After only one year of nonstop, 24/7 shilling of Muh Russia by every single major news network, TV channel, blog, newspaper, magazine, celebrity, twitter feed and Democratic politician, nearly HALF of Hillary voters believe Blumphf illegally colluded with Russia!

That's a full TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of the voting population -- good luck winning any elections now, Donny Tinyhands!


#impeach #blumpfh #stumped

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what a wierd way to say that 3/4 americans don't believe in it

25%. Much less than the percentage that voted for Hillary.

How many people took the poll?
There you go

This. I thought it was about 60% that believed it according to polling. What happened?

Because it sounds like more people to the average american who doesn't know basic math. 1 in 4 sounds better than 25% or 3/4

nothing happened, just shills making up statistics

So more people think Obama was born in Kenya? Than trump Russia tie?

It's fucking hilarious. Literally thousands of hours of shilling Muh Russia on cable news alone, and they've managed to convince the crazy half of the Democratic Party base who already believed it.

They didn't move the needle one bit. And then that hilarious headline




The MSM is toast.

So... only half of democrats believe their 24/7 propaganda?

>25% of the voting population hates trump
>52% of them voted against him



You faggots are starting to doubt yourselves after jack shit happened.

60% of people think that Russia attempted to influence the election in some way. Out of those people, less than half believe the Trump campaign had anything to do with it.

Nice 60 mile wall and eclipses and nukes and sept 23



> after nonstop headlines, we convinced 25% of the people we normally poll that Trump is guilty of the crimes we say he committed

In what industry is 25% a successful conversion rate? Seems pretty low t b h

Lost by 3 million. One third support and dropping. Muh independents. You cant afford losing a quarter more of all beetus claps

Where do these polls come from? Who does them? Why have I never got asked to do one? Why has no one in my family who supports trump been asked to do one of these polls? Or do you have to be some liberal idiot who pays attention to these liberal websites?

Yeah it's not looking good for Drumpf.

>25% of Americans are mentally retarded
This is unbelieveable. I would have thought the number was at least 50%.

Of course they tried, it's the Russians, they try to influence every election.
You would be retarded not to believe that.

You just rig all online polls you see and still nobody likes the guy

14% of people believe in bigfoot.
21% of people believe that a spaceship crashed at Roswell, NM
29% of people believe they have communed with the dead
4% more people believe they have communed with the dead than those who believe Russia secretly overthrew the United States of America.

>the hill
o i am laffin

>orange kikes are based

That's why he's president right? Keep listening to fake "polls"

They also believe that Russians hacked the voting machines, and that Putin pays money to Trump.

Are these the same pollsters that said Hillary had a 98.4% chance of winning?

>oh muh russia

you're trying way too hard, fag.

The jewlectoral jewllege
>dont overrepresent big states; do that for fly overs; nobody will live in them for some reason if you dont and this is NY's fault
Hi Bibi

so half of democrats don't buy their own bullshit?

Nobody likes the synagogue of satan. You think you're exclusive on here. You're nothing but sell outs and pagan pedos

It's time to take the LARP flag off and stop posting, friend.

the US STILL is the biggest influencer of elections around the globe, and you can just bring this fact up in "muh rubsia" discussions to end them short.

Difference: Every news channel didn't spend a solid year telling everyone, all the time, that a UFO definitely did crash in Roswell.

25 percent is all they have to show for all that time, money, and effort. 25 percent. And how many of them didn't believe it already? How much did they actually move the needle?

someone did, since he won more electoral votes and not just Cuckifornia and New Cuck City

Keep having your period
>america isnt a larp

>he missed david brock's class on how to fit in

so if 25% of the people in this thread think you're a faggot, it is true?

Oh so your one of the ones still upset about the electoral college? Grow the Fuck up

>jewlectoral jew "votes"


What did you mean by this?

>1 in 4 people are retarded
Ya dont say



The other 25% must be Bernie supporters who know that the DNC and the media cheated them and that is what was learned from the leaks.

Trump helps that along. No worries. Just the news of a grand jury already fucked your illegitimate shitty presidency. No way you can recover

>pic related

I don't remember The Hill coming to my door and polling me, or anyone on my street for that matter.

Why even vote at all? 300 million mean fuck all compared to 300 jew kings nobody knows anything about. My state voted for one party but the other one blew me and paid me so Bush wins

25% of America are fill blown retards. Nothing new. Just typical CNN viewers.


>25 arent traitors so why arent 100 traitors

Well, you have nothing to worry about since your guy said we all died in 2014.

Until we re-elect him in 2020 by an even bigger EC margin.
Stay mad faggot.

Sept 23

The point is msm and deep state spent all that time and effort pushing this bullshit story and nobody bought it.

Trumps approval polls are down (because he hasnt locked her up yet).

Maybe the dems will do alright in the mid terms (aside from the fact the only reason people say disapprove over the phone is because he hasnt locked her up or gotten rid of Obamacare).

Perhaps the party that voted for Obamacare in the first place will gain power (in the hopes they suddenly try to get rid of obamacare)

repeat my other post. Fags begin to doubt themselves.

What this article means, is that one in 4 democrats believe the hog wash. They do not consider conservatives and independents people.

Is that when youre gonna kill yourself? Be sure to livestream your suicide so we can watch.

>25 is 0
>treason is cool

Frog demons are more prone to do that. Not the people who uncover kikeroaches

dont think you know what this means.


Wake me up when I am dead.

Brilliant rejoinder.

5 million illegal votes. you're going to be back in the closet by 2020.

It's a bastard presidency

Nothing close to those in Bible. One year after the first one the fatty molech party caused 9/11 and 2012 might have been just an opening to your shit shows
Youre a kike you dont know what anything means

25% of 350 million or so people is very insignificant

More people believe in ghosts and that they can psychically talk to the dead dude. Pretty pathetic shit m8

CNN is full of shit this is why they and many other liberals want to control the internet.

All balanced out then. 33. Trump necked with pence

You guys should realize that Russia had no dog in 2016's election.

Watch an interview of Putin when he's asked about who he prefers for Potus in 2016 and he'll give it to you straight. When it comes to Hillary's inflammatory remarks about Russia, Putin said they whisper in his ear that it's just for the campaign, and that once the election is over they'll have a real discussion on what to expect. When it came to Trump saying nice things about Putin and Russia, Putin thought it's a good sign for sure, but nothing guarantees that his rhetoric will stay the same once he's in office.

>around 100 million people are shit
K. Or should i say F

Do you suck dicks?

Do you drink cancerous candida fungus?

It was probably mostly city folk, which makes the results even more damning to the "muh Russia" narrative.

Even if the Dems won all the seats for the house and Senate in states where Hillary beat Trump or Trump won by three points or less, they would lose five seats in the Senate and still not have the majority in the house. That's why their new plan is to lie saying they support policies Trump has been vocal about. But they will obstruct til the midterms and if they get elected they won't do anything they said they would. They never do.

Also the plan for Obama care was to ruin health care so they can implement single payer.

Also 7 out of 8 of Americans dont give a fuck even if he did.


About half of Americans are not even white, what the fuck do they matter? Why does media think this is relevant, lel, even normies know this basic bitch stuff.

> MSM nonstop shilling the Russia narrative for months and months.
>Only manage to convince half of Libcucks
>People who didnt and never would vote for Trump
Stay mad cuckboy.

Yeah, and 9 in 10 Americans believe the holocaust happened.

I think you mean 12.5% of TRUE AMERICANS think BLUMPF should be impeached for his RUSSIAN HACKING