Are you still racist Sup Forums?

Hah, that's so 1910.

Are you guys still sure?

I know what Sup Forums will say but I was never racist, I hate people based on their actions not stuff they have no control over

Same dude. Some racist jokes can be funny but I'm not racist.

Are you still Marxist faggot?
Hah, that's so 1917.

it's hip to be retro

>(((not racist)))

Dam what a beautiful queen.

These images are so obviously photoshopped that I felt ill just looking at them. KYS faggot.

>judge based on actions
>blacks still act like niggers
You'll end up a rayyciss either way

then I hate those niggers, but if I meet some black guy for the first time I won't judge him to be an asshole until he acts like one

Yes but my penis isn't.

There is never enough black qts in a thread.

bad bait, fuck the niggers and any kike that supports their degeneracy.

>Hah, that's so 1910.

No its so 1488

I am now, niggers are disgusting, thanks for warning me OP.

Would fuck, but not breed

I never was and never will be, I love every race. I just love my race more. every race has a right to exist and prosper. its a shame the powers that be aswell as the pro globalists and a lot of people both of my race aswell as all other races think otherwise.

ngl lads i'd definitely racemix w/her

No, I'm not racist. I respect all indians, arabs, asians, and europeans.

How is an image of a monkey related to racism though?

How do you get past the smell of black women? I'm not attracted to them in the least and think they are subhuman. However, I get that trendy white males that want a black pass go for the black women. To them I ask: Do you plug your nose? Do you secretly bathe her/shampoo her hair/extensions?

Even if I did find pic related hot, I know that as soon as I get within five feet of that crotch, my nose will be assaulted by a gamey, sweaty acrid smell. Not a good look if you ask me.

I'm not racist I just won't spend time around or interact with blacks when I can avoid it. Most are absolute niggers. It's not my job to find the "good ones".

looks good only because of white characteristics


Yes. Black women are hideous, this one included.

1910 was a far better time

these are disgusting who put clothes on these animals and thinks they are cute? leave em in the wild

Misshapen and gross.

>some black guy
It's not some black guy that chimps out, it's their group mentality.

A black individual can function on every level in a white society his personal capacity allows, but as soon as they grow in numbers and black group mentality kicks in, well...
Just look at every majority black city/country. They are all fucking shit, everywhere, no exceptions.

I do not think blacks are inferior in intelligence, but if they are the ugliest.

People don't even know what racism is today. If I say nigger I'm not racist, words and jokes aren't racist. The idea I'm superior and should be treated differently is racist.

That's why the only racist ones are the minorities who want special rights

>I do not think blacks are inferior in intelligence
Look at the state of the countries and cities they run. I bet you'll never type that sentence again.

I'd mate her with my best buck.
then use her as nightly gift reward for the negroes that work harder.

I understand that you want to breed with white women, but you don't need to say women of other races are always disgusting. That's a lie and you know it.


I'm racist but I have a black girlfriend. What now?

You're still agaisnt slavery?
That's, like, so 1865.

sorry, not into bestiality.

>I'm not into bestia-