals are not simply about reducing tariffs, but to benefit companies to the detriment of the robustness of our economy, our national sovereignty, and even national security and health.
And I still have to pay massive import fees for a lot of goods.


But isn't free market in general a good thing?

It ships jobs to whoever has the lowest minimum wage and corporate tax rate.
It eliminates cultural identities in favour of homogenized global-culture.
It is being heavily promoted by corrupt pedophiles.

Free market doesn't need globalism to work.

the national free market is good. the international free market needs the whole nation to be on a team.

The dissolution of identity and the forced acceptance of unacceptable cultural practices and ethics. And...globalism is under control of the Liciferians.

It ignores the fact that different rules and moralities apply to different people. You cannot expect a unified central law to be beneficial to everyone: it will destroy some and raise up others.

It removes the experimental aspect of lawmaking. The advantage of having separate sovereign states is that they can cater to the needs of their population and learn from the mistakes of other sovereign nations.

I don't think progress can come about as a result of pure cooperation or pure competition. There should be a mix, so that a greater diversity of interests can be attended to.

A centralized power will necesarily need to be extremely large and powerful. How could one expect it to not become corrupt and tyrannical?

Because current globalism advocates dont want a better world.They only want control over everything.
Globalism was a good idea,that got hijacked by (((them))).
Any realistic chance to leave the solar system requires a global effort.

how do you mean it?

but isn't a world-wide free market better than national free market?

>A centralized power will necesarily need to be extremely large and powerful. How could one expect it to not become corrupt and tyrannical?
I dunno, if a country with 350 million can work fine, why wouldn't a country with 1 billion, or even 10 billion people work? Where is the magical boundary?

globalists just can't seem to stop raping children

Which country with 350 million works lmao? Can you name any country that works?

your country?

Mainly because humans thrive on purpose, as in, humans will kill themselves if they have nothing to live for (see suicide epidemic in the west, vs suicide in the third world).

This is whats created things from isis to 3rd wave feminism. People want something to believe in and to fight for. We on Sup Forums are just as susceptible to this, but rather than fighting for a god, or for "progress" we fight for tradition, we fight for our people, we fight for each other, and most importantly, we fight for the continued existence of our way of life.

I guess you're retarded.

Globalism is another term for leeching off governments or individual people. For example a rapefugee gets housing and a job in an EU country, while my grandma who worked her ass off for 70 years doesn't even get a special chair to sit on because it's 7k. She has contributed to this country for 70 years and now her taxpayer money gets spend on Ahmed and Greece.


Because the once-great industrial powerhouses like Detroit and Chicago are skeletons of their former selves, and the low and middle classes are economically ruined because of the outsourcing of jobs to India, China, and Pakistan. Our national identity of hard-working Americans building a better future for not only the nation but the future generation is lost. The American Dream is hard to find nowadays..

We had a civil war within the first century of our existence, and we were tiny back then. Now we are almost at the cusp of another civil war, and so is Europe. Why? Because Europe is trying to become a super state, and some of the member states don't want that.

I think the only way civil war will happen in the US is if the feds try to confiscate guns nationwide, rather than letting the states decide.

Its short for: redistribution of wealth.

It's worse because it drives wealth inequality up by corporations using poor countries for their advantage. Free market will work to benefit middle class only in homogeneous society and globalism prevents that.

Fuck your conformity and fuck your single race.

Globalism is the glue between the red green axis of Wahabis and Communism. Its goal is to remove all middle classes all the middle rungs on the social ladder. Globalist masters want to make themselves into Techno-Pharos and the rest of us into slave peasants or worse. This is the most sinister form of totalitarianism.

Consetrating power and wealth into a small group of evil people. Why would anybody be against that?
Plus the 57 country Islamic voting block that wants to legislate Sharia in to world law.




Wow I should spell check first huh

I dont tolerate anyone having power over me, nor tolerate centralizing and organizing more power to others.

Also look at who the Globalist leaders are and where their money and power came from.Follow the money trail, it's also a trail of blood.


What we have here is a fella who has never read Revelations.

>let's give more power to even fewer people!

Yeah. Or:
>Let's fix an out of control big government, with even MORE government.

NWO ushered in by evil people that will combine the church and the state into a totalitarian regime

Because it's for the benefit of the already rich and power
Because not all people are equal
Because not all cultures are equal

Banking CEO's and their pocket politicians do not care if cities turn into violent multicultural dumps, as long as it increases their bottom line

We have enough examples of why this is bad without resorting to the bible.

Very true. It is indicative though, people 2,000 years ago recognizing the dangers of this bs line of reasoning.
My main reason I knew it was dumb since a child, is the fact that it would do away with ALL ability for anyone to oppose it.

Go get raped by shitskin you globalist faggot.

Really, as soon as Obama said it was okay for illegals to vote, we have been globalist.
I have been thinking since the election, that if were to really take place, every election would be decided by the people with the most money to bus in their potential voters just long enough to vote.
Transportaation companies would suddenly be deciding our elections.
I also thought, hey, since illegals are allowed to vote here, why don't we go to Mexico and vote in a white nationalist there? What's the difference?
We'll Make Mexico Great Again instead.

I dont. People on pol and in most places are sheep. By demonizing globalisation and spouting socialist propaganda ever higher regulations and taxes can be imposed. Only a few corporations that mingle in politics themselves are able to survive creating huge monopolies. And when they fail the goverment bails them out. We are slaves of the Governments now more than ever before, they controll all aspects of live and steal almost half of what is yours. Then when they destroyed your livelyhood they make you dependant on handouts like a hocker on crack. People have the delusion that democracy means self rule. But we are still being ruled. All the goverment did was loose its face and accountabillity. People notice that there is something wrong and that they are not un controll, not free so they make up conspiracies. What rhey fail to realise is that its ever growing govermnent, especially public goverment like in democracy or socialism that is exploiting them.

From the book, "The Secret Destiny of America," by Manly P Hall:
This, then, is the design of our foundations: that men shall abide together in peace, and shall devote their energies to the common cause of discovery.
Man is greater then the animal, not in strength of body, nor in shrewdness, nor in the power of his senses, nor even in skill or patience; man is superior because he contains within himself the faculties and powers, by which he can perceive his true place in a divine order of life.
His power lies in his dreams, his visions, and his ideals. If these intangibles are left uncultivated, man is at best but a superior kind of beast, subject to all the ills and vicissitudes of an unenlightened creation.
But, as man has locked within him, hidden from the public gaze, this diviner part, so is it true that human society has within itself, concealed from our common view, a nobler part composed of the idealists and dreamers of all ages, and of all races; who have been bound together by their common vision of mans necessity.
This is the secret empire of the poets, this is the Order of the Unknown Philosophers, this is the Brotherhood of the Quest.
And never will these dreamers cease their silent working, until that dream is perfected in our daily life. They are resolved, that the Word which was made flesh, shall become the Word that was made Soul.
The great University of the Six Days Work, must be built here in our Western world, to become a guide to the nations. About this shrine to Universal Truth, shall arise the democratic Commonwealth--the wealth of all mankind.
This is the destiny for which we were brought into being. The plan, which was devised in secrecy long ago, and in far places, shall be fulfilled openly...as the greatest wonder born out of time.

Wow, Manly, sure has an active imagination.
Without studying these people for years, even his excerpt can sound friendly, even something to hope for; but that is because you don't really understand it. Or you are a Communist/Satanist, or any of the other ists I document here. lol
He is outright saying, that some men are superior to others, not by race, but by IDEOLOGY. This of course has been the MAINSTREAM scientific view, ever since Darwin. Natural selection. Get it? Divine Order of life?
He is describing the Leftist Utopia, and the same SATANIC BS, which has been pushed by globalists, since time immemorial; that man, through his devices (science/technology), shall become God.
It is the same story as the Garden of Eden, the very lie told to man, by the serpent.
it is the same story we saw in Nazi Germany, using science, and genetics to create an ubermensch, a superman.
It is the same story we see in America, on the left, with the eugenics of abortion, and Margret Sanger.
It is the same story we see in our schools, being taught to elementary school children: Natural Selection, becoming unnatural selection.
It is the same story of the Egyptian Pharaohs, who through their, 'magic' sought an unending life, and the power of a god.
Interestingly enough, all of this started in Egypt/Babylon, and since the Pharaoh was considered god, and the Pharaoh WAS the state, in all ways that matter, Ancient Egypt, was in fact, both Satanic AND Socialist/Communist; in all ways that matter. Interesting eh?
Mr. Hall makes their motives quite clear, for those of us who have studied them, as much as they have studied US, when he says their goal is to make the Word which became flesh, become the Word which became Soul.

The Word that became flesh, is the word the Freemasons/Jewish Mystics, and all related Satanism, believes was spoken by the Great Architect (Lucifer, or God, depending on which one you ask), which made all creation spring into being. If that sounds familiar, it is because it is the EXACT same story, as the Big Bang Theory. Another interesting factoid eh?
Those people enlightened enough to understand their place in the divine order of life, is not any of you.
Only those who worship man as God, will be allowed into the New Order, dreamed up by these fruitcakes. 666, which is the symbol of a
Those who do this, who fall for this deception, will be damned by God, no matter your religion. Or damned by those you follow, for being a Useful Idiot, if you don't believe in God, either way, you are screwed.
For you see, Mr Hall ALSO describes the fate of the people who are not capable of understanding their place, in the new order of divinity. These are those who are, 'but a superior kind of beast, subject to all the ills and vicissitudes of an unenlightened creation.'
Understand what Mr. Hall is trying to tell you all now? About the world, and your place in it? I hope so.
Doesn't it make you feel all warm, and fuzzy inside?

What a ruhtard. Socialism IS Democracy.

>destroy borders
>eliminate national sovereignty
>form unions carving the world in 4
>unions ultimately report to a single governing body
>total subjugation through a one world government
>humanity's enslaved
>Earth rebranded as Rothschild World opens for intergalactic reptilian tourists in 2030

This enough for you?

It denies U.S. sovereignty.

>immigrants first

Well, no other country allows non citizens to vote, so you would go to jail.

Hit the nail on the head, Cananon

New World Order actually makes reference to this Divine Order of Life. That is wtf they are really talking about.
They will be the Gods at the top of the divine order of life. This was ALWAYS wtf they meant. Also that it would be born in the NEW WORLD of course.

Yeah, it was mainly jest, and to make people run through the very thought process you just had, and make people realize this is not about Globalism as much as conquering American sovereignty.
You have to find a way to make these autistic Commies think this shit was their idea, otherwise they will never even hear you.
You have to do the same with women.

People need to differentiate between globalization and globalism. First one is us being able to communicate with everyone on globe this easily. Second one is someone wanting to have 1 language, no borders etc...


There is a difference between the two, but globalization hardly means only communication. That's utterly ridiculous.

Really Globalism is a noun, and globalization is the verb describing how to affect said globalism.
Commies are so fucking dumb. Do they really believe the crap they spew? Or are they only in it for the shekels?