The Holocaust DID happen. Deal with it

The Holocaust DID happen. Deal with it.




>Holocaust DID happen. Deal with



Real or not, it's shame they weren't holocausted, the world would be a better place right now. No communism, no mass immigration. Kebab wouldn't be going nuts and if they were the proper action would be taken.

sure it happened but the kikes fucking had it coming after trying to ruin the greatest nation to ever have existed

Literal commies.

it should happen again

big if true

I don't dispute it's happening. I dispute the final number and the overall endgame.


again with this conspiracy theory?

Any facts to back that up?

>you can only learn things in college!
>there's no way you could learn about things without getting a degree in that subject!

Contact local news m8

The Holocaust Megathread

Everything you need to btfo these shill threads and more.

>. No communism

he forgets that the german empire LITERALLY GAVE lenin a ride to russia.

linin was helped and supported by the german empire.
>In February 1917, the February Revolution broke out in St. Petersburg – renamed Petrograd at the beginning of the First World War – as industrial workers went on strike over food shortages and deteriorating factory conditions. The unrest spread to other parts of Russia, and fearing that he would be violently overthrown, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated. The State Duma took over control of the country, establishing a Provisional Government and converting the Empire into a new Russian Republic.[123] When Lenin learned of this from his base in Switzerland, he celebrated with other dissidents.[124] He decided to return to Russia to take charge of the Bolsheviks, but found that most passages into the country were blocked due to the ongoing conflict. He organised a plan with other dissidents to negotiate a passage for them through Germany, with whom Russia was then at war. Recognising that these dissidents could cause problems for their Russian enemies, the German government agreed to permit 32 Russian citizens to travel in a "sealed" train carriage through their territory, among them Lenin and his wife.[125] The group travelled by train from Zürich to Sassnitz, proceeding by ferry to Trelleborg, Sweden, and from there to the Haparanda–Tornio border crossing and then to Helsinki before taking the final train to Petrograd.[126]

The people who bullshitted about their stories though, like pretty much every one of those millions of "holocaust survivors", they really were/are bullshitting though, for gibs. Just so we're clear. Because, as you know, these kikes are conniving fuckers who lie like fuck if it creates more opportunities for shekel harvesting.

>Kebab wouldn't be going nuts

do you forget that htler was allied to the iranians? and respected muslem warrior culture?

>Warrior culture

Pick one lad

>>Warrior culture

what is jihad?
hell the shitskins are literaly taking over youre little island and forming rape gangs.


Blowing yourself up at a childs concert, killing young women and children is jihad lad.

What can one man like myself do to the most protected demographic in this country?

And you can fucking talk cunt. Ive been to Belgium and the amount of shitskins I saw compared to Belgians was laughable. Atleast ours are only in the cities lel

They weren't allies during WWII.
See: Teheran conference.

Universities are indoctrination centers for social egineering people and then they say anyone who wasnt there cant be smart or cant know REALLY about stuff.

>Hahaha you think that the Holocaust never happened but have you ever seen this part of an article I clipped out that says that someone else says that it did? Checkmate.