People who take games too seriously!!!

Yoo Sup Forums, what do you think of people who take (((vid)games)) way too fucking seriously?
Story below.
>Be me and friends often ply games together only and chat a bit
>be together in discord groug.
>We start playing CSGO
>Friends start caring about rank
>Start telling me: “He user, become better. I don’t want to lose moj rank…..”
>Ok… ignore better things to do.
>Few week later
>Joins discord with 5 people in it
>”Hey user, pls mute yourself we are in a match REEEEEEE stop talking REEEEEEE”
The fuck is wrong with gaming fags?
Btw we are all 16-20 years of age.

You are just kids, it's not that bad. But hit the gym. And lift heavy shit, not the usual 3x10 faggotry. Do Stronglifts or Starting Strength.
Gaming by itself is not bad, kids would behave the same way over sports, cars, girls...

People need to remember video games are for fun. I knew a guy over Xbox who played ark survival evolved 24/7 in fact his girlfriend left him because of this. He was a dick but it was still sad.


Sounds like you need to git gud.

>But hit the gym
I started going to gym and I really like it. But I knew nothing about strength training/body building/fitness. So I took an introduction course. This gym faggot gave me a 3x10 schedule but now mostly do pyramid.
>you are just kids
This is the time to grow up

I rather git gud at something else.

g-gamerfood is that you?
>bomb chechens who take islam way too seriously at

Who is g-gamerfood?

There is no time to leave videogames behind.. i pretend to play until i fucking die of old age, just dont let it interfere in your life too much

I play Ark lol!, i am playing it right now, its a very time consuming game.. you gotta protect your base, dinos, watch out for pvp, but is fun as freaking hell

Competitive games are always gonna be like that. People want to see themselves improve and when it doesn't happen or doesn't happen fast enough people have a hard time dealing with it.

I know there is nothing wrong with playing vidya just be relaxed while playing.

Hit the gym or get a job where you meet a lot of people. I already work full time but started working at a bar on night. Get a pocket full of cash, meet girls; and can daily make improvements, as I have to be presentable and clean

>Yoo Sup Forums, what do you think of people who take (((vid)games)) way too fucking seriously?

It depends. I think all competitive gaming is great. It hones the mind. Like chess. Builds camaraderie. Gives the player a meaningful sense of mastery and isn't just RPG bullshit where time wasted and pressing the same button is rewarded.

But all things in moderation of course. If it's straining your friendship... you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Or your friends.

I'm glad I never got into team based games. My thing back in the day was fighting games. I think overall it was a better environment than most PC gaming competitive scenes.

>(at the time) lots of offline so people are getting out of the house
>people aren't rude fucks when there is a chance they'll be smacked for talking shit
>few women to attention whore
>all around chill atmosphere because sausagefest
>team tournaments are actually supportive. it's not like a MOBA or an FPS where if one person fails, the whole team falls apart and then turns toxic on each other. if one person fucks up, you put all your energy into supporting the next man on your team and even the loser on you team has contributed by learning a bit about your opponent.

Also: One of my mates was a bit lacking in some areas, I'd play one-on-one with him to address his weaknesses instead of being a prick and saying "hey user, get better I want to place in higher the next ranbats." I guess you can't really do that in CS.

>taking MM seriously
these people annoy the shit out of me. If you actually want to get good at a CSGO you have to

1. Improve mechanical skill (movement, aim, etc)

2. Improve game knowledge

If your friends want to take the game seriously, tell them to start an ESEA team and get shit on in open. After a couple seasons they *may* get out of open. Tell them MM is for normies.

You fucking suck so just stay off the games

rts players are the worst, I hadn't played one in a decade and then I tried 0 AD and the players are fucking unpleasant lunatics. They freak out when someone builds walls, even though it is a legitimate strategy and just overall are competitive losers. Only the starving south americans are ok

You can do it in CS, back in the 1.6 days we used to do in-house 10 mans for practice. Nowadays people are a little too sensitive and immature to do that.

this is true though. I played soccer when I was younger and almost no one could comprehend they were simply playing a game and would flip out over the most idiotic shit. The worst part is being a little sour fuck in a sport and taking it too seriously is considered virtuous for whatever reason

>just relax
>don't take this too seriously
>just be a nihilist, user

casual scum

M&B had/has a great userbase though, I don't remember ever running into a crybaby on there even if they're getting absolutely decimated

The fuck is wrong with gaming fags?
>we are all 16-20 years of age

Just troll them and laugh at them. And if he gets too autismo ask him why does a video game rank mean so fucking much to him. He will prolly get personal since he understands it's a useless badge but just keep laughing at him and his obsession and he'll ragequit.


>Yoo Sup Forums, what do you think of people who take (((vid)games)) way too fucking seriously?

I love them, most of the time the only reason i play vidya is to fuck with people. I think people all caught up in competitive "e-sports' are generally faggots and i avoid them. Also you should get some real friends, not ones that will rage at you over a video game.

I don't know how old you are but I think when you are older than 15, you should not lose your shit over some online gaming match.

I just wish banter actually existed in games. I bant with people, make stupid insults ironically and they flip their shit and freak out over mic. It's not my goal to troll people, just to hangout with beer while playing mp and banter

I guess I forget that most English speakers aren't from the Northeast or the UK/Ireland/AUSNZ

Perhaps I was unclear:
I'm calling both you and your friends faggots for taking a video game so seriously.

Nah, dude. In the military they give you shit if you can't figure out ranks.

I know that, I was AD Navy Reserves while in college.

>Be shit
>Have to be carried
>Can't even pull your own weight
>"It's just a game guys"

CS:GO is literally just hand eye co-ordination, if you can't reach at least gold on raw skill a lone you're a clumsy oaf

>The fuck is wrong with gaming fags?
their brains are strongly stimulating them every time they 'win' in the game. It's like a drug addiction.

The older you get the less powerful this stimulation is. Games become more of a chore.

>competitive friends doesn't wanna play ranked
>gets surprised that your chatter is interrupting
you haven't played in weeks and clearly suck at the game. winning is their fun, you're ruining it.
I'm guessing you're the 16 year old in that range, grow a pair.

get gud kid. you will never earn your friends respects just talking

>it's just a game you guys
t. shitter

Hahaha, I also love to troll fags online but these are my friends

>be young me
>play wow with gf
>go dungeon
>get loot
>special autists weapon drops
>me want roll 100
>bitch gf gets mad as hell
>drops me
Still loving her for opening my eyes about women and games.

Perhaps I was not clear, I don't give two fucks about any give game.

I'm one of the smartest of them bitch

I want to do this to.
What games are you playing??

Stop playing competitive PVP games with toxic communities, that would be a starter

But you seem like someone who suck anyway, just go play the next CoD like all other casual shits.

>I just wish banter actually existed in games

Oh yes me too, rather than 15 year old faggots typing "salty and kys"

Why do so many people say that shit? It blows my mind that people can't come up with anything original.

Boosted katka delet life blyad fucking silver

Btw if any of you want to play a good based WW2 game, get Red orchestra 2, its the best